Twitter: No runningback in league hurts their team more


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Someone else led me to believe I wasn't being clear. Yes it makes the bat lighter because you're replacing wood with cork. A lighter bat allows you to swing it faster. Bat speed = ball going further.
When I was still playing softball bout 15 years ago, they were making the bats w/ thinner and thinner walls, which provides more oomph which means the ball comes off the bat faster giving it more speed and distance.

I had thought that corking the bat provided the same result. Interesting stuff.


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I wouldn't have either....well I sort of knew the Zeke thing was going to happen. I hate to play hindsight but knowing you had to pay the running back I probably wouldn't have drafted him that high. But I also know they did that thinking Romo had a few prime years left which was a mistake itself as well.

But this approach that oh you shouldn't have signed Zeke so you can Byron is silly. The same reasons you don't sign Zeke are the same reasons you don't sign Byron or Robert Quinn. The same exact reasons. Everyone knew all 3 of these guys weren't going to be worth their contracts.
Paying good players great money leads to mediocrity. We'd have been much better off signing a DJ Reader in FA.


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You can feel how you want. You verbatim told me you don't like Zeke because he's "scum" off the field and he's a "turd". So yeah its personal and you're biased...what is there to debate here?
How many times do we have to cover this Ronnie? How on earth are the stats I post in relation to other RB’s biased? These ar the numbers HE put up, not me. I didn’t create those yards or lack of yards or fumbles or forced missed tackles or yards after contact. Also, every article I’ve posted is biased towards zeke or are they sports writers breaking down stats?

Again, look up the meaning of biased because I’m seriously wondering if you even know what it means.

Better yet, post the definition so I know you actually looked it up and apply it to the stats or thoughts I’ve had about zeke’s contract. How many times have I said I don’t like him as a person but that can’t and doesn’t influence the numbers I post? Why is that so difficult for you to comprehend. I’ve even said I would make the same arguments against Barkley and I like Barkley as a person.

Just like with your boy Ronnie, I’ll just copy this so when you bring it up again next week I can just copy and paste it.


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How many times do we have to cover this Ronnie? How on earth are the stats I post in relation to other RB’s biased? These ar the numbers HE put up, not me. I didn’t create those yards or lack of yards or fumbles or forced missed tackles or yards after contact. Also, every article I’ve posted is biased towards zeke or are they sports writers breaking down stats?

Again, look up the meaning of biased because I’m seriously wondering if you even know what it means.

Better yet, post the definition so I know you actually looked it up and apply it to the stats or thoughts I’ve had about zeke’s contract. How many times have I said I don’t like him as a person but that can’t and doesn’t influence the numbers I post? Why is that so difficult for you to comprehend. I’ve even said I would make the same arguments against Barkley and I like Barkley as a person.

Just like with your boy Ronnie, I’ll just copy this so when you bring it up again next week I can just copy and paste it.



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You’ve lost track of what you’re even talking about lol.
Nope, as always, you never responded with an intelligent answer so I used emojis (like you do) so hopefully you would understand better o_O


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When in the world did the Vikings and Titans start having good run blocking offensive lines?

Zeke was bad before Dak went down.

Dak still produced though despite all of this, literally towards the top of everything. Zeke on the other hand is either dead last in most categories or very close.

Zeke was having an off year to be sure before Dak went down. But call correctly he was 3rd or 4th in the league in rushing after the Giants game and in the top 5 in carries, rushing TDs, etc and was averaging I believe 4.1 ypc. Lemme do a little quick math.. 89 carries for 364 yard.. yeah.. 4.1 yards a pop. That was while running behind a patchwork line on a team that was passing 50 times a game. So yes.. having an off year.. but "bad" is probably a stretch. I assume you are kidding about the Vikings and Titans lines seeing as how the Titans have had 3 different 1000 yard backs in the past decade in CJ2K, Murray and Henry and the Vikings have had 2 with Peterson and now Cook. Both teams have always had good lines.. For the longest time the Titans were neck and neck with our line for the title of best in the game. They used three first round picks on their line too. They haven't fallen off as badly as ours has.. but their guys are creeping up on 30 too. It bears watching how they hold up going forward.


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1. It was the most guaranteed money to a RB at the time by more than $5M. How the hell can any consider breaking the record cheap?

2. Who in the **** considers Zeke elite?

One of the worst posts I've ever seen.

It's weird you're so high on Zeke who isn't good, and so low on Dak who actually makes his team much better.

Zeke isn’t even the highest paid player on the team. 8)

i detect #ZekeHatred from you...


Beyond tired of Jerry
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Some of you are so obsessed with looking for scapegoats that the real problem goes over your heads. :rolleyes:



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Just because someone can arbitrarily assign numbers to stuff doesn’t make them useful or truthful statistics. That is just nonsense. Zeke hasn’t been great this year but anything saying he is a liability or bottom of the league is utter foolishness
His constant fumbled ARENT a liability? Lol