CFZ My Theory on Last Year's Loss to 9ers, Washing Off My McCarthy Resentment


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My biggest gripe with McCarthy last year was not developing a relationship or incorporating himself into the offense along with Kellen Moore. Not sure if that was on McCarthy or if Moore had some perception-based hang ups over that. Also, game management, and clock management.

But, I think it became evident to him. And, essentially, looking from a hindsight perspective, trying to see from the viewpoint of someone with more foresight and true knowledge on the matter than I, I think he folded in order to take his chances with the dealer knowing he'd have a stacked hand next round.

So, the cards come out. Going by the number of cards, we added two more potential Aces in the offseason with Cooks and Gilmore.

That already makes you feel better about going into next year against that same classless 9ers squad. And you'll have more confidence. Not because your team couldn't beat them, but because you mucked up that last play call: the snap to Zeke, the lay up for Turp to get blown up so embarrassingly like that. I'm saying that because I've been laid up like that by noodle arms and es no bueno. Thanks Coach, McCarthy. Creative play for the win — as far as who gets the blame.

Anyway, that's my theory. I'm giving Mike the benefit of the doubt knowing he's there up close, dealing with it all, and I'm not. So, I can enjoy the season, win lose or draw. Personally, I'm not going to get caught up in the winning thing right now, and just take each game as it comes.

I also vow not to worry about which seed the team gets. Just get this one into the tournament.


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It’s certainly possible that he “folded”, but usually the easiest explanation is the right one.

It was probably just too late in the season to make significant changes and “fix” the offense. And once Pollard went down, the team was doomed.

That said, it DOES seem like this coaching staff strategically sandbags from time to time. Our defense legitimately flipped a switch in the playoffs, employing new wrinkles and utilizing lesser used pieces.

So maybe you’re right. Maybe there’s a few aces up the sleeve.


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I have no idea why people are so hung up on the last play call of the game the last two years

Do you people have any clue what the % of scoring in either of those plays were? Better chance you win the mega millions. Get a clue. It’s such a stupid topic to even waste 2 seconds on

America's Cowboy

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My theory is we lacked a QB to win those games against the 49ers.
The same QB who carried the Cowboys to a blowout win against the G.O.A.T. away at Tampa Bay the week before in the wild-card playoffs round? The same QB who went 25 of 33 for 75% completions for 305 yards, 4 passing TDs, 1 rushing TD, a QBR of 96.5 and a passer rating of 143.3 ?

:huh: Sounds like a bad theory.


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When you have 2 of the top 3 worst separators in the league at receiver and a tier 2 qb, this is what happens. People can hate on Cooper, but this is what they dearly missed in this game and showed.


Junior College Transfer
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My biggest gripe with McCarthy last year was not developing a relationship or incorporating himself into the offense along with Kellen Moore. Not sure if that was on McCarthy or if Moore had some perception-based hang ups over that. Also, game management, and clock management.

But, I think it became evident to him. And, essentially, looking from a hindsight perspective, trying to see from the viewpoint of someone with more foresight and true knowledge on the matter than I, I think he folded in order to take his chances with the dealer knowing he'd have a stacked hand next round.

So, the cards come out. Going by the number of cards, we added two more potential Aces in the offseason with Cooks and Gilmore.

That already makes you feel better about going into next year against that same classless 9ers squad. And you'll have more confidence. Not because your team couldn't beat them, but because you mucked up that last play call: the snap to Zeke, the lay up for Turp to get blown up so embarrassingly like that. I'm saying that because I've been laid up like that by noodle arms and es no bueno. Thanks Coach, McCarthy. Creative play for the win — as far as who gets the blame.

Anyway, that's my theory. I'm giving Mike the benefit of the doubt knowing he's there up close, dealing with it all, and I'm not. So, I can enjoy the season, win lose or draw. Personally, I'm not going to get caught up in the winning thing right now, and just take each game as it comes.

I also vow not to worry about which seed the team gets. Just get this one into the tournament.
Me theory is tha Deek reeks up the offence and is the anti-clutch.


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My theory is we lacked a QB to win those games against the 49ers.
Yup, he played like the “scared Dak’ we have seen occasionally……where his pocket awareness drops, gets skittish, becomes more inaccurate, and ends up throwing bad picks (like the seriously delayed out route or comeback throws he did a few times last year).


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The team was hamstrung by the front office when they went into the season with the WR corps they put on the field. Against the number one defense in the 9er game, it was evident Cee Dee was it. The offensive line had been off and on, yet while facing the best defense in the league the running game could not own the line. Then Pollard went down.

