Official San Antonio Spurs Thread


White and Nerdy
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Rowdy;1933968 said:
To tell you the truth, after reading the first few lines I have no reason to read the rest of your bulls***. I always hear the same crap. Suns are whiners. The last I checked no Sun bodychecked your guard into the bench. The last time I checked no Sun kneed your player in the groin on purpose or stepped on anyone's heel. Im pretty sure that it isn't just the Suns stating this. If you would like, I can provide, at least fifteen other franchises who state the same thing about this bullcrap. Bowen has youtube videos showing all of his wonderful antics. Are you sure you arent an Eagles fan?

Horry barely bumped Nash.......Nash threw himself into the announce tables to make it seem worse than it was. Nash is a great flopper. However, his act backfired cause of the idiocy on his own bench. Stupidmire and Diaw fled the bench to retaliate.....and in doing so got suspended. The suspensions are legie, they broke the rules....even their own player said so.....

Like I said, the Bowen knee to the groin was not intentional.....any other player would not have been knee to groin height...Nash was. And for the record, people get hit in the groin all the time, no one says jack. The only ones that cry about it are the Suns....Bowen isn't John Stockton. He has never hit a player in the nuts and then stolen the ball the way Stockton used to do over and over again. He is not Reggie Evans reaching between a players legs to grab his nuts (Chris Kaman).

If you listen to anything Vince Carter says, you are foolish. Vince is made of glass. He is always getting injured and twisting his ankles. Funny how it happens several times a year, yet he only plays the Spurs twice. I guess Bowen shows up at the Nets games mysteriously and runs out on the court while no one is looking and takes out Carter's ankles. And for the was Carter who took a cheap shot at Bruce. Bruce did nothing to Vince. Vince purposely tried to tangle himself up with Bruce to get a call or to make Bowen fall down, but neither worked. Bruce ran down the court like nothing happened, Vince got ticked, chased him down and shoved him out of bounds....He lost his cool and got tossed. Not only is he fragile of body, but he is also fragile of mind.

Ray Allen is a sissy. He cannot stand physical play. He definitely wouldn't have made it in the 80s and early 90s. Go back and watch some of the Lakers/Celtics, Pistons/Bulls, Miami/NY games.....those were some vicious contests and not for the weak of heart. Ray Ray would have punked out of the league after a couple of seasons.

You have never heard of Kobe Bryant, Reggie Miller, TMac or Dwayne Wade complaining about Bruce. They understand the NBA is for men and that physical play will happen. They understand that tough, physical defense is going to be there. They don't cry over someone trying to live in their jersey. Instead they take it as a challenge to go up against the best perimeter defender in the league and try to beat him. Bruce has a ton of respect in the league......

Now, please give me at least 15 other franchises.......please, I am waiting. Oh and as far as you tube goes....I know about the Wally kick (unfortunately they never show the entire sequence....but that kick is badass, it is messed up, but still badass) Also the kick to Allen's back wasn't cool, but he apologized for that and admitted he was in the wrong. Still Allen didn't have to fall on his legs and just sit there, so I am glad Bruce kicked at him.

Go look at your precious youtube videos, on most of the ones you will see Bowen is looking at the shot go to the hoop when the offensive player comes down on him.....he is trying to make sure and block his man out so he cant get a long rebound. This goes on in every NBA game....every good perimeter defender does this. So watch your little clips....I will watch entire games. I will see everything that goes on.

I hate the Eagles with a passion.........ever since Buddy Ryan coached them....they are dirty scumbags who go out of their way to hurt people, well back then anyway......similar to Raja Bell (ever since his Dallas days), Eduardo Najera (cheated his way into HS here in San Antonio and was a dirty scumbag in Dallas), Danny Fortson (wannabe thug), Mark Madsen (awkward, clumsy, malicious, and dangerous) and older players like Karl Malone (the dirtiest player i have ever watched) and John Stockton (the second dirtiest player) and even Juwan Howard late in his career.

Route 66

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Well its pointless to hash out back and forth because you are firm in your beliefs and I am in mine. You hate the Suns, the coach, etc. Thats cool. I dont expect anyone to like my team. I feel the Spurs are indeed a dirty team and I am sure that Raja ala Kobe has shown some issues at times as well.


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Rowdy;1933970 said:
BTW-Spurs will lose tonight and I will be here to dish it out and see if you can take it. I expect to already hear whining that the Spurs lost because Tony was out. Don't disappoint me. Be a hypocrite-I expect nothing less.

