Sorry, I used to be a Cam hater and I've converted. I think its silly to hat eon him when we loved Playmaker.
I had a conversation today with my brother how when we played in high school, helmet was on and you always stayed engaged. In the NFL I'll see the offense on the field and the D sitting on the bench kind of reviewing ipads and they seem disconnected
I like that Cam is a cheerleader. I like that he is into the game. I like that he is 24 hour "on" during game time. To me it is having fun. Their fans get off on it so he gets off on it. I don't see him barking in the other teams face....more hamming it up with his team. He's playing great, the team is playing great and they are on fire. Why get serious?
He is a leader and is into the games...good for him.