NFL still investigating Zeke's domestic violence accusation **merged**


Outta bounds
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Everyone just needs to relax and quit with the stupid conspiracy theories and the whole everyone is out to get the Cowboys thing. They have a process for these things and they likely put off interviewing him until his bye week. They will see that there is nothing there except a lying ex girlfriend. There is absolutely nothing to this situation that they can suspend him for unless they choose to believe the girl unconditionally despite what the police found and all the other evidence pointing to she simply made it up. I don't think that is going to happen because that would bring even worse press coverage down on them. The league does not wish to destroy the career of one of its young stars and have more bad press. They would much rather conclude nothing happened and have it all fade away. There is not some big movement out there demanding Zeke be punished because everyone knows nothing happened. That is what they will conclude.
OMG... you're in on it too?


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Man this pisses me off. If a suspension happens without any new information to actually warrant one Im gonna lose my mind. Its bad enough we deal with crooked politicians, banks, hell even my HOA and then the NFL finds a way to screw me too. I need to retire and live in the mountains far away from the blood suckers of society lol. Wow
Mara and the Giants just took a smack on the nose over Josh Brown. Goodell and Mara are now trying to deflect that. That's the only reason why this is being spun into a story.


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Mara and the Giants just took a smack on the nose over Josh Brown. Goodell and Mara are now trying to deflect that. That's the only reason why this is being spun into a story.

Yeah well it sickens me. Mara would be a great VP for a certain candidate this presidential election. But I wont go there lol. Same old story corruption at its best.


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Don Corleone

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I'll defer to you lawyers, but the NFL is treading on thin ground here... and a possible lawsuit...

This is nothing more than an attempt to deflect attention from the Josh Brown debacle. Yes, Mara is in Goodell's ear. They will do anything to try to derail the Cowboys season.


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Did I hear that right did florio say something about 5 incidents?

Also it's pretty obvious they're going to try and find something, anything to hand down punishment and make Zeke the poster child for the discipline for DM. Take the spotlight of Mara/giants/NFL/goodell and that witch who is a giants fan.

I hope they don't do anything stupid to suspend Zeke for time this season.

We know most of what happened, but this 5 incidents unless I heard wrong is curious.


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There is corruption cutting both ways.

We've seen NFL players protected, investigations suppressed or dropped. The league has a boat-load of influence and power and lots of friends in Washington. Lots. Of. Friends.

There is also a culture war going on with even bigger money and more puppet strings.

Then stir into the pot the uncertainty that comes with these cases. Are rich guys falsely charged for publicity and/or money? Obviously. Do spoiled athletes do a lot of crap? You bet.

In short...I don't know what to believe but wouldn't be surprised if money and power will drive the outcome.


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One thing that really stuck out to me right before the kickoff, Michele Tafoya reported that although Zeke has no criminal charges in Ohio, the NFL is still working with his ex-girlfriend in an on-going active investigation. I think that sound bite was given to her by the league to help reinforce their stance against DV. The league can suspend you for 6 games for first offense if they find evidence. The NFL has come under fire once again for botching a domestic violence incident with Josh Brown and may try to make an example with Zeke.

"CBS Sports reported earlier Sunday, citing multiple unnamed sources, that Jones raised the topic of the probe during league meetings in Houston about two weeks ago with Lisa Friel, a former New York prosecutor serving as special counsel. That report said they were within earshot of other league and team executives.

Jones said after Sunday night's game that the two had a "good discussion." He said the conversation might have gotten loud, but said it was a situation where he had "to talk over the music."

Asked if the interaction was contentious, he responded, "Well, I don't know about that, but certainly, the volume of it had a lot to do with noise in there."

"Per a source with knowledge of the situation, Elliott’s ex-girlfriend is cooperating with the investigation.

In contrast, the ex-wife of Giants kicker declined to cooperate with the NFL’s investigation. That lack of cooperation ultimately was deemed to be one of the mitigating factors that prompted the league to deviate from its six-game baseline punishment for first-offense domestic violence."


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espn's outside the lines led off their show with a 15 minute piece on Zeke.