See you later tonite! ;)

I think you forget Spurs never leave the regular season on top.. but they do leave the playoffs on top.:eek:

Route 66

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Like I said, we will see after tonite and post season. After tonight, the Suns will be up on the Spurs 2-0. I dont want to hear that its because Tony is out because the Suns lost two of their players in the playoffs last year and Im sure no Spurs fan would give up those wins stating those games werent legit. The same goes in this situation. So after tonight, it will be Suns 2 and Spurs 0. The real season starts postseason so even if the Suns go up undefeated, its all back to 0-0. I realize that.

Im willing to bet that the Spurs wont make it this year and with the way some of the fans act-I will enjoy this postseason even more on this board. ;)


White and Nerdy
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Rowdy;1934550 said:
Like I said, we will see after tonite and post season. After tonight, the Suns will be up on the Spurs 2-0. I dont want to hear that its because Tony is out because the Suns lost two of their players in the playoffs last year and Im sure no Spurs fan would give up those wins stating those games werent legit. The same goes in this situation. So after tonight, it will be Suns 2 and Spurs 0. The real season starts postseason so even if the Suns go up undefeated, its all back to 0-0. I realize that.

Im willing to bet that the Spurs wont make it this year and with the way some of the fans act-I will enjoy this postseason even more on this board. ;)

eh if we lose, we the end of the day, I will still be a die hard Spurs fan....and I will give props to the team that wins....unless they win the way the Heat having the refs hand them the title.

Route 66

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Well I appreciate that. May the best team win. You guys play solid basketball and it will be a tough match.


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Spurs down 10 and may win this game?

They just look like a bad team on a 11-13 run.

Route 66

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Wow, what an ugly game by both teams. Way to go and pull out the win and making me eat crow for the loss. ;)


Well-Known Member
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Rowdy;1933970 said:
BTW-Spurs will lose tonight and I will be here to dish it out and see if you can take it. I expect to already hear whining that the Spurs lost because Tony was out. Don't disappoint me. Be a hypocrite-I expect nothing less.

See you later tonite! ;)

did you get the letter? if not, there is a copy on my sig


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Nors;1935554 said:
Spurs down 10 and may win this game?

They just look like a bad team on a 11-13 run.

huh??? down by 14 and still won!

ps thank you for beating dallas for us, i was sweating it a lil bit there at the end, good win for the celtics, see ya in a week!


White and Nerdy
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Rowdy;1935648 said:
Wow, what an ugly game by both teams. Way to go and pull out the win and making me eat crow for the loss. ;)

no problem....btw, im more relieved than happy right now....hehehe

btw, this game was an exact replica of every Spurs/Rockets game in Houston over the past 2-3 years....ugly, poor shooting, good defense, tons of turnovers, down to the wire.

The Spurs turned the ball over far too much, missed too many FTs, took a ton of unSpurlike shots.....but played awesome defense for the most part. I can live with missed shots. What I can't live with is soft passes.....PHX was feasting on those offspeed passes. When you pass the ball, you have to be like Magic and zip it in there with high velocity....that way, more often than not, you beat the defender. But no, the Spurs throw these wimpy passes, and the quick PHX defenders are over them like flies on dookie. I was so frustrated with the Spurs offensively all night. They were doing their job defensively to keep themselves in the game, but they just couldn't seem to do anything positive on the offensive end. That is until the end of the game.

BTW, that was a bogus foul on Duncan there at the end.....but it is ok the basketball Gods rectified it......

Spurs won.......wish Horry would have gotten into the game though....hehehe


White and Nerdy
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why have the Spurs been losing? cause of their offense not being clutch. Their defense has been there all year. Once the offense gets their clutchness back, and they can finish games on that end, they will be back to Championship form.


White and Nerdy
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that is so funny.........Craig Sager jinxed the Suns....he talked about the Suns having only 1 loss when leading going into the 4th quarter, when interviewing D'Antoni.......and you could see the coach cringe.....he knew he had been jinxed......

TY Craig....



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Biggems;1935656 said:
why have the Spurs been losing? cause of their offense not being clutch. Their defense has been there all year. Once the offense gets their clutchness back, and they can finish games on that end, they will be back to Championship form.

i didnt realize just how important tony parker is to our offense! we are really missing him right now. hopefully mighty mouse can come into our lineup and do a good job while parker is out. i honestly hope parker sits out till late march just because of his style of play, he is on the ground after almost every drive.


