NewyScruggs Blog: Wade Phillips Stands Behind Michael Vick

FuzzyLumpkins;1570619 said:
I go completely in the other direction and i have no issue living up to it. Im just fine with not being a hypocrite and condemning others along the way.

Nowhereland sounds about right.

Pats Fan;1570598 said:
Well, I read what your new coach wrote and said WHAT!!

I simply do not understand it. Never will understand it.

Have we sunk so low that we think the killing dogs in very inhumane circumstances is just OK???

Have we hit that level??? What next???

I pray and hope that we are civilized people. I hope we educate our children to respect our land, our country, our traditions. And that we educate our young.

Is it just me that thinks that killing for fun is wrong??? Not just killing, making it hurt, in the most inhumane method possible. And enjoying it.

Have we really sunk to such levels.

God help us.

BB may be a sour face guy. But he is no lover of hate. Your guy.

Pats Fan;1570599 said:
Your guy, that is, Wade.

Good luck and good night.

I GOT IT! I GOT IT! Don't tell me!

You work for ESPN, dontcha? ;)

Run with the Phillips 'angle', guy! Run like the wind! :)
Hostile;1570635 said:
In the minds of others, yes there is.

Where did Wade Phillips say anything to lead you to believe he doesn't care about the dogs that suffered?

Try not to fly off the handle as you answer this really simple question.

Correction, hos: In my native village, Wah-DAY means electrocutor of dogs.
speedkilz88;1570617 said:
What's really sad is that reading comprehension and intelligence in this country is at an all time low. Phillips didn't say anything about animal cruelty you idiot. He just tried to support a guy that played for him, and that he wants to wait and see what the outcome is.

Hey, I support evil --NOT. Need I say more? I cannot believe your coach said that. I just cannot believe there is one person on this planet that can look at this and say anything else.

It is not the dog fighting, that is bad enough. But the killing of dogs that don't cut the grade -- gee, how bout [SIZE=-1]euthanasia[/SIZE]. Is torture necessary? I read what happened to those poor dogs that may have made good pets -- it made me sick to my stomach.

I do not accept cruelty. I do not accept ignorance. That goes for dogs, and humans as well.

We have in so many ways lost our way. I will not be one of them.
GimmeTheBall!;1570637 said:
All I know is that I am NOT gonna take a deer for a walk around my neighborhood!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And If I fall in a well, it will be sparky the dog, not Bambi the deer who will rescue me!!


No but youll find it perfectly acceptable for someone to seek out said deer and shoot it in cold blood so you can have its horns.
Pats Fan;1570624 said:
Read and comprehend WHAT???

This should be a non discussion issue.

Vick is a complete and total low life. Is there anything else to discuss??

I just feel sorry for the dogs that had to suffer at his hands. And if you don't feel that, well, I can't help you. Why don't you go out and kill a few kittens, just for fun.

Read and comprehend that Phillips did not say that he supported dog fighting as you suggest he did.

He didn't even come close to that.

Guys like you (tabloid mentality - and grade level - readers) are what fuel the media. Even benign comments are blown into something huge.

As for this particular comment, it's easy to call a guy a lowlife that you don't know, but when you personally have known a guy and known him to be a positive guy it's different.

The thing with guys like you is that you are ruled by emotion rather than rationality - you let your hatred for the crime blind you to the human elements of the story and see this through the eyes of others.
Pats Fan;1570645 said:
Hey, I support evil --NOT. Need I say more? I cannot believe your coach said that. I just cannot believe there is one person on this planet that can look at this and say anything else.

It is not the dog fighting, that is bad enough. But the killing of dogs that don't cut the grade -- gee, how bout [SIZE=-1]euthanasia[/SIZE]. Is torture necessary? I read what happened to those poor dogs that may have made good pets -- it made me sick to my stomach.

I do not accept cruelty. I do not accept ignorance. That goes for dogs, and humans as well.

We have in so many ways lost our way. I will not be one of them.

And again, more rambling nonsense from you.

But I guess, you've got to stick to what you do best.

Ignore facts, make random posts, hope something sticks. When that fails, make generalized comments, do the "I FIGHT THE GOOD FIGHT" spiel, and try to change the actual topic.

All of which fail, but I am sure you fool yourself into believing you have made a substantial contribution to this thread.
Pats Fan;1570645 said:
Hey, I support evil --NOT. Need I say more? I cannot believe your coach said that. I just cannot believe there is one person on this planet that can look at this and say anything else.

It is not the dog fighting, that is bad enough. But the killing of dogs that don't cut the grade -- gee, how bout [SIZE=-1]euthanasia[/SIZE]. Is torture necessary? I read what happened to those poor dogs that may have made good pets -- it made me sick to my stomach.

I do not accept cruelty. I do not accept ignorance. That goes for dogs, and humans as well.

We have in so many ways lost our way. I will not be one of them.


~da DA da! da DA da!~
Pats Fan;1570645 said:
Hey, I support evil --NOT. Need I say more? I cannot believe your coach said that. I just cannot believe there is one person on this planet that can look at this and say anything else.

It is not the dog fighting, that is bad enough. But the killing of dogs that don't cut the grade -- gee, how bout [SIZE=-1]euthanasia[/SIZE]. Is torture necessary? I read what happened to those poor dogs that may have made good pets -- it made me sick to my stomach.

