Mortensen: Elliott Suspension Upheld **merged**

Yes, Henderson was indeed conscious when he made his decision as opposed to him being unconscious. Whether his conscience was bothering him at the time or after the fact is up for speculation though. ;)

Ha...words still matter, despite the supposed powers that be in this country trying to prove otherwise on a daily basis. (sorry, had to!)
So Henderson announces during today's court hearing after the judge has been grilling the NFL lawyers on fairness issues. It is so obvious that the NFL told him to go ahead and announce because week 1 is already lost and this judge isn't dismissing the case. I have no doubt there is collusion going on now. He could have had this decision in before the hearing but the NFL was trying to get this judge to dismiss so he had to hold off.
I love this post.
You guys SURE his lawyers are the sharpest knives in the drawer? They misused the word 'conscious' in the press release. It should be 'conscience'.
Geez guys. It was a typo!

Sure it was a silly mistake and the release wasn't proof read. But this idea that because a letter was missing makes them incompetent is ludacrous.

It looks to me like Kessler is representing Elliott very well. They will get the TSO and Zeke will play all year. Even though there was a typo in their release.

Only difference between the Brady case and Zekes case is one is for dv and the other was deflating football's. The nflpa is complaining and saying the same things they said about the Brady case. Cowboy fans sound just like Pat fans did about the Brady case. "There is proof he didn't do it, the nfl is just out to get us, Goodell will be fired now." and my favorite with this fan base, "it's all Mara" lol. Since he's playing game one that conspiracy should be thrown out but I'm sure many will keep it going. I think zeke is innocent but only Goodell has to think he's guilty. That's on the players and the nflpa for folding like a $2 lawn chair for less padded practices, less practices and a bit more money to give him that power. The Steelers are the only team that has a right to be Pissed since they voted against it. He has no chance in court. He might get lucky and get a decision in his favor the 1st time like Brady did, but then it will get moved to NY and he'll lose just like Brady did. More probable than not. There's a chance. That's all the nfl needs to suspend a player. It sucks, but again, that's on the nflpa and the players.
Just get it over with. Win 3 out of 6 and then win 8 out of 10 and steam into the playoffs....put this garbage in the rear-view mirror.
But in the appeals, Henderson was told that so he knew that Roberts stated she found her not very credible in interviews, that doesn't mean she wasn't hit...there's other evidence apparently matched up with other evidence collected and her written statement to conclude that more likely than not she suffered those injuries from Zeke and Henderson concluded that also..

Ya kinda have to read the appeals transcription to understand the follies of your ways.

There was no 'more likely than not' in terms of her suffering the injuries from abuse as that was completely debunked by the forensic pathologist and even admitted to by one of the doctors. The other doctor didn't admit to it because she was too busy lying about how she was hospitalized about an illness.

Also the Florida police officer who concluded that he did not hit her went to the NFL and his concerns were swept under the rug. Just more evidence for the league to suppress.

Goodell is too prideful to let this one go.

This case is his *** on the line. Period.

If he loses, he's through. Over. Done. Removed. Fired. A Footnote.
If he loses, he's subject to lawsuits.
If he loses, there is nowhere to hide from media attention for the rest of his life for fixing this decision vs Zeke.

If he wins, he's somewhat vindicated and has a slight chance to keep his job.

It's all in for the NFL here. Make no mistake.

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