Neighborhood watch captain kills black teen - doesn't get arrested

trickblue;4478217 said:
I don't have the ref to read it... would be happy to...

My wife is from Mexico and said they consider it a slur to be referred to as a "white latino"... guess that isn't racist here...

Why is he considered white... because of his last name? His father also said he has been raised as Latino...

Why is he half white after an alleged crime? He would be (full) Latino if he was applying for a voting card...

When does this racial variation crap stop? This country was once known as a melting pot... it is now become Babylon...

Scrap this racial crap... it ain't working...

Thank you!
Manwiththeplan;4481085 said:
there is no outrage, here atleast, because no one is denying that the 2 black kids shouldn't have the book thrown at them. I clicked the thread when it was a new story and unless someone had said otherwise, I think we are all in agreement on how terribile this was and how the 2 kids should be treated.

For some reason several posters here want to defend Zimmerman, like he did nothing wrong and should be allowed to continue harrassing people, reguardless of the outcome. I can't speak for everyone, but I don't even think Zimmerman should be tried for committing a hate crime. While I do believe he assumed the worst when seeing a black kid, I don't think he followed him with the intention of shooting him. Unfortunately Zimmerman's actions, led to someone's death and he should be held accountable, to some degree.

As far as the other case, I assume at this point the 2 kids haven't been arrestes because their identity's are unkown, however Zimmerman was found standing over the kid with the smoking gun, and didn't even get arrested. Seems pretty clear to me who is escaping justice and who just hasn't had their actions catch up to them yet.

Could you please point those users out w/ the statements they are using to support your claim? I see most posters saying let the investigation happen and don't jump to conclusions. I don't see at all what you claim.

There may be one who appears that way depending on how you read them.

You lost me at several, however.

You clearly know who they are and the statements they are using to base your accusations on.

Point them out sir, I would like to see them. Argh!! :mad:
Dallas;4481113 said:
I totally think having pot is worse than beating a woman. Nobody here will believe me when I type it, but that's what YOU want to hear. ;)

I asked if it was the same. You said it was.

Dallas;4481043 said:
I am not splitting hairs here. Legal trouble is legal trouble, regardless if its hitting a girl or having pot in school.

You said it's school trouble as if only the school administration is dealing with these kids and I am just stating otherwise. Here in Anchorage, you don't get to have pot in school and your parents called anymore. Nor do you willfully break into lockers and steal things w/o going to the youth detention centers.

He wasn't seen breaking in to anything, I don't believe. I think he just looked suspicious. Also, if you look at Zim's call history, he seems paranoid of everything.

Does "it" feel better now that I wrote it, even though that's not what I said earlier?

Not really because I know you're being disingenuous about it after you've actually thought about what you said earlier.

You said he wasn't in legal trouble, it was only school trouble. I said that here it's the same thing. Legal trouble is legal trouble REGARDLESS the crime.

Trayvon didn't live in Alaska. Do they fish for a lot of Red Herring there?

Are you talking FELONY trouble? You didn't say felony trouble.

Tell us, was Zimmerman brought up on Felony charges in beating up of that woman? I don't know the history, but I suspect it's was a misdemeanor.

More than one d.v. in most states is a felony. I'm not sure how many he has or what the Fl. statute is. But he's a convicted wife beater. I wouldn't put it past him to try to punk some teen for kicks and the power/control trip his type seeks.
Dallas;4481120 said:
Could you please point those users out w/ the statements they are using to support your claim? I see most posters saying let the investigation happen and don't jump to conclusions. I don't see at all what you claim.

There may be one who appears that way depending on how you read them.

You lost me at several, however.

You clearly know who they are and the statements they are using to base your accusations on.

Point them out sir, I would like to see them. Argh!! :mad:

Wow, delusion is running amok.

Tried counting?
CowboyMcCoy;4481123 said:
I asked if it was the same. You said it was.

He wasn't seen breaking in to anything, I don't believe. I think he just looked suspicious. Also, if you look at Zim's call history, he seems paranoid of everything.

Not really because I know you're being disingenuous about it after you've actually thought about what you said earlier.

Trayvon didn't live in Alaska. Do they fish for a lot of Red Herring there?

More than one d.v. in most states is a felony. I'm not sure how many he has or what the Fl. statute is.

Everything you are saying is pure bologny speculation. It's disgusting. :lmao2:

BTW: I was watching Adventures of Tin Tin w/ my son. That's what parents do to bond sometimes. I to some but its true.

What are you talking about Red Herring? You really are struggling w/ the cute factor you think your being.

I enjoy just bringing your discrepancies out here in the forum for everyone to see. Pretty easy actually.
Dallas;4481127 said:
Everything you are saying is pure bologny speculation. It's disgusting. :lmao2:

BTW: I was watching Adventures of Tin Tin w/ my son. That's what parents do to bond sometimes. I to some but its true.

What are you talking about Red Herring? You really are struggling w/ the cute factor you think your being.

I enjoy just bringing it out here in the forum for everyone to see.

The irony is most of us are laughing at you, not me.

And I sense you are attacking me as a parent somehow. But that's ok. I enjoy bringing it out here in the forum for everyone to see.

You don't even know your basic law procedures. LOL. We saw that when you stated he's innocent until proven guilty before he was even arrested.

Talk about a post that's a stretch. Almost everything you post is a stretch and mostly bologna (correct spelling). Most of us know that from your history on the board. Does everyone like me? Well, you can't please everyone. But I can almost guarantee you you're delusional about a lot of things regarding the perception of yourself. In my view, it's not a positive one.