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i love charles barkley! he is the only media person that gives the spurs the respect they deserve

Route 66

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Like I said, both teams played poorly but great teams find a way to pull it out at the end. The Suns have a great chance at getting to the Finals but only if they play their absolute potential. When they play the Spurs, it is like playing the Patriots in the NFL in that you have to bring a mistake/turnover free game to have a decent chance.

Manu was cold for awhile and seemed to magically turn it on towards the second half. The call on Duncan for the foul on simply going vertical with his hands was a bogus call. I watch the Suns a lot and they didn't play near their potential but if you don't bring it, you dont win. The only thing that seemed a little "what the...?" is when Popovich took the handkerchief away from the announcer and wiped himself with it. I guess he was either trying to be funny or rude-but it seemed to rub people the wrong way.

I cant wait for the playoffs. The regular season just seems like a giant preseason to me.


White and Nerdy
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Rowdy;1935801 said:
Like I said, both teams played poorly but great teams find a way to pull it out at the end. The Suns have a great chance at getting to the Finals but only if they play their absolute potential. When they play the Spurs, it is like playing the Patriots in the NFL in that you have to bring a mistake/turnover free game to have a decent chance.

Manu was cold for awhile and seemed to magically turn it on towards the second half. The call on Duncan for the foul on simply going vertical with his hands was a bogus call. I watch the Suns a lot and they didn't play near their potential but if you don't bring it, you dont win. The only thing that seemed a little "what the...?" is when Popovich took the handkerchief away from the announcer and wiped himself with it. I guess he was either trying to be funny or rude-but it seemed to rub people the wrong way.

I cant wait for the playoffs. The regular season just seems like a giant preseason to me.

it was an inside thing between him and sager....

and it doesn't take much for the Spurs to rub Suns fans the wrong way......we have been doing it ever since the 2003 playoffs.


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I thought that the suns had a better chance of beating the spurs last year. Kurt Thomas has always played Tim very well, and I saw that again when we played the sonics two games ago. The suns are going to have to double duncan constantly and just like last night it will burn them eventually. I hope that mighty mouse can bring something to the table because the spurs are dying for offense. Our defense has been pretty good the past few games something just needs to click on offense and we will be back in form.

Danny White

Winter is Coming
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Rowdy;1935801 said:
Like I said, both teams played poorly but great teams find a way to pull it out at the end. The Suns have a great chance at getting to the Finals but only if they play their absolute potential. When they play the Spurs, it is like playing the Patriots in the NFL in that you have to bring a mistake/turnover free game to have a decent chance.

Manu was cold for awhile and seemed to magically turn it on towards the second half. The call on Duncan for the foul on simply going vertical with his hands was a bogus call. I watch the Suns a lot and they didn't play near their potential but if you don't bring it, you dont win. The only thing that seemed a little "what the...?" is when Popovich took the handkerchief away from the announcer and wiped himself with it. I guess he was either trying to be funny or rude-but it seemed to rub people the wrong way.

I cant wait for the playoffs. The regular season just seems like a giant preseason to me.

Way to take your medicine like a good sport. :p:

It was good to see the Spurs snap out of their funk and win a close game here against a good team.

Suns have a good team... you'll definitely be in the mix there at the end of the year. I like Nash. But that coach needs to man up and stop looking like he's constantly about ready to burst into tears.

You're right about all this being pre-season. All of these teams will make the playoffs (Suns, Spurs, Mavs) and seeding won't really matter when you get down to it.

There'll be 7 or 8 strong teams in the Western playoffs so you're going to have to win three tough series in order to make it to the Finals no matter how you slice it. And home court vs. road is really not that big of a deal for a veteran team.


Well-Known Member
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Rowdy;1935801 said:
Like I said, both teams played poorly but great teams find a way to pull it out at the end. The Suns have a great chance at getting to the Finals but only if they play their absolute potential. When they play the Spurs, it is like playing the Patriots in the NFL in that you have to bring a mistake/turnover free game to have a decent chance.

Manu was cold for awhile and seemed to magically turn it on towards the second half. The call on Duncan for the foul on simply going vertical with his hands was a bogus call. I watch the Suns a lot and they didn't play near their potential but if you don't bring it, you dont win. The only thing that seemed a little "what the...?" is when Popovich took the handkerchief away from the announcer and wiped himself with it. I guess he was either trying to be funny or rude-but it seemed to rub people the wrong way.

I cant wait for the playoffs. The regular season just seems like a giant preseason to me.

im just yanking your chain, and pop ALWAYS messes with craig sager