I think I agree with 99% of everything you post. On this one, I understand what you're saying, I just disagree. I genuinely thought Mills was out of line. The game was over. CeeDee was well past the goal line and Mills intentionally shoved him to the ground. Mills then went to CeeDee and was getting in his face. CeeDee asks him what he's going to do. Mills obviously isn't going to do anything at that point. Knowing that, CeeDee waves BYE. So, I disagree that he was taunting at all. I don't like any of that stuff, but I think it was a coaching issue and not an NFL executive issue.
If I were his coach, the wave wouldn't do anything for me. HOWEVER, I've seen far too many games where a player lets up and ends up not scoring for one reason or another. Celebrating before you score is foolish and I'd have no issue if McCarthy decided to rip him a new one for it.
The NFL are 100% hypocrites for then using the wave in the advertising for the sport. 100% crap. The whole incident should have been handled by the coaches of their respective teams, not with fines by the NFL. There's no way for the NFL to have any sort of consistency when you start fining players for waving when the other player is in the face. Heck, the NFL is actually using the incident to promote the NFL. The coaches need to be the ones to clean up that kind of stuff, not pencil pushers.