NFL still investigating Zeke's domestic violence accusation **merged**


Lightning Rod
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No, it doesn't bother me at all because that's how it works. Your employer can discipline and terminate you for things which don't rise to criminal law standards of conduct or proof.

true but this isn't even a situation where it even got to that level given he was not even charged


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I really don't like the NFL attempting to investigate or punish acts that have occurred before players ever entered the league. None of these players signed an application stating their background in it, at least to my knowledge. At some point I think the NFL is taking this way too far.

Quite honestly, barring criminal convictions, I think it should be up to individual teams deciding whether they want a player playing for them or not. This is going way too far.
The biggest problem l have with the fools running the NFL..Is they have no respect for their biggest and only asset....the players. The league...( meaning the owners) should be far more mature and try to help their one and ony asset and grow away from the stupid and self damning polisy of punishment and evolve into a nurturing culture that tries to help and assist its only asset in growth and development like all the other Pro leagues. Wonder why viewership is down....look no futher than league development anf polisy


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I think I remember you all bringing it up when Hardy was being evaluated. Maybe I blanked it out because I can hardly believe it. That sounds almost like a conflict of interest.

Wonder why Josh Brown wasn't scrutinized more before all the media attention brought his case to light.

From an article about Lisa Friel, the NFL's senior vice president for investigations:

"This option largely comes down to a woman named Lisa Friel, whose league office is adorned with portraits of giants: the former Giants quarterback Phil Simms, the current Giants quarterback Eli Manning — and, most tellingly, Robert M. Morgenthau, the august former Manhattan district attorney."

"Her job, which is intended to establish much-needed consistency in the league’s handling of misconduct cases, is at the center of a decidedly alpha-male environment. But Friel, 58, sees it as a twinning of passions, “a perfect fit.”

To begin with, she is a devout Giants fan, a season-ticket holder whose basement in her Brooklyn apartment is, as The Daily Beast once reported, a blue-and-red shrine to the Jints. Among her earliest memories of growing up in New Jersey is watching a Giants game on a black-and-white television and asking her father: “Who are we rooting for, Daddy? The ones in the black uniforms or the ones in the white uniforms?”"

That's not the same article I originally read, but it makes it obvious that she's as dedicated a Giants fan as you'll find. And in handling the Josh Brown case the NFL basically had random guys call and ask, per the Sheriff of King County

But I'm sure that since she was only a prosecutor for 28 years, she had no idea how to talk to the police and get information from them. It was just your typical bungling by a multi billion dollar company. Honest mistakes.


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It feels like an attempt to shift the focus and/or placate one of the commissioners biggest supporters. It really seems like nothing happened here. I just don't have any faith in the NFL's process being reasonable. They broke their own rules at least once this year already with the John Brown thing.


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From an article about Lisa Friel, the NFL's senior vice president for investigations:

"This option largely comes down to a woman named Lisa Friel, whose league office is adorned with portraits of giants: the former Giants quarterback Phil Simms, the current Giants quarterback Eli Manning — and, most tellingly, Robert M. Morgenthau, the august former Manhattan district attorney."

"Her job, which is intended to establish much-needed consistency in the league’s handling of misconduct cases, is at the center of a decidedly alpha-male environment. But Friel, 58, sees it as a twinning of passions, “a perfect fit.”

To begin with, she is a devout Giants fan, a season-ticket holder whose basement in her Brooklyn apartment is, as The Daily Beast once reported, a blue-and-red shrine to the Jints. Among her earliest memories of growing up in New Jersey is watching a Giants game on a black-and-white television and asking her father: “Who are we rooting for, Daddy? The ones in the black uniforms or the ones in the white uniforms?”"

That's not the same article I originally read, but it makes it obvious that she's as dedicated a Giants fan as you'll find. And in handling the Josh Brown case the NFL basically had random guys call and ask, per the Sheriff of King County

But I'm sure that since she was only a prosecutor for 28 years, she had no idea how to talk to the police and get information from them. It was just your typical bungling by a multi billion dollar company. Honest mistakes.

I'd like those that say some are crazy for thinking there is some inherent bias and fairness to address this article.


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Oh and...Zeke just happens to be living up to expectations.

Yup, we wouldn't hear a peep about it if Zeke was struggling to get on the field.

How long does someone have to prove his innocence before the league backs off? There weren't any charges. Actually, Zeke should sue her.


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Yup, we wouldn't hear a peep about it if Zeke was struggling to get on the field.

How long does someone have to prove his innocence before the league backs off? There weren't any charges. Actually, Zeke should sue her.
You can't prove your innocence...the GHardy case should have shown that.....all charges were dropped and his arrest was doesn't get more clear than except not even having charges Zeke


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It's funny. I see it all the time, the problem with entities like the figureheads of the "NFL" Trust, is that they generate so much revenue and power, have set aside their own trial process, that they now think they're their own sovereign nation.

They don't judge fairness based on reason or logic, they judge it on how big a pain in the *** it's going to be. That's actually pretty standard (i've worked in two of the biggest industries in the world, nothing new here folks).

So, in instances where they're obviously overstepping their bounds, sometimes you have to prove to be that pain in the ***. Obviously with something like the NFL, this comes from the public. Throw a little money at advertising agencies with interweaving social media accounts (you guys know all those stupid facebook meme's obviously trying to prove one point of view lately? a lot of those are actually originating from the same source, distributed through different accounts), clickbaiting everyone into seeing how dumb the NFL process is, get a few million views and the associated ridiculous comments/calls to action that follow, and congratulations, you just expedited the process.

Pick your spots, but in obvious situation where the NFL has continued to overstep its legal authority and acting pompous about it, sometimes you gotta rub their nose in the pee when they make in the house.


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This even being investigated to this degree send a bad message to everyone that someone can successful black mail or bring down an NFL player with the threat of yelling domestic violence. Having police investigate and having the league pretend the police investigation doesn't matter just opens every player up for someone to make an accusation like this.

Imagine Zeke gets suspended for domestic violence when the police say the girl made up the story...
Do you think other women won't make false accusations against players knowing they will hurt the player big time...

It's wrong....and should not be legal.

The Natural

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call me paranoid but the timing of the report right before the game is disturbing. hopefully Zeke aint worried about this garbage


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Jerry Jones had some words with Lisa Friel at the Owners Meetings.

Man this pisses me off. If a suspension happens without any new information to actually warrant one Im gonna lose my mind. Its bad enough we deal with crooked politicians, banks, hell even my HOA and then the NFL finds a way to screw me too. I need to retire and live in the mountains far away from the blood suckers of society lol. Wow


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This even being investigated to this degree send a bad message to everyone that someone can successful black mail or bring down an NFL player with the threat of yelling domestic violence. Having police investigate and having the league pretend the police investigation doesn't matter just opens every player up for someone to make an accusation like this.

Imagine Zeke gets suspended for domestic violence when the police say the girl made up the story...
Do you think other women won't make false accusations against players knowing they will hurt the player big time...

It's wrong....and should not be legal.

This is what I've been saying for a long fact, why not take it a step farther....perhaps some rival team pays off some bottom feeder chick with access to a star player to claim domestic abuse....whether or not its true would be irrelevant. The league moves to suspend immediately and its spilled milk at that point as the damage is done and the advantage was gained.
When we face the Pats in the SB why not convince Bridgette to claim domestic abuse? (Okay it may not work against a Patriot or Giant, but you get my point)
But this is why I keep saying the NFL is not protecting its own players from bottom feeders looking for a payout via the threat to claim domestic abuse...


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Witch many investigations does it take before you find something?