They made it out that Zeke is guilty and Jerry tried to intimidate Lisa Friel last week at the owners meetings so he won't be suspended because we can not win without him.

They kept showing pictures and zooming in on zeke with the lower third saying he was under investigation.

Pretty nuts. So jerry calls out lisa friel and apparently made it known he was not happy about something last tuesday at the owners meeting and then all of a sudden on friday the league is saying they are still investigating zeke.

If he did nothing and the girl was after him then what are they investigating? I don't get it. The league in some sort of shady way overlooked the ny giant player when the ny giant season ticket holder lisa friel enforced nothing on him and now to look tough they are using zeke and jerry as pawns or something?

I don't get it and find it pretty cheap on espn's part if there is nothing to this. They sure were not interested in saying he did nothing wrong.


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GF is just trying to screw him now. She couldn't get the police to prosecute so now she'll work with the NFL and hope to smear his name there.


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Did I hear that right did florio say something about 5 incidents?

Also it's pretty obvious they're going to try and find something, anything to hand down punishment and make Zeke the poster child for the discipline for DM. Take the spotlight of Mara/giants/NFL/goodell and that witch who is a giants fan.

I hope they don't do anything stupid to suspend Zeke for time this season.

We know most of what happened, but this 5 incidents unless I heard wrong is curious.

That's what she went to the prosecutor's office with. She complained about 5 separate incidents that happened over a month or two. They found no merit to her accusations.


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Honestly the idea that the NFL can continue an investigation when law enforcement has said there is not enough evidence to proceed is ludicrous. If it were a case where the victim refused to cooperate, then I could see an avenue the NFL would have but in this case they should be required to drop the investigation and stop tarnishing his reputation. If I were Zeke I would consider suing them for defamation of character.


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It's funny. I see it all the time, the problem with entities like the figureheads of the "NFL" Trust, is that they generate so much revenue and power, have set aside their own trial process, that they now think they're their own sovereign nation.

They don't judge fairness based on reason or logic, they judge it on how big a pain in the *** it's going to be. That's actually pretty standard (i've worked in two of the biggest industries in the world, nothing new here folks).

So, in instances where they're obviously overstepping their bounds, sometimes you have to prove to be that pain in the ***. Obviously with something like the NFL, this comes from the public. Throw a little money at advertising agencies with interweaving social media accounts (you guys know all those stupid facebook meme's obviously trying to prove one point of view lately? a lot of those are actually originating from the same source, distributed through different accounts), clickbaiting everyone into seeing how dumb the NFL process is, get a few million views and the associated ridiculous comments/calls to action that follow, and congratulations, you just expedited the process.

Pick your spots, but in obvious situation where the NFL has continued to overstep its legal authority and acting pompous about it, sometimes you gotta rub their nose in the pee when they make in the house.
The NFL is not a police agency, court of law, it is a business just like Taco Bell --no special power or police state. The NFL needs to know their role and shut their hole.


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The biggest problem l have with the fools running the NFL..Is they have no respect for their biggest and only asset....the players. The league...( meaning the owners) should be far more mature and try to help their one and ony asset and grow away from the stupid and self damning polisy of punishment and evolve into a nurturing culture that tries to help and assist its only asset in growth and development like all the other Pro leagues. Wonder why viewership is down....look no futher than league development anf polisy


Stick N Move
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they'll suspend him and we'll keep winning with Alfred / McFadden / Dunbar / Jackson

then the NFL will suspend Dak for his DUI, and we'll keep winning with Romo

maybe Beasley has some skeletons in his closet they can dig up?


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I cant fathom how they are still looking into this, when the police released the statements saying this woman told her friends to lie to police. This should be very cut and dry. However, this seems more and more like something will come down the pipe, and dont be surprised if its right before the Giants game. This will further confirm to me that Mara has Goodell in his pocket, and if he is suspended i hope Jerry and the NFLPA wreak HAVOC on the NFL. The fact we have a known New York Giants season ticket holder, and super fan investigating this is also beyond me. I am worried about this. A lot. This is the type of thing that will ruin our season.