Neighborhood watch captain kills black teen - doesn't get arrested

DOUBLE WING;4444902 said:
Who's losing sleep over it? I'm not on some crusade. I don't see why you're so up in arms about someone suggesting this murder may have been race-related. Get your head out of the sand.

Suggesting? Man do you even realize how many times race is used as an excuse? I read about it everytime I pick up the paper or turn the web on.

Nobody can make a step in todays society w/o upsetting the black man.

Its unreal the crutch thrown up at every single thing that someone can label.

It's I'm sorry my opinion bothers you but honestly...

MOST OF US....get sick of it constantly being used when there isn't nothing to support it except your drawn conclusions early in some investigation.
Dallas;4444903 said:
Most all of America white/blue/green/black/yellow/red suppor this same opinion.


Don't let that steer us away from ones agenda....

I have had enough of the agenda of people. Bottom line a man killed an unarmed kid who was walking down a street. Again at least according to what is being reported here.

Did this man kill this kid because he was black? I don't know it is possible but other than accusation of that as a reason there is no fact to back that up.
So to throw it out there serves no purpose nor does it change the facts at hand.
TheCount;4444901 said:
It's illegal to carry in NY for civilians, so in the reverse scenario, yes, he would have been arrested on the spot. Maybe you want to try another state?

Dont' be a fool. My argument is that his shooting the kid was unjustified and he should be arrested, don't read two posts in a long running conversation and presume you understand what we've been talking about.

I have read your content for yours in the OT thread. I know exactly where you stand regardless how you want to paint it or not.

You are always offended and usually the first to try and label it something it isn't.

I also think everyone is offended...we just arent spray painting it "RACIAL" like some do. :)
Doomsday101;4444907 said:
I have had enough of the agenda of people. Bottom line a man killed an unarmed kid who was walking down a street. Again at least according to what is being reported here.

Did this man kill this kid because he was black? I don't know it is possible but other than accusation of that as a reason there is no fact to back that up.
So to throw it out there serves no purpose nor does it change the facts at hand.

I think that outrages all of us, we just aren't painting it like the OP has and is and is well known for doing. Thats my point.

It can't be that this white man did something wrong and should be in jail over it. No!!!!! Its that hes whites and he hates black 13 yr olds and has been looking for an excuse to execute one.
Dallas;4444905 said:
Suggesting? Man do you even realize how many times race is used as an excuse? I read about it everytime I pick up the paper or turn the web on.

Nobody can make a step in todays society w/o upsetting the black man.

Its unreal the crutch thrown up at every single thing that someone can label.

It's I'm sorry my opinion bothers you but honestly...

MOST OF US....get sick of it constantly being used when there isn't nothing to support it except your drawn conclusions early in some investigation.

Woah there, it's starting to sound like you're the one with the agenda.

I'm a white man and I don't spend my life fighting for the rights of black people. I don't really care one way or the other, but in this instance you have:

A black kid walking alone in an affluent, gated community at night.

A white adult, following him in a car against police orders because he thinks there's something suspicious about his appearance or the way he walks (police report's words, not mine).

I don't care how you want to spin it, but you don't have to make much of an assumption to think race played a part in that.
DOUBLE WING;4444913 said:
Woah there, it's starting to sound like you're the one with the agenda.

I'm a white man and I don't spend my life fighting for the rights of black people. I don't really care one way or the other, but in this instance you have:

A black kid walking alone in an affluent, gated community at night.

A white adult, following him in a car against police orders because he thinks there's something suspicious about his appearance or the way he walks (police report's words, not mine).

I don't care how you want to spin it, but you don't have to make much of an assumption to think race played a part in that.

Again thats not it at all, but by all means keep throwing that out there. My point is that this white guy did a horrible thing and should be investigated and if found guilty REGARDLESS of his skin color, should be in prison for it and I think he will be if the facts stand up. Again its an investigation and I don't judge anyone nor do I taint it by suggesting other views because thats how I see it.

Im one to let the facts run the course before stating if he was wrong or right and I hardly believe shooting a little 13 yr old kid is ever justified and the law should prove that in the end.
Dallas;4444909 said:
I have read your content for yours in the OT thread. I know exactly where you stand regardless how you want to paint it or not.

You are always offended and usually the first to try and label it something it isn't.

