Not buying Cowboys hype


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False You are one of the few people on the forum that cannot differentiate between fans being concerned and wanting to have a discussion about a problem area of the team and a fan that is just flat out disgusted and wants to quit following the team.

And hey if you want to set yourself up as the governing body of fandom on the forum knock yourself out.
Just don't expect everybody to agree and take you seriously because most are going to take it for what it is a joke.
I don’t set myself up as anything. I just call it like I see it. Many times the truth hurts. If it does, then learn from it.


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How many times have Cowboys fans buy into the hype, only to end the season with a disappointing conclusion.

Being a Dallas fan since 1977, seeing the Cowboys, in the playoffs, were a year thing. Winning playoff games and even getting to Superbowls once and a while.

Like seasons past, it has be enjoyable, seeing the Cowboys winning more games than losing. But I am not going to buy into the FOOLS GOLD Jerry sells fans since 1995.
Jerry wins every season b/c Dallas is the richest franchise in all of sports. At very least, Top 5. On the field, can't even get to a NFC Conference game. Until this team can get to one conference finals, not falling for it.
Dak has a losing playoff record, as did Romo did. A fan of both, but neither could produce in the playoffs.
So hopefully, this is that season to get to a NFC Conference. Don't have to win the darn game, just get there. Until then...fools gold
I'll cut You a good deal.

Smoke blown up butt : $49.95
Unicorns farting rainbows : $62.50
Overwrought hyperbole : $75.99
All 3 for the bargain price of $140 (special offer ends Dec 20th)
What say You?

Fastpitch Dad

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Buy in or don't, but if we do win the SB, I don't want to hear how you were on board from the beginning...
Where in his post did he imply that he didn't want us to win the SB?

And the obsession with being "right" or "I told you so" on the board is crazy on this board at times.

This is a message board where folks post their opinions, ideas, and facts about the Cowboys. Does it really bother people so much that someone else "fans" different than they do? Why? I honestly don't understand it.

We have our unicorn and rainbow fans as well as our Debby Downers, but I think the vast majority are somewhere in the middle. And that's cool. There is no code we should all conform to.

And I was wrong about T. Hill, along with a ton of other players over the years. I make mistakes daily and that's just part of life. When I see others make mistakes, I don't rub their noses in it, most feel bad enough about a mishap, why make it worse?

I do think the anonymity of the internet and changed civil discourse forever. Now everyone is brave and feel free to act in ways they wouldn't in person.

I can't believe how long this thread has become, just let fans enjoy (or not) the game the way they want.

Fastpitch Dad

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I certainly do haha. You should see my fursuit, which will be on full display starting Wednesday evening in Chicago. It's got the stars on the head, and stars on the shoulder. I'm excited to be wearing it at my favourite convention in Chicago.
Enjoy your convention buddy, I'm always happy to see people be passionate about something. Makes for a more meaningful life in my humble opinion.

Fastpitch Dad

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I've been very lucky to watch Cowboys play in every one of their SBs except vs the Colts.
Me too Bat. I've disliked the Steelers ever since. I hate to see them win a single game.

My dad took me to his friends house for the Denver SB, everyone there was drinking Orange Crush, so you kinda understood the crowd. Was a great day to be alive! Also was my first ever peak at a Playboy magazine, lol. Was being passed around and when it was handed to me my dad didn't say a word. Wow, did I feel like a man when that happened. Just the fact he let it go and didn't embarrass me still brings a smile to my face this many years later.


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
Well the history of the last 27 years isn’t debatable and I completely get how you feel…. But, if we can’t get a little hyped when they show something, why are we even watching?

How many times have Cowboys fans buy into the hype, only to end the season with a disappointing conclusion.

Being a Dallas fan since 1977, seeing the Cowboys, in the playoffs, were a year thing. Winning playoff games and even getting to Superbowls once and a while.

Like seasons past, it has be enjoyable, seeing the Cowboys winning more games than losing. But I am not going to buy into the FOOLS GOLD Jerry sells fans since 1995.
Jerry wins every season b/c Dallas is the richest franchise in all of sports. At very least, Top 5. On the field, can't even get to a NFC Conference game. Until this team can get to one conference finals, not falling for it.
Dak has a losing playoff record, as did Romo did. A fan of both, but neither could produce in the playoffs.
So hopefully, this is that season to get to a NFC Conference. Don't have to win the darn game, just get there. Until then...fools gold

Fastpitch Dad

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I am at the "prove it" stage.

