Neighborhood watch captain kills black teen - doesn't get arrested

CowboyMcCoy;4481150 said:
Who did I insult? I can point out several times in this thread where you've attempted to insult me.

LOL. Odd persona, etc. Get a grip on yourself and actually go back and read what you've written. It's very very classy.

Most of my disagreements are civil. I'm sure a few can attest to that as well....

About your persona earlier is the same thing I am saying here. It's not an insult, its a fact of your posting content and oddness when people disagree w/ you, because it always gets out of hand and threads closed.

Remember last week a user said watch this guy meaning you because he said the thread would get closed.

You started getting political and out of hand there and again in this thread. You even had to go back and attempt to delete but only after WG warned you.

Yeah we don't get along. You should put me on your ignore list. :(
CowboyMcCoy;4481152 said:
..and you were wrong. Trayvon had no legal problems from the school incidents. Those were handled in school. Once again the Red Herring rears its ugly head as if Trayvon has a violent history pertinent to what happened the night he was killed. On the other had, we have a wife beater who killed a teenager and you continuously defend him.

Maybe you identify more with him. I don't know.

Where am I defending Zimmerman? You clearly know that I am. Show me where I am saying what Zimmerman did was ok and am in defense of him killing the young kid.

I will wait. :cool:
Dallas;4481154 said:
About your persona earlier is the same thing I am saying here. It's not an insult, its a fact of your posting content and oddness when people disagree w/ you, because it always gets out of hand and threads closed.

Remember last week a user said watch this guy meaning you because he said the thread would get closed.

You mean the troll of all trolls? Go look at the source. In that same thread at least one poster called B.S. on that statement.

You started getting political and out of hand there and again in this thread. You even had to go back and attempt to delete but only after WG warned you.

Jeez. Your sidekick had said something like how liberal of you. I merely called him on being way off base on his assumption, which is ironic because that's what he's been emotional about all day--everyone assuming poor Zimmerman, the woman beater, did nothing wrong. Assumptions go both ways.

Yeah we don't get along. You should put me on your ignore list. :(

You're not worth my time. If you really want to know what I think of you, PM me. Otherwise, I'll continue to expose your comments and who you are as long as you keep posting.

You can attempt to do the same. Most people, even ice who I disagree with, have a spoken amount of respect for me. Ice and I, even though you wouldn't think, are actually friends. We just got into an argument today.

The difference is ice and I are grown up enough to put that behind us in the very near future--probably even tomorrow--and still remain friends.

You're a lost cause.

Like I said, if you really want to know what I think of you PM me. I'm not great with beating around the bush. I say things like I see them. I apologize I don't cater to the more fragile amongst the board when it comes to disagreements.

Happy trolling.
Dallas;4481155 said:
Where am I defending Zimmerman? You clearly know that I am. Show me where I am saying what Zimmerman did was ok and am in defense of him killing the young kid.

I will wait. :cool:

You were defending him when you said he was innocent until proven guilty. You mentioned nothing that he should be arrested under probable cause. Mostly because you don't know any better. But was your whole rant about innocent until proven guilty not defending him?

I'll wait. :)
Dallas;4481155 said:
Where am I defending Zimmerman? You clearly know that I am. Show me where I am saying what Zimmerman did was ok and am in defense of him killing the young kid.

I will wait. :cool:

Oh, wait, also, you were attacking Trayvon in Zimmerman's defense when you said a crime is a crime, and that you didn't see a difference in beating women and smoking pot.


I'll wait on that one too.

Maybe you don't like my rhetoric. I get that. Sometimes it's a bit abrasive. But unlike you, I have yet to attack anyone personally.
I'll let you have the last word until tomorrow. I'm off to bed so I can find work tomorrow (another slight/insult at me).

Don't worry. Most of us actually can read what you "write".
Zimmerman is not a "convicted wife beater". His wife filed a restraining order after they got in a shoving match in her apartment. Zimmerman filed a counterclaim and got a restraining order against his wife after she assaulted him with a baseball bat. There were no criminal charges.

His 2005 arrest for battery on a police officer never amounted to anything. He pushed an undercover ATF officer who was busting people for underage drinking. He had no idea the guy was an ATF agent, and the charges were dropped.

On the other hand, there are still big questions surrounding Trayvon. The police caught him at school with a bag of women's jewelry and a screwdriver. The only reason the cops didn't charge him is because they couldn't prove it was stolen.

