NFL upholds Brady's 4 game suspension

I guess Twitter is blowing up in comparing Brady's suspension with Hardy's suspension. I can't t blame the negative reaction with both consequences being the same. It is what it is. Do the Pats have a bye in the first 4 weeks because how can Brady miss our game when it is week 5 and it is a 4 game suspension? His 4 games would be up and him and Hardy will be able to play against each other.

Actually haven't seen a thing on twitter comparing the two.
They are kept for a while. Not sure how the NFL could obtain them though.,2817,2393887,00.asp

If you read that, it states the information regarding WHO you texted is kept for some time. That is true. The actual content of text messages is kept for approximately 60 days or less. I've had a considerable amount of experience with this. I know it for a fact.
Take my word for it. If the text messages weren't retrieved months ago, they never will be. I've been a Federal Agen for 25 years. I've gone down this road numerous times. The actual content of text messages is normally not kept longer than 60 days, if that.

But a pen register would at least tell you who and when he was texting, Which could lead to other sources of the evidence you are looking for.
If you read that, it states the information regarding WHO you texted is kept for some time. That is true. The actual content of text messages is kept for approximately 60 days or less. I've had a considerable amount of experience with this. I know it for a fact.

I have experience with it as well. I agree with you 100%.
But a pen register would at least tell you who and when he was texting, Which could lead to other sources of the evidence you are looking for.

You don't even need that. You can subpena records of who you called/texted, but that is not going to give you any evidence. I'm sure they've interviewed all Patriot personnel, so it's not like they need any names.
You could be right but I had noticed varying lengths that carriers retain electronic messaging while doing research on a totally different matter two years ago. Some carriers held on to data for several months. Others for more than a year. My info is old and outdated though and I cannot validate what I once read without re-doing the research.

Phone companies keep some electronic date for a long time, but not the actual text of a text message. Meta data such as what numbers you've called is kept for a long period. Now if anything was sent by email as opposed to a text they are kept a very long period of time
Don't think at this point you could get the text messages from Brady. But the party Brady was texting could easily still have those messages on their phones. Brady better be paying them real well because they could make lots of money selling those text messages to a media outlet
In a court of law. He can't lose.

He is guilty but they can't prove it... In a court of law.


"In determining that a violation occurred, we applied the standard of proof stated in the Integrity of the Game Policy: namely, preponderance of the evidence, meaning that 'as a whole, the fact sought to be proved is more probable than not.' This is a well-recognized legal standard, which is applied in courts and workplaces every day throughout the country. The evidence gathered during the investigation and reviewed in the report more than satisfy this standard and demonstrate an ongoing plan by at least certain Patriots' employees to deflate footballs, to do so in a secretive manner after the game officials have certified the footballs as suitable for play, and to hide these activities even from their own supervisors.
Phone companies keep some electronic date for a long time, but not the actual text of a text message. Meta data such as what numbers you've called is kept for a long period. Now if anything was sent by email as opposed to a text they are kept a very long period of time
Don't think at this point you could get the text messages from Brady. But the party Brady was texting could easily still have those messages on their phones. Brady better be paying them real well because they could make lots of money selling those text messages to a media outlet

This post is 100% correct, although I'm not exactly sure how long email content is kept these days. It's a lot longer than text messages. That is fact.
If you read that, it states the information regarding WHO you texted is kept for some time. That is true. The actual content of text messages is kept for approximately 60 days or less. I've had a considerable amount of experience with this. I know it for a fact.

You are right
Who he called or texted is meta data and could be easily obtained but only proves he called or texted the party. Doesn't prove what was said
But there could be another source of the text like the parties he was texting
Can you imagine what one of those ball boys could get for text messages from Brady about this?
But a pen register would at least tell you who and when he was texting, Which could lead to other sources of the evidence you are looking for.

FYI, pen registers and trap and trace are almost things of the past since they are only used on land lines. You don't need anything other than the cell phone bills to get that info for cell phone accounts.
You are right
Who he called or texted is meta data and could be easily obtained but only proves he called or texted the party. Doesn't prove what was said
But there could be another source of the text like the parties he was texting
Can you imagine what one of those ball boys could get for text messages from Brady about this?

That would be interesting if one of them came forward with their phone and it had evidence on it. As I said before, I made a wire fraud and money laundering case on that very thing. Well, that and a WHOLE lot of bank record, cashier's checks, etc.
"In determining that a violation occurred, we applied the standard of proof stated in the Integrity of the Game Policy: namely, preponderance of the evidence, meaning that 'as a whole, the fact sought to be proved is more probable than not.' This is a well-recognized legal standard, which is applied in courts and workplaces every day throughout the country. The evidence gathered during the investigation and reviewed in the report more than satisfy this standard and demonstrate an ongoing plan by at least certain Patriots' employees to deflate footballs, to do so in a secretive manner after the game officials have certified the footballs as suitable for play, and to hide these activities even from their own supervisors.

Thank you for that.
They need to lift up and look under Belichick's skirt too! He dirty.,,
"In determining that a violation occurred, we applied the standard of proof stated in the Integrity of the Game Policy: namely, preponderance of the evidence, meaning that 'as a whole, the fact sought to be proved is more probable than not.' This is a well-recognized legal standard, which is applied in courts and workplaces every day throughout the country. The evidence gathered during the investigation and reviewed in the report more than satisfy this standard and demonstrate an ongoing plan by at least certain Patriots' employees to deflate footballs, to do so in a secretive manner after the game officials have certified the footballs as suitable for play, and to hide these activities even from their own supervisors.
Not certain where this quote originated but here's a link to go with it:
Actually haven't seen a thing on twitter comparing the two.

It was in the newsfeed under the Brady's upheld suspension drawing ire on Twitter. I never heard of some the people. Matt Miller and Tim Coleshaw were the only names that I recognized. It was mostly media people I think.

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