FEATURED Morning Pops!


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Good afternoon Pops and friends. Another warm mid 90s day today. The tropics make me nervous this time of year. The weatherman says there are some systems brewing way out there. :confused:

Planning to head to South Texas early Sunday morning. Hopefully I’ll arrive before the kickoff. My mom is doing well TTG. The Mrs is staying home until Thursday then she’ll head down there by bus. It’s a lot hotter in South Texas and they don’t get much rain but there is something Magic about it. Maybe that’s why they call it the Magic Valley ;)

Go Cowboys! :flagwave:


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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Good morning Pops and Zoner Friends,

Jet lag hit me hard this morning. I've been up since 2:00 am and have vacuumed and mopped, washed a couple loads of laundry and am now watching the Cowboy game on fast-forward.

Got a lot of observations about the game but, can be summed up as - this offense bares little resemblance to last year's and that's a good thing. On the other hand, the defence looked a bit out-of-sync - especially the run defence.

Did I mention that it is great to be home... Now I am ready for a morning nap.



Confused about stuff
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
So, to expand on my previous post:

I got to work this morning at 3:30 a.m., to find that nobody completed the paperwork I needed today, so I had to write a hand written bill of lading for my first stop. Unfortunately, the name of the business was incomplete on the loading copy, and I had no idea what the COD amount was, so I had to call my boss this morning, once he got to work at 7.

Turns out he never turned the paperwork in, so the customer never got called with the COD amount, so now I'm sitting here waiting for someone who may or may not show up, and I have no idea what time he normally comes in...and he's not answering his phone.

Yippee, I love my job.


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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
So, to expand on my previous post:

I got to work this morning at 3:30 a.m., to find that nobody completed the paperwork I needed today, so I had to write a hand written bill of lading for my first stop. Unfortunately, the name of the business was incomplete on the loading copy, and I had no idea what the COD amount was, so I had to call my boss this morning, once he got to work at 7.

Turns out he never turned the paperwork in, so the customer never got called with the COD amount, so now I'm sitting here waiting for someone who may or may not show up, and I have no idea what time he normally comes in...and he's not answering his phone.

Yippee, I love my job.
And, therein is one of the factors contributing to my early retirement:. My level of intolerance at workplace incompetence crossed over my retirement savings line.



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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
And, therein is one of the factors contributing to my early retirement:. My level of intolerance at workplace incompetence crossed over my retirement savings line.

My reason wasn't so noble, I don't like work. Hell, I may be one of those that drove people like you into early retirement. I'd rather be incompetent in the workplace than at home having a good time. I am competent at having a good time.


Regular Joe....
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Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to any and all who stop in today to read this thread.

Hump day so by all means, avoid the one who gets humped on (Looking at you RWB...).

How is everybody today? Think I might see I might be able to do for a weekend meal this week. I feel like something a little different but not sure what yet. Any ideas for me?

9/11 today, was watching the memorial this morning. It's been 18 years now, hard to believe.

RGV, have a great time with your Mom!

Colo, get your schedule right and sleep for three days Brother!

This one is going out to Xelda!


Coach, you got anything going on today?

Jobs, Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John, Jan, Corso and Colo, Have a great day all of ya!

People, work hard, get hump day in the rearview and lets head towards the weekend!



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Afternoon Pops and friends. Thank you for the funny, ABQ. There's a different mind set for people that live alone. With utter silence late at night, an unexpected voice is not welcome. Whispering is worse, because I couldn't put the words together with my ears throbbing and mind racing. Do they have mayonnaise, ghost peppers and a gun? I'll take the bullet. I've got to be more careful about my websites late at night.

Today is the day I am kicking myself out of the house and going to hit Sam's. I was supposed to do it yesterday, but weaseled my way out of it. Have a good hump day everyone and if you see me coming, please get out of my lane.


Regular Joe....
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Afternoon Pops and friends. Thank you for the funny, ABQ. There's a different mind set for people that live alone. With utter silence late at night, an unexpected voice is not welcome. Whispering is worse, because I couldn't put the words together with my ears throbbing and mind racing. Do they have mayonnaise, ghost peppers and a gun? I'll take the bullet. I've got to be more careful about my websites late at night.

Today is the day I am kicking myself out of the house and going to hit Sam's. I was supposed to do it yesterday, but weaseled my way out of it. Have a good hump day everyone and if you see me coming, please get out of my lane.

You know it's funny, I was single for about 10 years, after divorce, and like a lot of single parents, I lived alone when I didn't have my Son with me. On the days he wasn't with me, I slept with my Service Weapon right next to me. Did that for a long time till I got remarried. I don't really know if it was because I didn't want to scare my Wife or if maybe because of my Wife, I was no longer afraid? That's one I often think about.

Anyway, I get it.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to any and all who stop in today to read this thread.

Hump day so by all means, avoid the one who gets humped on (Looking at you RWB...).

How is everybody today? Think I might see I might be able to do for a weekend meal this week. I feel like something a little different but not sure what yet. Any ideas for me?

9/11 today, was watching the memorial this morning. It's been 18 years now, hard to believe.

RGV, have a great time with your Mom!

Colo, get your schedule right and sleep for three days Brother!

This one is going out to Xelda!


Coach, you got anything going on today?

