***Official MEGA HOT Dez thread merge***

Romo should never have resigned with this team. It's funny all the people who are getting on Dez, I'm sure they were just as mad during the game and after. I actually feel sick at the moment. One of the most spirit breaking losses in a while. Much worse than Denver.
Please don't tell Bryant that Johnson had the 2nd best receiving game in NFL history today. He didn't want to get out done by Johnson. Can't blame him for that.
I love Witten but he has been a "leader" on this team for going on 10 years and we havent went anywhere. I am taking Dez's side today

I agree this nice guy crap has not got us anywhere.....

Witten shut the hell up...somebody needs to complain, and *****. I'm tired of this stay calm attitude, when we give up big leads and can't capitalize on turnovers

Written has done crap, and is washed up
That is where the clash with Romo occurs. Romo is a classic beta....as is Ware. These guys have been forced into leadership positions due to their talent but they are not naturally vocal leaders. Dez is a classic alpha just like Irvin. I loved seeing him show that emotion. Everybody else on offense looked like they were perfectly content with that pathetic anemic offense in the 1st half. But Dez wasn't. Dez knew the game was on a platter for them but the offense was giving the game away and that was not acceptable to Dez. Thank you sir for stepping up and showing some damn emotion, something that has rarely been seen from "core leaders".

Dez will receive a lot of criticism from outsiders this week but those of you who've followed the team closely the last decade should know better. We've had the passive leadership style of the core (including Garrett) fail us for years and years...8-8....8-8...8-8...etc. It's time for something new. It's time someone finally ruffled some feathers.
OK thats going alittle nuts. Ware was trying to defuse anything betweet Witt and Dez. Everyone was frustrated lets not judge ppl by who was yelling the loudest.
Not one single player or coach is boosted, educated, helped, encouraged, fired-up, enhanced, enriched, confronted by Dez pooping his pants. It's a distraction, and a complete embarrassment.

You are being an idiot to support him.
I agree, sadly. They need to follow dez. He needs to be the vocal leader from here on out
They're reaction to Dez Bryant said it all.....

They have become the face of this franchise and their willingness to accept losing.

I don't blame Bryant one bit for being upset. The team gives another game away late....and Witten and Ware get on Bryant for what???????? Not accepting losing??????

It was a close call today....But this team did what it always does......find ways to snag defeat from the jaws of victory.

I wouldn't blame Bryant if he asked to be traded. The mediocrity and the willingness to accept it has just become laughable.

I AGREE i am tired of d ware and his mediocrity .
Seeing as how we havent done squat since the Tony Romo era, I didnt mind this tantrum. About time someone show some heart and passion.

How is this any different than what Irvin used to do? People would be going nuts on him if social media was like it is today
Because Romo, Witten and Ware don't care about winning or losing. They're living the high life. And you know what, they're actually right. The only thing that really matters in life is being successful, which means making money. But if that's the case, they can go be losers on the Browns. I want players like Dez on the team I root for.

Really - they don't care? Wow good inside info.
Ware would destroy him in a fight

Dez is a *****, Megatron owned him today and that is what that was about

Really? All of a sudden! Megatron Plays D? No Lions coaching staff owned us today! They know who to go to & when. Trust your playmakers please
Given my reaction in the final minute, it would be hypocritical of me to give Dez any grief on this one. :cool:
Why do some people think that those of us that don't condone adult tantrums, also don't like Dez's passion and fire for the game?
He was acting like a baby yelling at everyone vs getting open and catching the ball. When both Witten and Ware have to tell him to calm down he is out of control. I love passion and the desire to win but blaming others is not a way to foster team work and team unity.
So he gets a free pass for doing nothing in this game because he is a future Hall of Famer? You must have same oh well, we lost.. conservative attitude

Does nothing? Except for demanding double teams...on a tight end. Except for keeping DCs up at night wondering how the guy is always open.

One game doesn't make a player. Calvin Johnson took Dez behind the woodshed and planted a boot up his arse but he doesn't talk or scream on the sidelines so he must be a loser.

Get lost with your nonsense.
3rd and 14... your playmaker is on the sidelines.

The offensive playcalling has no killer instinct. Dez sees it. Dez says it. I can't blame Dez for being angry. 3rd and 14 and the offense plays it safe, settles for a FG and hopes they can hang on for the win.

I'd rather they lose playing aggressive than to play it safe and STILL end up losing the game.

The worst part of this is that the media are going to turn this into a Dez is like TO thing. They're gonna ruin a good, young player.
Ware was about to mess Dez up. Grabbed him up by his collar and told him to shut the hell up. How is that for Alpha Male?

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