Official I quit as a fan because of TO *merged*

MichaelWinicki said:
Some of these folks I don't really know.

But Jack & Eddie?


Honest to God don't know why many are losing their heads over a sport that when it comes right down to it isn't that important.

Some are acting like their wife was violated or their child murdered... or they've lost their jobs or they were just served with a $1,000,000 lawsuit.

The TO signing isn't a big deal in the grand scheme of things. If you're going to lose your heads... lose them over something that really means something.
iceberg said:
my mom - who's almost 70 - told me last night the cowboys just don't seem to have class anymore. kinda hard to sum up better than that.

and i'll bet a monkeyhug that a majority of the people now all of a sudden sporting TO-Wood LOVED IT when the eagles "put him in his place".

i love winning as much as the next person. but i guess i'm one of those that "how" you win defines you more than the victory itself. while so many find it hard to understand why many of us just can't stomache TO at least those who 'stay the course" are consistant in how the view TO and not doing a 180 cause he's simply on our team.

i'm not turning in my cowboys fan card, no. but i'll wear my jerseys (all 10 of 'em) a lot less and i used to wear them hell, almost daily.

and i'll wait for the day we put values back into class and resepct as a turning point of these "dark times" to many of us fans.

We really had class in the early 90's didnt we ........... did she like it when Mike came to his drug trial dressed in a fur coat ? Did she like it when their whorehouse was raided? Come on Ice
PacoReloaded said:
Tell me one WR that doesn't want the ball constantly thrown to him? There's a huge difference with T.O. though.. he's one of the few elite players in the game that's a threat to take it to the house from anywhere on the field each and every time he touches it.

tell me another player who'd tear up the team he's on, refuse to honor his contract if he doesn't feel like it, has the NFL back him in his way because he is that talented (of which i'll never deny) and how many of these players openly talk smack about their own team mates and sell 'em out for a bright twinkie award?

if football is a "war" as some players put it, i need people i can trust in as much as can perform.

i can't trust TO. i could trust irvin.

there in lies your difference.

people - get over it. TO is a love me or hate me player and those that hate him are NOT going to turn it around because he's a cowboy, will NOT turn it around when he scored a TD and likely WON'T EVER like him being a cowboy.

that's for *us* to deal with so just go on and sport the TO wood and don't worry there's a long line of people hating the man also.
iceberg said:
my mom - who's almost 70 - told me last night the cowboys just don't seem to have class anymore. kinda hard to sum up better than that.

and i'll bet a monkeyhug that a majority of the people now all of a sudden sporting TO-Wood LOVED IT when the eagles "put him in his place".

i love winning as much as the next person. but i guess i'm one of those that "how" you win defines you more than the victory itself. while so many find it hard to understand why many of us just can't stomache TO at least those who 'stay the course" are consistant in how the view TO and not doing a 180 cause he's simply on our team.

i'm not turning in my cowboys fan card, no. but i'll wear my jerseys (all 10 of 'em) a lot less and i used to wear them hell, almost daily.

and i'll wait for the day we put values back into class and resepct as a turning point of these "dark times" to many of us fans.

You can tell an organization has gone down the crapper when they hire has-been, washed up coaches.

Bum Phillips and Hank Stram ended their careers in the Big Easy. You get my drift...
zrinkill said:
We really had class in the early 90's didnt we ........... did she like it when Mike came to his drug trial dressed in a fur coat ? Did she like it when their whorehouse was raided? Come on Ice

i'm just passing on what she noticed. we also had aikman and smith.

most people who casually watch football can't stand billp and his constant "bashing" of reporters and people. they view that low class. many people view jones himself low class.

i can't tell you what people will and won't see as "classy" but i do think even with what happened in the early 90's, TO is worse.

it's how i feel and no comparison or analogy is going to change it. TO needs to be a TEAM FREAKING PLAYER *then* things may turn around. but i've never heard him even close to doing that.
Why are posters getting all bent out of shape because some Cowboys fans want to leave because TO is coming?

I admire their conviction if they indeed plan to follow through with it.

I hate the fact we're rewarding TO for his childish negotiation tactics. But I'm still going to be a Cowboys fan. I just plan on cheering the team, not necessarily TO if that's possible to do.

To each his own.
Dont You People Recall What Hailey Did To The 49ers? Did You Cheer For Him. If So Stop Your Crying And Suck Iot Up.....or Get Off This Message Board.
tyke1doe said:
Why are posters getting all bent out of shape because some Cowboys fans want to leave because TO is coming?
Because they're not real fans and make the rest of the Cowboys fans who actually stick by their team regardless look bad.
TunaFan33 said:
You can tell an organization has gone down the crapper when they hire has-been, washed up coaches.

Bum Phillips and Hank Stram ended their careers in the Big Easy. You get my drift...
You're becoming a Saints fan?
You can tell when an organzation has always been without class.

IT is about the star and victory. Not class. THe cowboys were not about class.

go read north dallas forty if you may. based on a WR experiences with the cowboys back in the 1960s....GET OVER IT.

the boys are about the star.

the stadium will change the owner will change. thew coach will change.

but the star will live on.
Enough about the T.O. signing, if you're leaving just leave and let it be done with. You guys act as if it's going to change the entire franchise forever, I mean we did have guys on the team like Hollywood Henderson, :gasps: dare I say Michael Irvin, these guys weren't choirboys.
Some are acting like their wife was violated or their child murdered... or they've lost their jobs or they were just served with a $1,000,000 lawsuit.

The TO signing isn't a big deal in the grand scheme of things. If you're going to lose your heads... lose them over something that really means something.

TO for President!
And we have Roy and Drew now .............. both have always been stand up guys.

