PacoReloaded said:
Because they're not real fans and make the rest of the Cowboys fans who actually stick by their team regardless look bad.
Or maybe they could be true fans but have higher principles than football.
Football is not the end-all and be-all to life.
I'm not going to question anyone's fan-hood. I think that's silly.
Nobody can tell anyone who or who isn't a
true fan. People are fans of teams for a variety of reasons. And sometimes those reasons supercede the team itself.
I mean, if you grew up being a Cowboys fan and your son plays for the Bears, and you root for the Bears, does that mean you're not a "true" Cowboys fan.
I think as silly as people renouncing the team is this idea that some people aren't "true" fans because they're not going to watch the Cowboys anymore.
I think that takes dedication if you ask me. Now whether they'll do it is another matter and cause for ridicule if they return. But it takes a strong-willed person to put convictions over convenience. And let's just be honest, football is entertainment - unless you play or your son is paying your bills from his NFL paycheck. It's a luxury and convenience for us who enjoy watching it.
But it's not a necessity of life. There are things of greater importance.