I also think everyone is offended...we just arent spray painting it "RACIAL" like some do. :)

I thought I cautioned you against foolishness?
Dallas;4444917 said:
Again thats not it at all, but by all means keep throwing that out there. My point is that this white guy did a horrible thing and should be investigated and if found guilty REGARDLESS of his skin color, should be in prison for it and I think he will be if the facts stand up. Again its an investigation and I don't judge anyone nor do I taint it by suggesting other views because thats how I see it.

Im one to let the facts run the course before stating if he was wrong or right and I hardly believe shooting a little 13 yr old kid is ever justified and the law should prove that in the end.

I'm not saying he should only go to jail because he's a white guy shooting a black person, or that the fact that he's white and the kid was black makes it any worse. He should be punished just as harshly if he shot a white kid, or an asian kid, or a mexican kid. But considering how the situation appears to have played out, it's a huge part of the story that I don't think can be ignored.

Chief Bill Lee of the Sanford Police Department on Thursday evening said the account given by Martin’s family and attorney is correct, that Zimmerman saw the young man walking home from the store. He said that Zimmerman did indeed call 911 and report a suspicious person, and that he was told not to follow him.
Why does he continue to follow the "suspicious," skittle and ice tea carrying kid down the side walk when ordered not to? Let the real cops do their job and the kid is probably still alive today.

“For some reason he felt that Trayvon, the way that he was walking or appeared seemed suspicious to him,” Lee said. “He called this in and at one part of this initial call [the dispatcher] recommends him not to follow Trayvon. A police officer is on the way at that point.”

Lee said that Zimmerman instead followed Martin.
Again, in what way is someone to look suspicious by walking down the street??? Was he walking like a ninja, doing ninja rolls on the sidewalk before hiding behind a bush? That's bullcrap right there.

“I believe that Mr. Zimmerman was trying to, by his account, find an address to give the officers and also trying to keep Trayvon in eyesight.”

Zimmerman told the police that Martin noticed that he was being followed and asked, “what’s your problem?”

That's when a physical confrontation ensued, Lee said. And moments later, Martin was shot.

Lee said that Zimmerman has a legal permit to carry the weapon used in the shooting, and that he told police that he shot Martin in self-defense.

“He felt the need to defend himself,” Lee said. “ I don’t think it was his intent to go and shoot somebody” that night.
More bogus bullcrap. If anyone should have been acting in self-defense, it would have been the kid. I know I would be highly defensive if I'm walking down the sidewalk at night and some stranger is following behind me stalking. Self-defense my behind. He was the one following the kid, not the other way around, so why was he in "fear of his life" from a skittle totting- ice tea-drinking kid?
TheCount;4444922 said:
I thought I cautioned you against foolishness?

Caution? As if I read signs!! :laugh2: But honestly, that's how I have always felt you come across in these types of threads. Nothing personal mind you, just stating my view.

If I am wrong....make me............................another sign. :D
JonJon;4444925 said:
More bogus bullcrap. If anyone should have been acting in self-defense, it would have been the kid. I know I would be highly defensive if I'm walking down the sidewalk at night and some stranger is following behind me stalking. Self-defense my behind. He was the one following the kid, not the other way around, so why was he in "fear of his life" from a skittle totting- ice tea-drinking kid?
Lot's a logic there.
The30YardSlant;4444840 said:
This is all beside the point. You're basing all this on the assumption that a small 17 year old has no ability whatsoever to harm an adult. All that matters is that someone believe they COULD be carrying a gun or they COULD be presenting some sort of danger. How many cops, hell how many people have been shot or stabbed by teenagers in America? It numbers in the hundreds of thousands over the years. I'm not saying this kid was, but all that is relevant to my point here is that someone believe they could. How did the guy know he didnt have a gun? How did he know he didnt have anything at all?

I used to work security at mervyns back in the day. I confronted a shop lifter once (in the parking lot) and he lifted his shirt as if to pull a gun on me. There was no time to wait and "Confirm" that he had a weapon or not, I grabbed him (all 130 lbs of him) and slammed him onto the ground and proceeded to beat the **** out of him.

Turned out he didn't have a gun on him, but I was not in the wrong for FEARING he had a gun (especially being that he tried to make me think he had one) and doing what I needed to do to defend myself.

I find it funny the ones doing the most complaining about people having their heads buried in the sand are the ones themselves completely buried in the sand.