I'm not trying to change your mind buddy ....... just wondering why this jerk is bothering you so much ......... he is just another high priced diva who thinks he is better than everyone else .......... just like half the players in the NFL.

T.O. has a big mouth ............ I remember in the 93 championship game a fight broke out in the endzone vs the 49's at halftime ...... James Wshington and Shark attack Gant picked up weapons from the band that was about to perform.

But I remember them only as great players ........... even though they wore their Cowboys colors like gang colors.
iceberg said:
my mom - who's almost 70 - told me last night the cowboys just don't seem to have class anymore. kinda hard to sum up better than that.

and i'll bet a monkeyhug that a majority of the people now all of a sudden sporting TO-Wood LOVED IT when the eagles "put him in his place".

i love winning as much as the next person. but i guess i'm one of those that "how" you win defines you more than the victory itself. while so many find it hard to understand why many of us just can't stomache TO at least those who 'stay the course" are consistant in how the view TO and not doing a 180 cause he's simply on our team.

i'm not turning in my cowboys fan card, no. but i'll wear my jerseys (all 10 of 'em) a lot less and i used to wear them hell, almost daily.

and i'll wait for the day we put values back into class and resepct as a turning point of these "dark times" to many of us fans.


My wife who doesn't even pay attention to that much football, but knows I'm a Cowboys fan heard that TO was coming and said, "I quote"

"He is? I hate it for them (the Cowboys)."

I told her I'd share that comment with the board. :D

I have survived the strike year emberassments, Raphiel Septien, the trading of Tony Dorsett, a 1-15 season,the firing of Tom Landry, the White House scandal, the "mutual parting of ways" between the Boys and Jimmy, the signings and departures of Deion and Haley, and will survive the T.O. contract. Grow a set or be on your way.

Do you abandon your family because you dislike a member? Do you quit a job because you are at odds with a co-worker? Do you quit because something does not go your way?

Don't be a quitter it we be something you regret.

It is important for you guys not condemn someone because you might be in the same postition one day. Always form your own opinions don't listen to someone else. We have been at odds with 49er and Eagles fans all our fan lives yet you want to take heed of their opinions and perceptions of TO?

Those two organizations have a history of not treating their players very well. Give TO a chance he is coming into an organization that loves it players and treats them right. A coach who will treat you with respect and as a man.
For those of you who are no longer Cowboys Fans-good-bye!! Please don't come back after we win some games and are pushing for the playoffs!!! I doubt any true Cowboy fan has been pining away all these years to have TO on our team. But the now is here. We haven't smelled the Super Bowl in 10 years. I don't know about anyone else, but I want to win. The NFL is different today and if you have a talent like TO, you don't pass it by. The worst thing that can happen is we still don't win. There is no young team that TO can "tear up" Our offense has so many old veterans. It is win now if you can!
One last thing, what will you fans say if TO surprises everyone and just plays?
What if he give Dallas the swagger back that we have been missing for so long? If you say good-bye now to the Cowboys, don't come back when/if this happens.
zrinkill said:
And we have Roy and Drew now .............. both have always been stand up guys.

I'm not trying to change your mind buddy ....... just wondering why this jerk is bothering you so much ......... he is just another high priced diva who thinks he is better than everyone else .......... just like half the players in the NFL.

T.O. has a big mouth ............ I remember in the 93 championship game a fight broke out in the endzone vs the 49's at halftime ...... James Wshington and Shark attack Gant picked up weapons from the band that was about to perform.

But I remember them only as great players ........... even though they wore their Cowboys colors like gang colors.

i hated him when he was a 9er. i hated him when he cried babied his way out of his contract so he could avoid the ravens and go to philly, and i hated him the entire time there. i cheered my arse off for philly when they sat him down when they had enough and i admired it because TO is scum.

i'd wager a vast majority of his jockstrapcarryingclub now was the same way.

i'll remain consistant while they can flop all around cause he's now a cowboy and suddenly it's all ok and excusable.

it wasn't excusable then, and it's not now just because he's a cowboy.

that simple.
PacoReloaded said:
Because they're not real fans and make the rest of the Cowboys fans who actually stick by their team regardless look bad.

Or maybe they could be true fans but have higher principles than football.

Football is not the end-all and be-all to life.

I'm not going to question anyone's fan-hood. I think that's silly.

Nobody can tell anyone who or who isn't a true fan. People are fans of teams for a variety of reasons. And sometimes those reasons supercede the team itself.

I mean, if you grew up being a Cowboys fan and your son plays for the Bears, and you root for the Bears, does that mean you're not a "true" Cowboys fan.

I think as silly as people renouncing the team is this idea that some people aren't "true" fans because they're not going to watch the Cowboys anymore.

I think that takes dedication if you ask me. Now whether they'll do it is another matter and cause for ridicule if they return. But it takes a strong-willed person to put convictions over convenience. And let's just be honest, football is entertainment - unless you play or your son is paying your bills from his NFL paycheck. It's a luxury and convenience for us who enjoy watching it.

But it's not a necessity of life. There are things of greater importance.
iceberg said:
i hated him when he was a 9er. i hated him when he cried babied his way out of his contract so he could avoid the ravens and go to philly, and i hated him the entire time there. i cheered my arse off for philly when they sat him down when they had enough and i admired it because TO is scum.

i'd wager a vast majority of his jockstrapcarryingclub now was the same way.

i'll remain consistant while they can flop all around cause he's now a cowboy and suddenly it's all ok and excusable.

it wasn't excusable then, and it's not now just because he's a cowboy.

that simple.
See, I agree with this. I'm not jumping ship just because I don't like him. That thinking is alien to me.

I'll root for him to do good, because that helps the team I love, but I doubt I'll be a fan of his ever.

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