NFLPA Files Temporary Restraining Order! **merged**

He will grow up....:but he's just 22. I cut him some slack. Dude is a stud!
At 22 man i thought i was the man. Non stop partying. Rockstar lifestyle. Now im 28 with a kid and wife. I stay out of clubs and i only drink once in a while. Hell i am a choir boy compared to what i used to do. It doesnt surprise me a college kid was a hard party boy.
You can't just blanket brush someone as "jealous" because you think they are wrong. That's stupid and neanderthal. Different people have different moral views on how to conduct their business. I could tell you that I own a CyberSecurity company with multiple lucrative contracts (who would make that up?) or I work at McDonald's. Doesn't can't just dismiss their opinions because they are "jealous" because reality DON'T KNOW....
Yes I can. You don't have to agree and I understand that. I'm speaking about this exact situation right here and don't think I'm wrong. It's many who have disagreed with me and I haven't said they were jealous so use another excuse. I'm not stupid or Neanderthal but if it makes you feel better I can be that. Who said people don't have different moral views? I think some morals views are phony what can I tell you? You could prove either scenario if you really wanted to prove me wrong about the jobs so I can't dismiss them. It doesn't matter to me at all though. I'll assume whichever one it is you're doing good enough to be able to post on here and that's decent enough IMO since I'm not paying your bills.
At 22 man i thought i was the man. Non stop partying. Rockstar lifestyle. Now im 28 with a kid and wife. I stay out of clubs and i only drink once in a while. Hell i am a choir boy compared to what i used to do. It doesnt surprise me a college kid was a hard party boy.

I don't judge or think that negatively of
him for being a crazy party boy. I did my fair share. At the same time I am not ignorant enough to think he couldn't have committed violence against his crazy girlfriend who he got pregnant. These things all go together. Partying, crazy women, wild nights, anger and some violence. Shocked how many in here are so blind.
I will never understand these heated arguments over professional athletes characters. Let's be real, probably 75% of the league has done something suspension worthy. Sucks that our star is one of the few who have these moments brought to light.

It's only being brought to light because the NFL is not winning on the evidence so they are now engaging in character assassination. This stuff is irrelevant to the issue of his suspension.
I don't judge or think that negatively of
him for being a crazy party boy. I did my fair share. At the same time I am not ignorant enough to think he couldn't have committed violence against his crazy girlfriend who he got pregnant. These things all go together. Partying, crazy women, wild nights, anger and some violence. Shocked how many in here are so blind.

I agree but at the same time ive seen dudes get set up and in my neighborhood growing up a girl set this dude up i knew down the street to get murdered.

It can be either way.

The point is we dont know only Zeke and Tiffany know what happened between them.
No one in the NFL is going to get fired for any of this. Life continues after Zeke.
Zeke is a P.o.S, it is obvious but the chick is an ever bigger one. So I would say he definitely doesn't deserve to be suspended. Doesn't change the fact he's a piece of crap....I've read some of his testimony. He's a garbage human being, face that fact folks... might not matter as long as he runs for yards and T.D.'s...

Tell us how you really feel?


I'm sorry, I had to. I'm off to bed now.
No Zeke just needs to grow up and learn to party less. You arent the moral judge or standard of ethics. Stop it.

Meanwhile, somewhere on a party yacht, the whole New York Giants recieving corps, smoking blunts, and modeling their 6 packs. It's funny how that was in the media, for about a day, and then dismissed.

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