Not saying either are innocent or guilty, it's too early and not all the info is out. There's a couple of people here (you know who you are) though that have made their decision, and accuse people of being short sighted at the same time. How f'in ironic is that?

I hope if I ever have to defend myself (again, not saying Zimmerman is guilty or innocent) and end up shooting a "Minority" that you two bozos aren't on the jury. You will have made up your mind just from reading the title of the f'in article.
The30YardSlant;4444861 said:
I'm not assuming anything, he has not one blemish on his criminal record according to reports. That is a fact. Now, behind closed doors he might be a jerk but socially he IS an upstanding citizen. I was googling this after I read the original story here and according to another report the guy doesnt have so much as a speeding ticket on his record.
The thing for me is the way it was handled. I don't care if he never had a blemish on his record, it still doesn't give anyone a free pass to murder someone else. He should have at least been brought in for questioning. From all accounts, that didn't happen. He just went back to doing whatever it was he was doing before the incident occurred, making it possible for someone else to be murdered by him if another similar situation arises.
Rack Bauer;4444948 said:
I used to work security at mervyns back in the day. I confronted a shop lifter once (in the parking lot) and he lifted his shirt as if to pull a gun on me. There was no time to wait and "Confirm" that he had a weapon or not, I grabbed him (all 130 lbs of him) and slammed him onto the ground and proceeded to beat the **** out of him.

Turned out he didn't have a gun on him, but I was not in the wrong for FEARING he had a gun (especially being that he tried to make me think he had one) and doing what I needed to do to defend myself.

I find it funny the ones doing the most complaining about people having their heads buried in the sand are the ones themselves completely buried in the sand.

Not saying either are innocent or guilty, it's too early and not all the info is out. There's a couple of people here (you know who you are) though that have made their decision, and accuse people of being short sighted at the same time. How f'in ironic is that?

I hope if I ever have to defend myself (again, not saying Zimmerman is guilty or innocent) and end up shooting a "Minority" that you two bozos aren't on the jury. You will have made up your mind just from reading the title of the f'in article.
I understand fully your point here, but the only difference between what happened with your story and the one that happened here that has me questioning things is that the kid was minding his own business and the man was stalking him, even after the police told him to stand down. Then he is claiming self defense as if he was the one being stalked by the "suspicious" kid. It doesn't make any sense. If there was any danger brought on to the man to "fear for his life" it is because the man himself initiated it.
JonJon;4444955 said:
I understand fully your point here, but the only difference between what happened with your story and the one that happened here that has me questioning things is that the kid was minding his own business and the man was stalking him, even after the police told him to stand down. Then he is claiming self defense as if he was the one being stalked by the "suspicious" kid. It doesn't make any sense. If there was any danger brought on to the man to "fear for his life" it is because the man himself initiated it.

You don't know any of this information, either way. We don't know yet if the kid was "minding his own business". Maybe he was, and if so Zimmerman should fry. All I'm saying is it's too early and not NEARLY enough information has come out for ANYONE to speak in absolutions, either way.

If Zimmerman randomly killed the kid for no reason, he will go to jail. If there was more to it, that info will come out. What's the freakin' hurry in placing blame on either one of them w/o knowing all the facts?
Rack Bauer;4444964 said:
You don't know any of this information, either way. We don't know yet if the kid was "minding his own business". Maybe he was, and if so Zimmerman should fry. All I'm saying is it's too early and not NEARLY enough information has come out for ANYONE to speak in absolutions, either way.

If Zimmerman randomly killed the kid for no reason, he will go to jail. If there was more to it, that info will come out. What's the freakin' hurry in placing blame on either one of them w/o knowing all the facts?

Now!! Now!! its...

/thread :D

Good having you back, RB
Rack Bauer;4444948 said:
You will have made up your mind just from reading the title of the f'in article.

You're a moron if you've read this entire thread and that's what you took away.
I am surprised this thread was allowed.

I am also surprised I have not yet posted Pee Wee picture.


Problem solved.
TheCount;4444974 said:
You're a moron if you've read this entire thread and that's what you took away.

Ouch! If you disagree your a moron? Really?

As far as the thread.

If the guy murdered that boy ...... I hope he is executed.

If the kid attacked him ..... I hope the truth comes out.

There is no way to know at this point ......

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