It's been a while since high school, but I can't remember any classes that required me to bring a flathead screwdriver or women's jewelry. :rolleyes:
After watching CNN this morning, I'm going back to the position let’s wait and see and allow all facts to present themselves. Listening to an interview from an eye witness things appear not to be as cut and dry as has been reported. People say Zimmerman continued to follow the kid after 911 operator told him not to and now I hear that Zimmerman was walking back to his SUV after being told not to follow and was confronted by Martin.

Also seeing an interview with a friend of Zimmerman and some of the things he said again gives me pause. Was this racially motivated? Hard to think that when the close friend is black. I don't know many racist who hang out with people of different color or a person standing up on his own to defend a person accused of a hate crime. In the mean time Zimmerman friend and his family have come under fire for their support of Zimmerman.

Before someone goes crazy on him all I'm saying it lets do not convict before all facts are presented. I’m not claiming innocent on Zimmerman I’m saying I don’t know all the facts
Brian_C82;4481176 said:
Zimmerman is not a "convicted wife beater". His wife filed a restraining order after they got in a shoving match in her apartment. Zimmerman filed a counterclaim and got a restraining order against his wife after she assaulted him with a baseball bat. There were no criminal charges.

His 2005 arrest for battery on a police officer never amounted to anything. He pushed an undercover ATF officer who was busting people for underage drinking. He had no idea the guy was an ATF agent, and the charges were dropped.

On the other hand, there are still big questions surrounding Trayvon. The police caught him at school with a bag of women's jewelry and a screwdriver. The only reason the cops didn't charge him is because they couldn't prove it was stolen.

It's been a while since high school, but I can't remember any classes that required me to bring a flathead screwdriver or women's jewelry. :rolleyes:

So because Trayvon wasn't the perfect angel that means that he deserved to be killed? That his life holds less value?

Murder/ManSlaugther is still illegal if that is what Zimmerman eneds up being arrested for. There is no law that says that it;s only illegal to murder and kill perfect angelic people and that anyone with a shady and troubled pass is somehow okay to kill.

Trayvon's past has nothing to do with what he was doing that night and the fact that he was doing nothing at the time when ZImmerman followed him.

Investigators are going to look at what happened that night and not someone's past to justify the killing if it had nothing to do with the night in question. Attack Trayvon's character all you want, it will not make what Zimmerman did anymore justified or okay especially if they decide to arrest him
Doomsday101;4481255 said:
After watching CNN this morning, I'm going back to the position let’s wait and see and allow all facts to present themselves. Listening to an interview from an eye witness things appear not to be as cut and dry as has been reported. People say Zimmerman continued to follow the kid after 911 operator told him not to and now I hear that Zimmerman was walking back to his SUV after being told not to follow and was confronted by Martin.

Also seeing an interview with a friend of Zimmerman and some of the things he said again gives me pause. Was this racially motivated? Hard to think that when the close friend is black. I don't know many racist who hang out with people of different color or a person standing up on his own to defend a person accused of a hate crime. In the mean time Zimmerman friend and his family have come under fire for their support of Zimmerman.

Before someone goes crazy on him all I'm saying it lets do not convict before all facts are presented. I’m not claiming innocent on Zimmerman I’m saying I don’t know all the facts

The eyewitness saw Zimmerman go back to his truck and Trayvon confront him?
I really feel more sorry for the parents of Martin now then before. Their loss has become a circus, and thanks to the likes of people like Jessie Jackson and Sharpton joining them, that isn't going to change soon.

now that we have a national debate going on, both parties are being subjected to character assassination, and that is horrible for the parents.

fake images are now circulating showing Trayvon to be a full fledged gangster. A news report of him being caught with burglary equipment, trying to punch his bus drivrr, and none of it is verifiable, and I suspect will all turn out to be false
Romo_To_Dez;4481261 said:
The eyewitness saw Zimmerman go back to his truck and Trayvon confront him?

Yes. The holler you hear on 911 based on the witness said it was Zimmerman screaming for help not the kid. Again. I'm not trying to claim innocent but at this stage I'm holding off on claiming Guilt.

What I'm afraid of is the media has sensationalized this case and are getting people riled up before all facts are known. Funny if this was a black on black crime this would not even be a story. Last week 10 young black men were killed in Chicago including a baby it never made the national news why? It was black on black crime. I'm not going to allow the media to dictate outrage, let the facts all come out
Doomsday101;4481255 said:
Before someone goes crazy on him all I'm saying it lets do not convict before all facts are presented. I’m not claiming innocent on Zimmerman I’m saying I don’t know all the facts
But the question is, can all facts be presented? We have only one sided story, which is murky. Witness accounts are partial, SPD is under fire for not following proper procedures.

