I am just not a fan when Hollywood tries to leach off of establish brands via reboots and other name drops simply for money grabbing reasons.
I get it with superhero shows as those have been rebooted many times, but when you go from comedy to serious drama the only thing they have in common are names, locations and a rich uncle and aunt, and repurposing a comedy show is just tacky and sad in my opinion.
The trailer looked interesting and had they just called it "Bel-Air" and built it on its own premise and storyline, I would have been way more inclined to watch it.
If they really wanted to reboot the original comedy show with a great story they would have made a new comedy with Will Smith as the lead (or someone with a similar persona and age if he declined) and Carlton's or Hilary's "son" coming from Bel-Air to Philadelphia because they were spoiled and getting into trouble.