I guess that's up to you to take initiative to show some class rather than make underhanded comments about how bonding with your child may be news to some.

I get the underhandedness and your classlessness is not lost on me, nor anyone else who cares to take a true look at how you actually approach things, insulting people time after time...
CowboyMcCoy;4481134 said:

So now I don't work? Man, it never ends with you.

Nope! ;) No idea what you are talking about regarding parenting. You said I ran off to think. I said I was bonding w/ my runt.

Reach much?
Dallas;4481127 said:
BTW: I was watching Adventures of Tin Tin w/ my son. That's what parents do to bond sometimes. I to some but its true.

Classy thing to say to me, bro. I'm sure the members here are proud of you.
CowboyMcCoy;4481138 said:
Classy thing to say to me, bro. I'm sure the members here are proud of you.

:laugh2: What are you talking about? Is your little mind whispering things to you again?

Please don't assume and speculate w/ me. My name is not Zimmerman, bro.

You can call me Mr. Dallas

But back OT. I highly doubt Zimmerman would be allowed to conceal carry on his little NHW program if he was a registered felon nor would be let go by the police if he were a criminal/felon like you want to paint him.

Again you reach for the stars to justify your means w/ pretty much anything.
Dallas;4481136 said:
Nope! ;) No idea what you are talking about regarding parenting. You said I ran off to think. I said I was bonding w/ my runt.

Reach much?
I simply said that you thought about it and changed your stance--not that you ran off.

No, you know what you said and what you mean when you said it's news to some, I know.

Very classy bro. No wonder you can defend some puke who killed an innocent kid.
CowboyMcCoy;4481141 said:
I simply said that you thought about it and changed your stance--not that you ran off.

No, you know what you said and what you mean when you said it's news to some, I know.

Very classy bro. No wonder you can defend some puke who killed an innocent kid.

I am not defending him, nor am I saying that the kid was innocent, because I don't know all of the facts, unlike yourself.

I didn't change my stance regardless how you want to spin it. ;)
Dallas;4481140 said:
:laugh2: What are you talking about? Is your little mind whispering things to you again?

Please don't assume and speculate w/ me. My name is not Zimmerman, bro.

You can call me Mr. Dallas

But back OT. I highly doubt Zimmerman would be allowed to conceal carry on his little NHW program if he was a registered felon nor would be be let go.

Again you reach for the stars to justify your means w/ pretty much anything.

Uh huh. But I'm also curious if Fl. has the same laws as other states. Any D.V. conviction normally terminates your 2nd amendment rights.

I won't call you Mr. anything. I only say that to those deserving of the title. I've actually tried to be civil with you. But you act too neurotic to step back and look at it as a discussion. Act too neurotic to admit your little innocent until proven guilty tirade was satirical at best.

Have fun, you legend in your own mind you...
Dallas;4481142 said:
I am not defending him, nor am I saying that the kid was innocent, because I don't know all of the facts, unlike yourself.

I didn't change my stance regardless how you want to spin it. ;)

I've had a field day pointing out how you have no grasp of realism in law, no grasp of probable cause. And you dang sure don't know your jurisprudence procedures. My question is, given this, what makes anything you say substative at all?




....It doesn't. ;)
CowboyMcCoy;4481143 said:
Uh huh. But I'm also curious if Fl. has the same laws as other states. Any D.V. conviction normally terminates your 2nd amendment rights.

I won't call you Mr. anything. I only say that to those deserving of the title. I've actually tried to be civil with you. But you act too neurotic to step back and look at it as a discussion. Act too neurotic to admit your little innocent until proven guilty tirade was satirical at best.

Have fun, you legend in your own mind you...

CM, you are never civil w/ anyone who disagrees w/ you. IB even showed you that earlier in this book of a thread. It starts off nice, and then you lose pace a bit and get defensive and the insults follow.

You have always been that way. Sorry!
Dallas;4481142 said:
I am not defending him, nor am I saying that the kid was innocent, because I don't know all of the facts, unlike yourself.

I didn't change my stance regardless how you want to spin it. ;)

You said a crime is a crime, something to that effect, regarding beating women and smoking pot.


Go read it because you can't delete it..

Tap dance for me, boy!
Dallas;4481146 said:
CM, you are never civil w/ anyone who disagrees w/ you. IB even showed you that earlier in this book of a thread. It starts off nice, and then you lose pace a bit and get defensive and the insults follow.

You have always been that way. Sorry!

Who did I insult? I can point out several times in this thread where you've attempted to insult me.

LOL. Odd persona, etc. Get a grip on yourself and actually go back and read what you've written. It's very very classy.

Most of my disagreements are civil. I'm sure a few can attest to that as well....
CowboyMcCoy;4481148 said:
You said a crime is a crime, something to that effect, regarding beating women and smoking pot.


Go read it because you can't delete it..

Tap dance for me, boy!

I said legal problems are legal problems regardless the crime. ;) You said it was a school problem and I disagreed.
Dallas;4481151 said:
I said legal problems are legal problems regardless the crime. ;) You said it was a school problem and I disagreed.

..and you were wrong. Trayvon had no legal problems from the school incidents. Those were handled in school. Once again the Red Herring rears its ugly head as if Trayvon has a violent history pertinent to what happened the night he was killed. On the other had, we have a wife beater who killed a teenager and you continuously defend him.

Maybe you identify more with him. I don't know.

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