Yet, the teams were tied in the second quarter when the Dallas running game fell apart because of injury.

And it stayed tied until moments before the fourth quarter.

No real threat as a passing attack and no threat of running after Pollard went down and this team lost.

The front office is responsible for the players on the team. If the blame lies anywhere, it surely rests on the front office who went to war with question marks at critical positions.


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I don't think McCarthy ever wanted Moore to be part of his staff but accepted him as one of Jerry Jones's requirements for the job of Head Coach. He reluctantly accepted Moore's offensive philosophy until it became, in his mind, a detriment to the success of the team.

I think he was able to convince Jerry Jones that was the case and received permission from Jones to move beyond him. Jones then relayed the information to Moore. I wouldn't doubt that Jerry helped Moore to get the job with the Chargers.

McCarthy wants to operate the offense differently and it should have been his right to do so in the first place. I know a few other franchises do the same but I really feel that the only hire a GM should make when it comes to coaches is the Head Coach alone.

I think the Head Coach should be able to hire who he wants as assistants. Otherwise, how can you really hold the Head Coach accountable when he didn't have the authority to decide who was going to work for him? What if the real problem was an assistant coach hired by the GM?

Head coaches need to be comfortable with their coordinators and other assistant coaches and trust that they are working towards achieving a specific goal while using his plan. They all need to be on the same page and I think that McCarthy felt as though this wasn't happening with Moore. I even think we saw some of that disconnect as it related to game decisions and clock management.

America's Cowboy

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The team was hamstrung by the front office when they went into the season with the WR corps they put on the field. Against the number one defense in the 9er game, it was evident Cee Dee was it. The offensive line had been off and on, yet while facing the best defense in the league the running game could not own the line. Then Pollard went down.

Yet, the teams were tied in the second quarter when the Dallas running game fell apart because of injury.

And it stayed tied until moments before the fourth quarter.

No real threat as a passing attack and no threat of running after Pollard went down and this team lost.

The front office is responsible for the players on the team. If the blame lies anywhere, it surely rests on the front office who went to war with question marks at critical positions.

America's Cowboy

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I don't think McCarthy ever wanted Moore to be part of his staff but accepted him as one of Jerry Jones's requirements for the job of Head Coach. He reluctantly accepted Moore's offensive philosophy until it became, in his mind, a detriment to the success of the team.

I think he was able to convince Jerry Jones that was the case and received permission from Jones to move beyond him. Jones then relayed the information to Moore. I wouldn't doubt that Jerry helped Moore to get the job with the Chargers.

McCarthy wants to operate the offense differently and it should have been his right to do so in the first place. I know a few other franchises do the same but I really feel that the only hire a GM should make when it comes to coaches is the Head Coach alone.

I think the Head Coach should be able to hire who he wants as assistants. Otherwise, how can you really hold the Head Coach accountable when he didn't have the authority to decide who was going to work for him? What if the real problem was an assistant coach hired by the GM?

Head coaches need to be comfortable with their coordinators and other assistant coaches and trust that they are working towards achieving a specific goal while using his plan. They all need to be on the same page and I think that McCarthy felt as though this wasn't happening with Moore. I even think we saw some of that disconnect as it related to game decisions and clock management.


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My biggest gripe with McCarthy last year was not developing a relationship or incorporating himself into the offense along with Kellen Moore. Not sure if that was on McCarthy or if Moore had some perception-based hang ups over that. Also, game management, and clock management.
Should put that on the GM. Management is a real job.

The one thing I was excited about with McCarthy was *combining* his talent and experience with Moore's. Seemed where one was weak, the other was strong.

Instead, it was typical Jerry World, where coaches ruled their fiefdoms but weren't made into a team. Sad.

Likely the same issue as always. Jerry takes a shine to a Boy Genius, and the guy with experience in front of him has neither the interest, the inclination, nor the authority to help him grow.


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My theory is Dak played like crap and Pollard got his leg broke.
Pollard getting injured was a big deal. Dak didn't play great but TP going down was the death blow. Hopefully we’ve done enough to beef up the trenches and Dak plays like he did against the Bucs. We had a rash of injuries going into the playoffs that didn’t help. Lewis, Brown, Steele really hurt us prior to the game then losing TP was too much. Also our kicker forgot how to kick which put more pressure on the offense. I’m still hurting from that 49er loss, both of them. Stemming from the 90’s the 2 teams I passionately hate are the 49ers and the Packers and last year we lost to both. I took those losses hard.