Mortensen: Elliott Suspension Upheld **merged**

The NFLPA gave away all their leverage unfortunately. And Roger will lie to save his bacon. It's going to be an uphill battle. Probably the best Zeke can do is expose the NFL for the corrupt organization it is. They are doing a pretty good job of that themselves.
Wow! Shocking! I knew they were too good to admit a mistake. Well, if they want a dog fight, let them have it!

Why do I love football so damn much? This makes me want to not support their product.

I have considered quitting supporting the NFL because of what they are doing to Zeke. I don't think I could bring myself to do it but I think i'll watch a lot less of it and maybe not spend my entire Sundays in front of the tv. I'm completely disgusted with what they are doing right now and the fact that they think they're going to be able to get away with it because they're the NFL.
I'm also quite surprised. I think if they had reduced it to 2 or 3, there might have been a move in Zeke's camp to just eat it and stop the legal proceedings. This is just bull-headed stubbornness to continue a flawed decision in the face of evidence, even when exposed to the public eye.
I saw this coming once the NFLPA got involved.
Goodell is representing the owners in what is becoming a battle between the NFLPA and the Owners for bargaining power at the next CBA.
This one will be ugly no matter what and will probably contribute to a longer lock out/strike in the future.
Zeke and cowboys fans are caught in the middle of something here.
I agree with you that Roberts should have been in the meeting and on that I think an injunction will be granted....but We now have Henderson look at all the evidence and still upheld the ruling based on the evidence....

And her findings were removed from the report so it was more than not including her when it came to making the final decision.
The case is weak at best. The lead investigator says she wouldn't have recommended suspension and wasn't given a chance to make her case. Doctors questioned the bruising metadata dates. But still they uphold the ruling to suspend a player who wasn't given due process. Why does this seem like a railroading? The NFL can not be trusted to investigate these types of cases. They have a result in mind before they actually investigate.

Come on courts...step in and show these clowns that there is a power bigger than the NFL
I tend to agree...but we're talking about a commisioner that isn't a high character guy to begin with.
The league wonders why it's losing audiences. I expected this because nothing the league does is impartial and this was bargained for but overall the evidence of them willfully ignoring facts is so out there that my one hope is it spells doom for the commish. He's just a bully who is ruining the league.
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Yep, Zeke's playing this year.

I think we all are going to love this judge. Already said this case is not like Brady's and now we hear he is very disturbed that Kia Roberts views were ignored. He called it suppression of dissenting views. That certainly can go to a flawed process and be on the wrong side of labor laws that govern CBAs.
For Now,This could actually be be good news, the court would have jurisdiction to grant injunction and zeke would keep matter in East Texas Fed Court..
A reporter on NFL Network mentioned the Star caps case involving Pat and Kevin Williams. Similar claims of with holding evidence.
That case ran for over two years and no final verdict was levied. Pat retired and Kevin stopped persuing it.
Anyone recall the details of that case?
The facts of that case and the arguments being advanced are entirely different. Brady's case hinged upon notice, not fundamental fairness.

It's not as cut and dry as Brady's case is "precedent" so there's no avenue. And it was in the Second Circuit -- even if it were a binding decision for a case involving notice of potential punishment, it would NOT be binding on the Fifth Circuit in Texas.
You gotta remember a lot of people are lazy so when they don't know nothing they just fall back on what was the precedent before. Almost reminds me of this Eddie Murphy movies from awhile back where he ran for congress as a dead congressman. He had the same name and won because people were so used to voting for that name they didn't even notice/care it wasn't the same person.