Neighborhood watch captain kills black teen - doesn't get arrested

CanadianCowboysFan;4481058 said:
total red herring argument and has no relevance to the situation


2 black kids wet a white kid on fire cause he was white.

you either hold all racial standards to the same baseline, or you don't.

get mad at an injustice or cry foul
CowboyMcCoy;4481060 said:
When did this happen? And have the suspects been arrested?

why do you not get just as mad at a crime againt a white person?

you have a standard and fight for it, or you're worthless.
CanadianCowboysFan;4481058 said:
total red herring argument and has no relevance to the situation

I agree with that. Yet I still think if there is probable cause those kids should be arrested. But yeah, it doesn't have anything to do with the topic at hand.
iceberg;4481059 said:
i hate conspiracy theories.

Which part is a conspiracy? Do you not see that it could be on both sides? I do. I just think the probability is very unlikely.
CowboyMcCoy;4481065 said:
I agree with that. Yet I still think if there is probable cause those kids should be arrested. But yeah, it doesn't have anything to do with the topic at hand.

so you dismiss 2 black kids who set a white kid on fire for being white.

and zimmeman is a gun toting trigger happy moron.

all i want is common standards.
CowboyMcCoy;4481068 said:
Which part is a conspiracy? Do you not see that it could be on both sides? I do. I just think the probability is very unlikely.

why do you ignore martins history?
iceberg;4481064 said:
why do you not get just as mad at a crime againt a white person?

you have a standard and fight for it, or you're worthless.

I'm mostly white (whatever that means) and native American. But I see no color when it comes to murder, rape and things of that nature. I'm a culturally diverse person. Culture(s) interest me. I see the differences and I even say we're not equal. How could we be if we have different traits? I see it as races being unique in their own way.

I like delving into various cultures. My girlfriend is from Iran. I really don't care about race in terms of what crime happened.

No matter your race, the police should treat everyone fairly. But we'd be stupid to argue they actually do that.
iceberg;4481072 said:
why do you ignore martins history?

He wrote on a locker, skipped class and smoked herb. I did all of the above and really that's all I was doing--not beating women.

I never stole, burglarized, vandalized anyone's home or anything like that.

Why are you ignoring Zimmerman's history? Does it strike a slight nerve that he's a convicted woman beater.

I don't think Trayvon was convicted of anything stemming from the incidents at his school....

What happened to the innocent until proven guilty?

Zimmerman is convicted, thus proven guilty in a court of law...
CowboyMcCoy;4481077 said:
He wrote on a locker, skipped class and smoked herb. I did all of the above and really that's all I was doing--not beating women.

iceberg;4481064 said:
why do you not get just as mad at a crime againt a white person?

you have a standard and fight for it, or you're worthless.

Did you read what I asked?
iceberg;4481071 said:
so you dismiss 2 black kids who set a white kid on fire for being white.

and zimmeman is a gun toting trigger happy moron.

all i want is common standards.

there is no outrage, here atleast, because no one is denying that the 2 black kids shouldn't have the book thrown at them. I clicked the thread when it was a new story and unless someone had said otherwise, I think we are all in agreement on how terribile this was and how the 2 kids should be treated.

For some reason several posters here want to defend Zimmerman, like he did nothing wrong and should be allowed to continue harrassing people, reguardless of the outcome. I can't speak for everyone, but I don't even think Zimmerman should be tried for committing a hate crime. While I do believe he assumed the worst when seeing a black kid, I don't think he followed him with the intention of shooting him. Unfortunately Zimmerman's actions, led to someone's death and he should be held accountable, to some degree.

As far as the other case, I assume at this point the 2 kids haven't been arrestes because their identity's are unkown, however Zimmerman was found standing over the kid with the smoking gun, and didn't even get arrested. Seems pretty clear to me who is escaping justice and who just hasn't had their actions catch up to them yet.
iceberg;4481079 said:

You forgot to address this part.

cowboymccoy said:
Why are you ignoring Zimmerman's history? Does it strike a slight nerve that he's a convicted woman beater.

I don't think Trayvon was convicted of anything stemming from the incidents at his school....

What happened to the innocent until proven guilty?

Zimmerman is convicted, thus proven guilty in a court of law...
So Trayvon is a little twerp who Zimmerman thought he could treat like a woman. When/If he fought back, Zimmerman shot him.That's what I get out of this so far.

