NFLPA Files Temporary Restraining Order! **merged**

The case is now coming together as I anticipated. It's almost always in the middle. Zeke's attorney quoted in Washington Post about Zeke being provoked, violent sex and a volatile/lying girlfriend. Points toward clear exaggeration of the truth by Thompson, but also potentially not total innocence. NFL looks like total idiots, but Zeke probably not totally innocent as implied by his attorney. They should agree to a 2 game suspension and move on. It is the best path for all parties.

BTW I have always thought Zeke should focus on the violent sex defense. It matches their profiles and is a believable.
Did you get hemorrhoids pulling that one out?
I can guarantee you Michael Irvin has done more drugs and had more illicit sex with questionable women than we can probably even imagine

Luckily for him, he did all of his nonsense in the 90s when social media did not exist. Do you consider The Playmaker a "garbage" human being?

Yeah pretty much....I just have different standards in my personal life and my personal conduct but that is my business. I don't hate Michael Irvin but I don't really admire him as many do either. His hall of fame speech was amazing and I think he's tried to clean his life up (from what I can tell) but that doesn't mean I don't appreciate all he did for the Cowboys. I'll always have that respect for Zeke as well. Doesn't mean I have to like his personal actions or excuse them just because he wears the Star....I hope he wins 5 more rushing titles but he's no Roger or Troy or far...
I can guarantee you Michael Irvin has done more drugs and had more illicit sex with questionable women than we can probably even imagine

Luckily for him, he did all of his nonsense in the 90s when social media did not exist. Do you consider The Playmaker a "garbage" human being?

Also...I don't like the NFL doing him dirty especially if the woman they are taking sides with is just as bad or WORSE and from what I can tell. She's worse. Not saying much but it is what it is. The fact that the primary disher of punishment was a Giant Fan shrine basement having loser easily puts me on Zeke's side but I will always call an a'hole an a'hole either way....
So Zeke admitted under oath this week that he took a variety of drugs at Ohio State and talked Tiffany Thompson into an abortion.

Not a great look. And he'd better change his ways immediately, or this is going to be a short career.

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