I do not accept cruelty. I do not accept ignorance. That goes for dogs, and humans as well.

We have in so many ways lost our way. I will not be one of them.

He had a personal relationship with Vick as the guys coach and isnt willing to throw him under the bus. Thats a far cry from the nonsense your spewing.
Pats Fan;1570645 said:
Hey, I support evil --NOT. Need I say more? I cannot believe your coach said that. I just cannot believe there is one person on this planet that can look at this and say anything else.

It is not the dog fighting, that is bad enough. But the killing of dogs that don't cut the grade -- gee, how bout [SIZE=-1]euthanasia[/SIZE]. Is torture necessary? I read what happened to those poor dogs that may have made good pets -- it made me sick to my stomach.

I do not accept cruelty. I do not accept ignorance. That goes for dogs, and humans as well.

We have in so many ways lost our way. I will not be one of them.
If Bill Belicheck comes out and says he will wait until due process has been heard regarding Vick, you will condemn him as a vile, ignorant human being?

I'm calling BS.
Vintage;1570634 said:
Again, your failure to grasp anything is nothing short of amazing.

Nowhere did Wade condone anything Vick is alleged to have done.

You failed to comprehend that. What Wade said, was that he doesn't have all the facts. You failed to comprehend that. Your sentence about telling me to go kill some kittens proves you cannot discuss any topic without generalizing as well as showing a complete lack of basic intelligence in discussing matters or even comprehending matters. All in one sentence! Congrats! You couldn't make a point, so you went to the extremes to draw up emotions to try and make a point that really was not there.

Here is what Wade said

He says he doesn't have the answers. He says maybe the people around him.....(implying they were probably bad influences on him, which I think, we can agree. They weren't good influences, to say the least). He is NOT obstaining Vick for guilt with that statement either.

And the last statement. Seems to me he is saying he isn't going to condemn Vick until its proven.

Innocent until proven guilty.


None of which condone what Vick has alleged to have done. But again, your failure to either read and/or comprehend lead you to come up with some half-distorted rambling of a mess that you felt the need to share with us.

Yay for us.

If you read the paper then it is quite clear that there is enough evidence in to make a judgment. You do not have to be a rocket scientist to figure it out.

Pure and simple.
Hostile;1570657 said:
If Bill Belicheck comes out and says he will wait until due process has been heard regarding Vick, you will condemn him as a vile, ignorant human being?

I'm calling BS.
Well, THAT's just not ESPN material. Where's the sensationalism? :confused:

~da DA da! da DA da!~
Pats Fan;1570659 said:
If you read the paper then it is quite clear that there is enough evidence in to make a judgment. You do not have to be a rocket scientist to figure it out.

Pure and simple.
If you read Wade's comments it is quite clear that he will allow the courts of law to determine a judgment. You don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure it out.

Purer and simpler.
Hostile;1570657 said:
If Bill Belicheck comes out and says he will wait until due process has been heard regarding Vick, you will condemn him as a vile, ignorant human being?

I'm calling BS.

If he made a statement as you say, I would look at him the same way.

But, guess what, NOT going to happen.
Off for the night.

He is YOUR coach. You deal with it.

Good luck and good night.
Pats Fan;1570663 said:
If he made a statement as you say, I would look at him the same way.

But, guess what, NOT going to happen.

why are you here yelling at us about what wade phillips said? Phillips said basically nothing, he said he didnt read the indictment and is busy so he doesnt know much?

None of us have anything to do with it, I think it warrants vick never playing in the nfl again.

I am curious did you have this stance last year when it came out last year that bellichick is a scumbag who cheated on his wife for years and had accounts and apartments set for his girlfriend? How do you think that made his kids feel?

Geez. We have nothing to do with vick or what phillips thinks about vick, so why all the animosity?
Pats Fan;1570663 said:
If he made a statement as you say, I would look at him the same way.

But, guess what, NOT going to happen.
For only one reason. He has no past history as Vick's coach.

Thank heavens the whole world is not made up of guys like you who do nothing but condemn.

I hate dog fighting as much as anyone on this forum, but I won't subject myself to stupidity to protest it. By all means go ahead though. You're doing a fine job of painting yourself into a corner.
Pats Fan;1570659 said:
If you read the paper then it is quite clear that there is enough evidence in to make a judgment. You do not have to be a rocket scientist to figure it out.

Pure and simple.

So in other words, you are wrong.....and to attempt to save face, you are going this route.

There is a reason we have a justice system that allows for a defendant to put forth a defense.

Surely, you've heard of this in your 55 years that you've graced the planet Earth with your presence.

Wade is saying simply; that he doesn't have the facts and he will wait upon judgement until the trial takes place.

And yet, somehow, you continue to fail to understand such comments that your average 4th grader could comprehend. How is this possible?

Then you come back with lame "I DON'T TOLERATE DOG FIGHTING" "GO KILL KITTENS THEN" retorts, as if they have anything to do with this discussion or have any real relevance to the thread.

You failed. Repeatedly. This thread is about par for the course in what we expect from you.

Either take the time to read the posts before you reply with such blatant "wrongness" or don't post. You waste your time, our time, and don't do your Patriot fan base any justice representing them whatsoever.
Pats Fan;1570666 said:
Off for the night.

He is YOUR coach. You deal with it.

Good luck and good night.
I think you're off more than just for the night. Just plain off is more like it.

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