Jobs, Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John, Jan, Corso and Colo, Have a great day all of ya!

People, work hard, get hump day in the rearview and lets head towards the weekend!

Which Coach were you addressing, the real one or the pretend one? I got nothing but getting out of the house while the cleaning lady is here because my hiding behind the plants and making gargling and scratching sounds irritates her. I think it scares her, as I intend for it to, but she won't admit it. Oh, where are the adventuresome and fun people?


Confused about stuff
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Morning Pops!

If anyone's interested, that customer never did show up yesterday, because my boss never turned in the paperwork, so the customer never knew I was coming. What's more, his lumber was on top of the next customer's lumber, and that customer doesn't have a forklift. So that's two stops that didn't get done because my boss didn't do his job. Nobody will give it a second thought, but if a driver takes a check for $1.00 less than it was supposed to be, we have to have a drivers meeting.


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Morning Pops!

If anyone's interested, that customer never did show up yesterday, because my boss never turned in the paperwork, so the customer never knew I was coming. What's more, his lumber was on top of the next customer's lumber, and that customer doesn't have a forklift. So that's two stops that didn't get done because my boss didn't do his job. Nobody will give it a second thought, but if a driver takes a check for $1.00 less than it was supposed to be, we have to have a drivers meeting.
Yep. The good stuff always rolls down hill when it comes to accountability.


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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Morning Pops!

If anyone's interested, that customer never did show up yesterday, because my boss never turned in the paperwork, so the customer never knew I was coming. What's more, his lumber was on top of the next customer's lumber, and that customer doesn't have a forklift. So that's two stops that didn't get done because my boss didn't do his job. Nobody will give it a second thought, but if a driver takes a check for $1.00 less than it was supposed to be, we have to have a drivers meeting.
Did you see my note about why I retired early?



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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Morning Pops!

If anyone's interested, that customer never did show up yesterday, because my boss never turned in the paperwork, so the customer never knew I was coming. What's more, his lumber was on top of the next customer's lumber, and that customer doesn't have a forklift. So that's two stops that didn't get done because my boss didn't do his job. Nobody will give it a second thought, but if a driver takes a check for $1.00 less than it was supposed to be, we have to have a drivers meeting.
Ahhhhhh, the perks of being a boss......I miss it. I also miss calling meetings to affix the blame for my mistakes.

My usual employee dress down was "look, you're incompetent, but that's OK because I am incompetent, I hired you, didn't I? Your job is to make me look good so they don't discover the level of my incompetency and replace me with a competent manager who's first act will be to fire you. So, you are protecting both of our jobs. I am going to do my part, make as few decisions as I have to and stay away from the stations and keep my interactions to the bare minimum like come in and hand out paychecks because I am beloved then and I will continue to come in on holidays to keep my accidental encountering of any employees to the bare minimum".


Well-Known Member
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Ahhhhhh, the perks of being a boss......I miss it. I also miss calling meetings to affix the blame for my mistakes.

My usual employee dress down was "look, you're incompetent, but that's OK because I am incompetent, I hired you, didn't I? Your job is to make me look good so they don't discover the level of my incompetency and replace me with a competent manager who's first act will be to fire you. So, you are protecting both of our jobs. I am going to do my part, make as few decisions as I have to and stay away from the stations and keep my interactions to the bare minimum like come in and hand out paychecks because I am beloved then and I will continue to come in on holidays to keep my accidental encountering of any employees to the bare minimum".
Dale Carnegie school of interpersonal relationships?



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Thank you for your story, Runny. It helps those of us that thought truckers had it easy except for when people like me were in traffic with them.

Dale flunked me and Will Rogers never met me.
Yes, but Will Rogers knew you before you were you or at least he knew about you if you know what I mean.

Afternoon Pops and friends. Well, that which I feared would happen has happened. I got the itch to finish up some projects around the house so now my wash room is non functional. I KNEW I'd do something stupid if given time and opportunity. I am my own upper management and can't be trusted to leave well enough alone. My washing machine is blocking traffic in my kitchen, but it's still better than the time I accidentally pushed my drop in stove onto the floor. On the bright side, I don't have to explain myself to my dogs.

I hope everyone has a good Thursday. I've got to put Humpty Dumpty together again.


Illegitimi non carborundum
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Afternoon, Pops and pen pals. The real estate agent that sold us the condo is tall, blond and beautiful. I mean, why else would I buy a place right smack dab in the middle of hurricane alley? Right? Riiiight! Seriously though, her father in law lives in a condo at the other end of the building and, through him, I learned that she is a former "Miss Poland". I'm not surprised.

We have little lizards over here that curl their tails up like dogs and cats. Someone said they are called iguana lizards but they aren't nearly as large as iguanas are. The longest one I've seen had a body length of about 6 inches not counting the tail. Anyway, they aren't real shy and one has been visiting our living room balcony when we eat waiting for food. He loves bananas and any kind of very small meat scraps. Well, yesterday I skipped breakfast so he decided to come on in and see what was up. I leave the door open and the A/C off to save energy and there is no screen on that door. I was finally able to corner him and pick him up and put him back outside. Then I put some small pieces of spam out there and he ate them. Now tell me, what's more shocking; a lizard in the house or the fact that someone has spam in his house?

Ya'll have a great day.