My attitude is, just get in the playoffs. I have no expectations.

A while back I used a formula to determine a rank for every regular season for every team in the NFL since the merger. The formula uses the team's record for that season and how it compares to other teams in that season. it also uses scoring and yardage both offense and defense as well as turnover margin.

Based on this formula, here are their top 14 Cowboys regular seasons:

1 _ 1971
2 _ 1977
3 _ 1978
4 _ 1992
5 _ 1993
6 _ 1994
7 _ 1995
8 _ 2021
9 _ 2007
10 _ 2016
11 _ 1973
12 _ 1981
13 _ 1980
14 _ 1970

Now here is the reason why this list relates to the topic.

There are only three seasons in which the Cowboys didn't make it to the conference championship game and they are the most recent, 2007, 2016, and 2021.

Again, these are the best ranked regular seasons for the Cowboys.

The 1970 and 1971 teams went to the Super Bowl. The 1973 team lost in the conference game. The 1977 and 1978 teams went to the Super Bowl.

The 1980 and 1981 teams were Danny White's first two seasons as the starting QB, Roger Staubach retired after the 1979 season. Those two teams lost the conference game.

The four seasons 1992 to 1995 represent four consecutive conference games and three Super Bowl championships.

In fact, this list represents 11 conference championship games and 7 Super Bowl appearances. The only three seasons completely excluded from both categories are the ones in the 2000's

In other words, those teams in 2007, 2016, and 2021 had regular seasons that were just as strong as the ones that went deep into the playoffs. And, yet, they came away with nothing.

In 2021 the Cowboys were ranked #2 and lost to #10 San Fransisco.

In 2016 the Cowboys were ranked #2 again and lost to #8 Green Bay.

In 2007 the Cowboys were ranked #4 and lost to #11 New York Giants

It's not like the Cowboys have been developing bad teams, recently. They have consistently developed disappointing teams.
Great post as always Plasticman.

I'm assuming the 2014 bad defense kept them off the list?

That was the year I really thought we had a chance since the Danny White era.

EDIT- called Plasticman Pancakeman.:rolleyes:


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You do you. Give up.

So someone expresses their opinion about the false hope Dallas presents the last 25+ years based on their track record and you claim the guy is giving up? Just shut up already and go to whatever safe space you need to go to to hear only your opinion.
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I don’t set myself up as anything. I just call it like I see it. Many times the truth hurts. If it does, then learn from it.
The problem is my cowboy brother many times it's just the truth in your mind not in everyone's.

I certainly don't feel like I'm the ultimate cowboy fan but I can support the team and talk about the positive as well as the negative and still be 100% behind the team and want to see them do well.

Closing your eyes to everything that isn't perfect about the team and being unwilling to discuss it does not make you truthful or a better fan.

Labeling people that discuss the negative does not make you truthful it might help to be tolerant at least up to a point.

And don't get me wrong I don't mind people busting balls in fun but you seem pretty serious when you label people


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There is no guarantee of success but this team is different to all the others from last 27 years. We have a top 3 defense (arguably no.1) and the offense is probably not far off that since Dak is back.


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I mean we all kind of know it’s all about what this team does in the post season and that’s what matters this year. You can still enjoy the ride on a week to week basis. The cowboys on a Sunday are 3 hours where I can relax (somewhat lol), not have to worry about work or bills or what I need to do this week.


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There is no guarantee of success but this team is different to all the others from last 27 years. We have a top 3 defense (arguably no.1) and the offense is probably not far off that since Dak is back.

That's the antithesis of the OP. Fool's Gold vrs This Year is Different. Depends which album you've bought. and both have their merits and are open to discussion ....and as in life the answer is probably somewhere in the middle.

The difference with this year (well for me) is the starting expectation.....I thought this was a 'soft' rebuild year with an emphasis on next year once the CAP was righted and we were able to supplement the roster with above JAG FA's (based on the use of Signing Bonus). I'm riding this as a 2022 unexpected wave, where we are going to be in a strong position in 2023.


