Mortensen: Elliott Suspension Upheld **merged**

Ya kinda have to read the appeals transcription to understand the follies of your ways.

There was no 'more likely than not' in terms of her suffering the injuries from abuse as that was completely debunked by the forensic pathologist and even admitted to by one of the doctors. The other doctor didn't admit to it because she was too busy lying about how she was hospitalized about an illness.

Also the Florida police officer who concluded that he did not hit her went to the NFL and his concerns were swept under the rug. Just more evidence for the league to suppress.

in terms of the NFL policy, it is more likely than not or by a preponderance of evidence, 51% very low standard he did what was found , .....Zeke even acknowledge he was responsible for some of her bruises, but that was because of rough sex...He also stated she always had bruises yet other witnesses stated they never saw bruises on her..he also stated they weren't boyfriend and girlfriend but his text messages state otherwise..just like we were told by those witnesses that Zeke didn't want her at his birthday party but Text messages state otherwise...both have credibility issues....
The judge CLEARLY did not buy Friel's claim that Robert's testimony was unnecessary & Friel's alone could sum it all up:

Glad that the judge is calling the NFL out for this. How do you not let a dissenting opinion be heard from the one who did the investigating, especially when you're also not going to interview the accuser yourself? Friel took it upon herself to present the information the way she interpreted it not the way it was laid out by Roberts.
I'm confused... why are we celebrating this?

THe league didn't budge, didn't even reduce it, but we think that's a good thing?
I'd agree. But how did the NFL find evidence he's guilty and not law enforcement? And if they did find that evidence they should give it to authorities
They didn't find any despite waiting 13 months for it to pop up. The looked in the drawer that they "lost" the Ray Rice video three times but it wasn't there. It could have gotten destroyed with the spy gate tapes by mistake.
Important to note that per that Cawley guy, the judge seemed to draw a distinction between the Brady case and this one.

So people that keep trying to apply the Brady case here might be wrong.

And note Cawley points out the judge didn't buy the NFL's argument that Robert's & her conclusions weren't hidden from Goodell or the panel. The judge did NOT like the answers Friel gave trying to insist her own conclusions were 'cumulative' of the investigation, so including Roberts & her own conclusions in the hearings would've been redundant.
So they didn't take Kia's recommendation into consideration? Do they have other evidence that hasn't been made public cause this all sounds like ******** to me
I'd say further away. I hope Zeke wins and they sues for defamation myself. That just might see him canned early.


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