Mortensen: Elliott Suspension Upheld **merged**

I think we all are going to love this judge. Already said this case is not like Brady's and now we hear he is very disturbed that Kia Roberts views were ignored. He called it suppression of dissenting views. That certainly can go to a flawed process and be on the wrong side of labor laws that govern CBAs.

Which would mean article 46 means nothing in this case I would think.
This gif is perfect. NFL just keeps moving forward like there is no way they can lose and then gets knocked out.

You gotta remember a lot of people are lazy so when they don't know nothing they just fall back on what was the precedent before. Almost reminds me of this Eddie Murphy movies from awhile back where he ran for congress as a dead congressman. He had the same name and won because people were so used to voting for that name they didn't even notice/care it wasn't the same person.

And the Judge said this case is not like Brady in court tonight.

It's almost as if...someone who went to law school...knows what he's talking about...? ;)
The league wonders why it's losing audiences. I expected this because nothing the league does is impartial and this was bargained for but overall the evidence of them willfully ignoring facts is so out there that my one hole is it spells doom for the commish. He's just a bully who is ruining the league.
Yea I'm actually thinking of boycotting all games but Cowboy games this year. They have totally ruined my enjoyment of this coming season.
You'd think this case would be easy to win on fundamental unfairness. I mean if Giants fan can give out 1 game for admitted DV players how in the flip can the standards change in less than a year? That simple thing right there should be enough. That's like having someone's parent be on the jury of a person that did something bad to their kid. That's just conflict of interest and I wonder why nobody in the mainstream has mentioned that.
And her findings were removed from the report so it was more than not including her when it came to making the final decision.

But in the appeals, Henderson was told that so he knew that Roberts stated she found her not very credible in interviews, that doesn't mean she wasn't hit...there's other evidence apparently matched up with other evidence collected and her written statement to conclude that more likely than not she suffered those injuries from Zeke and Henderson concluded that also..
I got to say the judge is asking the right questions,lets hope he comes to the right conclusion and not side with the NFL behemoth.