All we know is a 17 year kid who did nothing wrong but became suspicious by an overzealous man for no reason and ended up being killed.

I'd like to see all the facts but I'm not convinced that I will.
Dallas;4481154 said:
About your persona earlier is the same thing I am saying here. It's not an insult, its a fact of your posting content and oddness when people disagree w/ you, because it always gets out of hand and threads closed.

Its a fact.
Romo_To_Dez;4481261 said:
The eyewitness saw Zimmerman go back to his truck and Trayvon confront him?
See that's thing, people like to runaway with eyewitness' statements (in a dark) like its a gospel. One minute people claim Zimmerman was attacked from behind while returning to his truck, next minute this powerful 160 lb 17 year old dude knocked the hell out of 28 year old 250 lb man with one punch to the which is it?
03EBZ06;4481278 said:
But the question is, can all facts be presented? We have only one sided story, which is murky. Witness accounts are partial, SPD is under fire for not following proper procedures.

All we know is a 17 year kid who did nothing wrong but became suspicious by an overzealous man for no reason and ended up being killed.

I'd like to see all the facts but I'm not convinced that I will.

We don't know if the kid did nothing wrong or not, we have been lead to believe he did nothing wrong. If Zimmerman as a volunteer watch captain sees a suspicious person at this point he has done nothing wrong.
He is asked by 911 are you following him?

and Zimmerman says yes, the 911 operator tells him not to he says OK, now I hear a report that Zimmerman is walking back to his SUV after he is told not to follow so he is doing what he was told?

If Martin then confronts him and attacks now it is a different story.

Not saying who was right or wrong innocent or guilty and fact is no here knows this either because we were not there we go by reports from the media and as new information comes in hopefully a clearer picture takes place until then what we have is a person who is getting death threats based on partial information.

There is something to the notion that all are innocent until proven guilty
03EBZ06;4481282 said:
See that's thing, people like to runaway with eyewitness' statements (in a dark) like its a gospel. One minute people claim Zimmerman was attacked from behind while returning to his truck, next minute this powerful 160 lb 17 year old dude knocked the hell out of 28 year old 250 lb man with one punch to the which is it?

What are you going by? At least the wittness was there you were not you can make any claims you choose but in the end you get your info as the rest have through the media. We have heard 1 side of a story and the picture is a man looking for trouble, chasing a kid and then just shooting him. Is that what happened? Maybe but then maybe not. Maybe there is a lot more to this that was 1st got reported.
Doomsday101;4481287 said:
We don't know if the kid did nothing wrong or not, we have been lead to believe he did nothing wrong. If Zimmerman as a volunteer watch captain sees a suspicious person at this point he has done nothing wrong.
He is asked by 911 are you following him?

and Zimmerman says yes, the 911 operator tells him not to he says OK, now I hear a report that Zimmerman is walking back to his SUV after he is told not to follow so he is doing what he was told?

If Martin then confronts him and attacks now it is a different story.

Not saying who was right or wrong innocent or guilty and fact is no here knows this either because we were not there we go by reports from the media and as new information comes in hopefully a clearer picture takes place until then what we have is a person who is getting death threats based on partial information.

There is something to the notion that all are innocent until proven guilty

What is it that TM did to become suspicious first place? Not one report stated that TM did anything to become suspicious. If TM did anything to warrant attention from Zimmerman, don't you think that information would have been shared already?
Doomsday101;4481295 said:
What are you going by? At least the wittness was there you were not you can make any claims you choose but in the end you get your info as the rest have through the media. We have heard 1 side of a story and the picture is a man looking for trouble, chasing a kid and then just shooting him. Is that what happened? Maybe but then maybe not. Maybe there is a lot more to this that was 1st got reported.
Read the thread, its been talked about and links posted concerning at what position Zimmerman supposedly have been attacked. Both sides have been vilified, not just one, moreso with Zimmerman because he killed a teen.
03EBZ06;4481296 said:
What is it that TM did to become suspicious first place? Not one report stated that TM did anything to become suspicious. If TM did anything to warrant attention from Zimmerman, don't you think that information would have been shared already?

If you see someone in a gated community who is unknown by those living in that gated community it will raise suspicion especially when there have been many break in. This is why these communities have a neighborhood watch program. Calling 911 was the right thing to do even if the police arrives talk to the kid and finds out there was no problem.

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