Well-Known Member
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That's the antithesis of the OP. Fool's Gold vrs This Year is Different. Depends which album you've bought. and both have their merits and are open to discussion ....and as in life the answer is probably somewhere in the middle.

The difference with this year (well for me) is the starting expectation.....I thought this was a 'soft' rebuild year with an emphasis on next year once the CAP was righted and we were able to supplement the roster with above JAG FA's (based on the use of Signing Bonus). I'm riding this as a 2022 unexpected wave, where we are going to be in a strong position in 2023.

.....I appreciate the fanbase reaction that "it's always next year", but they also tend to be the fans that look/want a BIG name signing and adhere to the all-in Rams framework.

This season has been one of cautious optimism within the Jones framework of continued relevance over the all-in approach.


Well-Known Member
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How many times have Cowboys fans buy into the hype, only to end the season with a disappointing conclusion.

Being a Dallas fan since 1977, seeing the Cowboys, in the playoffs, were a year thing. Winning playoff games and even getting to Superbowls once and a while.

Like seasons past, it has be enjoyable, seeing the Cowboys winning more games than losing. But I am not going to buy into the FOOLS GOLD Jerry sells fans since 1995.
Jerry wins every season b/c Dallas is the richest franchise in all of sports. At very least, Top 5. On the field, can't even get to a NFC Conference game. Until this team can get to one conference finals, not falling for it.
Dak has a losing playoff record, as did Romo did. A fan of both, but neither could produce in the playoffs.
So hopefully, this is that season to get to a NFC Conference. Don't have to win the darn game, just get there. Until then...fools gold

At this point in your fan hood I would figure that you know it's Jerry's job to hype the team every year.

It's our job as long time fans to separate the bull spit from the real facts that will determine the outcome.

In many of the hyped years the defense was our Achilles heel and always let us down in the postseason from what has been displayed that may have changed.

Coaching was another thing that continued to let us down I think we have improved there but the penalties are still what is killing us and will kill us in the postseason like it did last year.

Have to admit they're really have been a lot of pleasant surprises our backup quarterback for one thing getting us through till Dak came back was very unexpected.

With all the players we lost and let go our offensive line came together and is better than it has been in a long time, our defensive line has showed that Randy Gregory was no loss at all and if our coach can clean up the penalties we have more than a puncher's chance to win more than just a playoff game


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With all the players we lost and let go our offensive line came together and is better than it has been in a long time, our defensive line has showed that Randy Gregory was no loss at all and if our coach can clean up the penalties we have more than a puncher's chance to win more than just a playoff game

Spot on. There have been differences this season which have made it (not necessarily a watershed) a pleasant change from the same old way of operating with an active roster that on paper (Rush for nearly half the season, no Tyron, no Coop, no Gregory) isnt as competitive as 2021.

We've even cleaned up the CAP to a manageable level to build upon the young roster.

Fool's Gold....possibly, but as you say we have a pleasant/unexpected puncher's chance (and none of this really takes away from Jerry and the structure of the FO), but some of our fanbase should maybe enjoy a successful season.


Franchise Tagged
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We are one year and a good draft away.
Disagree. This team is good enough now. We have not had depth like this in a long time, especially on defense. Reducing presnap penalties and reducing slo starts will be the difference. We don't have to have a pro bowler at all 25 starting spots.


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Unfortunately I feel the same and it's taken some of the joy away from regular season wins.

The only remedy is a WC birth and 2 minimum playoff wins or a divisional champion and 1 minimum playoff win....aka a nfcc appearance.

Hate saying it but at this point only playoff wins really matter to me, regular season wins are boring


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Right now, I'm just happy we look like we'll be a playoff team two years in a row. That's a small step forward from where we were. Whether it means any more than that, I don't know. So I'm just enjoying the ride until it ends. My expectations won't change until the team proves that they should.
My lukewarm at best expectations went out the window completely when Dak went down in the first game. Figured just another lost season- at least this time we found it out in week 1. So how this year has turned out has been such a pleasant surprise. I didn't expect to have games to watch that meant anything, yet alone a record near the top of league. I am just enjoying this year more than I have in quite awhile. What an early X - MAS present this year has turned out to be. The only bad taste is that damn GB game, I wanted to beat Rodgers so bad and did expect to as lousy as they've been this year. Otherwise, this year has been a blast.