Name Brand Or Not?

When driving around in the country my wife and I always stop when we see a fresh eggs sign at a farm
Farm eggs... isn't it so enjoyable when you crack it and the yolk is a deep, rich amber...
Almost like duck eggs.

One of my brother-in-laws has hens and roosters and he's always overflowing with eggs, which I'm perfectly willing and happy to take, take, take...
He lives about an hour away, so we don't visit very often, but we went this morning to his casa to watch the Mexico/Korea match. *Big Yay!!!

I nabbed 3 dozen fresh eggs. And his girls are free range, only eating the best. Wish I could send a few to you...
Farm eggs... isn't it so enjoyable when you crack it and the yolk is a deep, rich amber...
Almost like duck eggs.

One of my brother-in-laws has hens and roosters and he's always overflowing with eggs, which I'm perfectly willing and happy to take, take, take...
He lives about an hour away, so we don't visit very often, but we went this morning to his casa to watch the Mexico/Korea match. *Big Yay!!!

I nabbed 3 dozen fresh eggs. And his girls are free range, only eating the best. Wish I could send a few to you...
Yep cant beat fresh eggs well yea you can if you are going to scramble um.Going to Oklahoma tomorrow so i'm gonna have at least 2 dozen soon
Yep cant beat fresh eggs well yea you can if you are going to scramble um.Going to Oklahoma tomorrow so i'm gonna have at least 2 dozen soon
Niiiiice. Good luck and safe travels my friend!
Heard a lot about her....from a lot of different men, but no, never had the pleasure.
He meant "hottest", as in "best looking".............not the ones going through menopause. :muttley:
F.Y.I a lot of women that go through menopause dont have any symptoms whatsoever. So what was your point? I see women going through menopause and it's pure hell for them. For some it can last for years. Be glad men don't have to deal with it because you wouldn't find it funny at all.
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F.Y.I a lot of women that go through menopause dont have any symptoms whatsoever. So what was your point? I see women going through menopause and it's pure hell for them. For some it can last for years. Be glad men don't have to deal with it because you wouldn't find it funny at all.
Mayonnaise: Hellmann's (Real Mayonnaise)

Ketchup: Heinz (Tomato Ketchup)

Brown mustard: Gulden's (Spicy Brown Mustard)

Hot dogs: Nathan's Famous (Beef Franks)

Honey: Nature Nate's Natural (Raw & Unfiltered)

Syrup: Uncle Luke's (Maple Syrup)

Jarred salsa: Chi-Chi's (Thick & Chunky)

Tortilla chips: On The Boarder (Cafe Style)

Chocolate sandwich cookies: Oreos (Double Stuf)

Ice cream (one pint): Ben & Jerry's (Phish Food)

Frozen pizza: DiGiorno (Pizzeria!)
OH YEAH? What about your toilet bowl cleaner?
:bow::clap:WOW are you ever dead on CC. Finally, someone I've never met knows exactly where I'm coming from. That's all I listen to (my friend @timb2 gave me lots of great downloads which I made cd's that are awesome) now & it's because I loved going to Disco's & listened to that type of music before it transformed into Techno.

I still hit a dance club every now & then, (remember my knees story) but it's Techno, Trance, Electronica which is basically the same type of music. I applaud you my friend for knowing that.

And the red bold, what do you mean by "back in the day"?!:p;)
Back in the day when I frequented clubs, dahlin'. I go to one of those now, I might as well wear a raincoat, hat and shades, sit in the corner and be The Creeper.

Have you tried Apple Music or Spotify? You can access that type of music and connect to other artists that create that. Since I converted, I am saving a lot of coin by not buying the CD's and still have access to a ton of tunes and my stored library, if they don't have it.
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Guess you touched a nerve there, my friend. LMAO.

Let me clue a few of you younger guys in on this whole menopause thing aka "the change of life" as a warning! It is called menopause for a very good reason and the operative words there are men and pause. And when I say pause, I mean it. Pause before you act or speak in her presence because you cannot fix it. You didn't cause it and are not ultimately responsible for it; however, you are a male and do not go through it so any attempt at compassion other than just shutting up and doing as your told will not be acceptable.

I don't know about you but I would have been a terrible woman although you would have liked my morals and called me often. That once a month thing is bad enough but the pot of gold at the end of that all shades of red rainbow is menopause. I saw my Mom go through it and went through it with my wife and when our friends were going through it, all I asked for was a warning. Just tell me and I will act invisible and silent except when a refill of the wine glass is warranted.

It can be pure hell for some women and a special kind of hell for those men that do not heed this warning.

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