What was so suspicious about Trayvon?
Manwiththeplan;4481085 said:
there is no outrage, here atleast, because no one is denying that the 2 black kids shouldn't have the book thrown at them. I clicked the thread when it was a new story and unless someone had said otherwise, I think we are all in agreement on how terribile this was and how the 2 kids should be treated.

For some reason several posters here want to defend Zimmerman, like he did nothing wrong and should be allowed to continue harrassing people, reguardless of the outcome. I can't speak for everyone, but I don't even think Zimmerman should be tried for committing a hate crime. While I do believe he assumed the worst when seeing a black kid, I don't think he followed him with the intention of shooting him. Unfortunately Zimmerman's actions, led to someone's death and he should be held accountable, to some degree.

I agree.
iceberg;4481072 said:
why do you ignore martins history?
Toure (lifted from twitter) said:
The law isn't here just to protect angels. Trayvon's suspension for smoking weed doesn't remove his right to not be profiled & killed.
I'm not trying to join in on this debate this late at night, but to this point, I'm just not seeing the relevance as to how his actions in those instances led to his death on that night under those circumstances.

I've been unwilling to throw GZ under the bus to date (besides thinking he profiled Trayvon) despite things from his past being brought up. so I don't see the point in bringing up what Trayvon's past activities have to do with that night.

Is it to say he wasn't a saintly kid or something? At this point, I don't care, because he's dead and won't have the opportunity to get past his youthful indiscretions.

Anyway, good night, and I'll check back in in the manana.
WoodysGirl;4481100 said:
I'm not trying to join in on this debate this late at night, but to this point, I'm just not seeing the relevance as to how his actions in those instances led to his death on that night under those circumstances.

I've been unwilling to throw GZ under the bus to date (besides thinking he profiled Trayvon) despite things from his past being brought up. so I don't see the point in bringing up what Trayvon's past activities have to do with that night.

Is it to say he wasn't a saintly kid or something? At this point, I don't care, because he's dead and won't have the opportunity to get past his youthful indiscretions.

Anyway, good night, and I'll check back in in the manana.

His past shows he has a violent nature towards those weaker than him. It shows he has a propensity to be violent towards the weak. Just my view.

In spite of what the Z defenders are saying, writing on a locker and smoking the 420 doesn't indicate someone with a violent nature....

I do get your point though. They're two separate issues.
WoodysGirl;4478194 said:
Count me as one who doesn't give a rat's patootie about the media's influence. Ultimately, we are responsible for the info we digest. I haven't even read most media reports, because the basic facts haven't changed. Much of thread is pure opinion and speculation, but it's not based on what's actually happening or not happening with this case.

Perfect! Thank you.
The truth is coming out...

In October, a school police investigator said he saw Trayvon on the school surveillance camera in an unauthorized area "hiding and being suspicious." Then he said he saw Trayvon mark up a door with "W.T.F" - an acronym for "what the f---." The officer said he found Trayvon the next day and went through his book bag in search of the graffiti marker.

Instead the officer reported he found women's jewelry and a screwdriver that he described as a "burglary tool," according to a Miami-Dade Schools Police report obtained by The Miami Herald.

Trayvon's backpack contained 12 pieces of jewelry, in addition to a watch and a large flathead screwdriver, according to the report, which described silver wedding bands and earrings with diamonds.

CowboyMcCoy;4481048 said:
If that's you're view, all I have to say is wow. Smoking a joint is the same magnitude as beating a woman.

Just wow.

Maybe you ought to mull that over again. Seriously, that's a very telling trait of the views you have.

I can justify hanging out with Herb. But I cannot ever justify being violent towards women. I'm glad you see it all as one-in-the-same though. It really is telling of your views.

LOL. No disrespect, but you're in Alaska. And these things vary from state to state. Again, an irrelevant comparison.

So you agree or disagree that beating a woman is worse than having pot?

You notice one has a violent history, the other was just doing kids stuff and not hurting anyone.

I hope you at least think about it even if you don't write it here. I'm really taken back by this view, especially because it's coming from you. And I don't mean that as an insult. I just thought you would see it differently.

I totally think having pot is worse than beating a woman. Nobody here will believe me when I type it, but that's what YOU want to hear. ;)

Does "it" feel better now that I wrote it, even though that's not what I said earlier?

You said he wasn't in legal trouble, it was only school trouble. I said that here it's the same thing. Legal trouble is legal trouble REGARDLESS the crime.

Are you talking FELONY trouble? You didn't say felony trouble.

Tell us, was Zimmerman brought up on Felony charges in beating up of that woman? I don't know the history, but I suspect it's was a misdemeanor.

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