NFLPA Files Temporary Restraining Order! **merged**

It's maybe the most bizarre story involving guilt or innocence that I've ever seen.

But, this is similar to the issues that the players union has had with Goodell over the years. As Eugene Monroe stated about discussing marijuana bans, you simply cannot have a mature conversation with the man. DeMaurice Smith said the same thing about the league's claim that they asked the NFLPA to join them and come up with a system of punishment for players that break the law.

Here we have doofuses like Joe Lockhart flat out lying about what is going on. Lying about the NFLPA leaking info on TT's texts of extorting EE. Lying about EE's team claiming that he hit TT but she provoked him. None of those things happened.

And Peter Harvey claimed that they were alarmed that EE couldn't get witnesses to come forward (which is nonsense to begin with as they gave sworn affidavits) and in the appeal EE didn't have any issue with getting witnesses to come to his defense. In fact, EE's team got the woman that TT got into a fight with at the club.

Then you have a doctor that lied about being hospitalized due to a medical condition when she was at home the entire time. And Friel basically claiming that EE was not credible because he said TT wasn't his girlfriend, but admitted that they had a sexual relationship and he paid her rent and co-signed on a car. And TT told the Florida police officer that they were 'friends with benefits.'

I'm only hitting on about 1/4 of the points.

It defies logic and reason.
It defies logic and reason.
its obvious to me they top guys(Goodell,Friel etc) had decided long time ago to make an example of Zeke and they set about finding something to stick.Their investigation showed TT was not credible in any away but they decided to go ahead with some photos of bruises which will not stand up in any court at they are caught in in trying to defend their decision and they are in a vortex of lies and its spiraling out of control for them.

This gets better by the minute. Lone Thanning is a Forensic doctor that worked in New York and has a prior working history with Lisa Friel. She was consulted on the bruises and was the one that didn't show for the hearing due to a medical condition, which was confirmed to be false.

They had 13 months and 49 other states to get an independent view. This whole case reeks of corruption.
This gets better by the minute. Lone Thanning is a Forensic doctor that worked in New York and has a prior working history with Lisa Friel. She was consulted on the bruises and was the one that didn't show for the hearing due to a medical condition, which was confirmed to be false.

They had 13 months and 49 other states to get an independent view. This whole case reeks of corruption.
Wow - I did not know that. Zeke needs to take legal action against Lisa Friel and Goodell when this is all over. I'm thinking $100 million, minimum in punitive damages.
Wow - I did not know that. Zeke needs to take legal action against Lisa Friel and Goodell when this is all over. I'm thinking $100 million, minimum in punitive damages.

She was asked to appear at the hearing. Zeke's attorneys hired a PI to knock on her door and ask for her on the morning of the hearing. She answered the door and never left during the day. The PI was there until nighttime watching her residence.

Doesn't seem like the sharpest tool in the shed. If you're supposed to be at the hospital for a medical condition, close all your windows and don't answer the door if someone knocks.
She was asked to appear at the hearing. Zeke's attorneys hired a PI to knock on her door and ask for her on the morning of the hearing. She answered the door and never left during the day. The PI was there until nighttime watching her residence.

Doesn't seem like the sharpest tool in the shed. If you're supposed to be at the hospital for a medical condition, close all your windows and don't answer the door if someone knocks.
Maybe she was waiting for the Brinks truck to roll in.
She was asked to appear at the hearing. Zeke's attorneys hired a PI to knock on her door and ask for her on the morning of the hearing. She answered the door and never left during the day. The PI was there until nighttime watching her residence.

Doesn't seem like the sharpest tool in the shed. If you're supposed to be at the hospital for a medical condition, close all your windows and don't answer the door if someone knocks.

MDs aren't used to being questioned, much less having to cover their tracks. My takeaway from the situation is that her medical testimony was such a farce to begin with that Kessler knew she was lying about being unable to attend the hearing. And I love the fact that Kessler (or the Cowboys) acted on it. Goodell isn't used to being called on BS.
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