It's funny. I see it all the time, the problem with entities like the figureheads of the "NFL" Trust, is that they generate so much revenue and power, have set aside their own trial process, that they now think they're their own sovereign nation.
They don't judge fairness based on reason or logic, they judge it on how big a pain in the *** it's going to be. That's actually pretty standard (i've worked in two of the biggest industries in the world, nothing new here folks).
So, in instances where they're obviously overstepping their bounds, sometimes you have to prove to be that pain in the ***. Obviously with something like the NFL, this comes from the public. Throw a little money at advertising agencies with interweaving social media accounts (you guys know all those stupid facebook meme's obviously trying to prove one point of view lately? a lot of those are actually originating from the same source, distributed through different accounts), clickbaiting everyone into seeing how dumb the NFL process is, get a few million views and the associated ridiculous comments/calls to action that follow, and congratulations, you just expedited the process.
Pick your spots, but in obvious situation where the NFL has continued to overstep its legal authority and acting pompous about it, sometimes you gotta rub their nose in the pee when they make in the house.