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Just finished S3 of Ragnarok. It dragged on a bit, and some of dubbing is pretty comical, but overall, it was pretty good.

Agreed and I think that was also the end of the show, at least it seemed that way.

One thing that always cracked me up was the guy who plays Loki has crows feet of wrinkles around eyes and some by mouth. Yet he is going to high school lol

Agreed and I think that was also the end of the show, at least it seemed that way.

One thing that always cracked me up was the guy who plays Loki has crows feet of wrinkles around eyes and some by mouth. Yet he is going to high school lol

Every time they showed him, I couldn't help but think what a creepy looking guy he is. Maybe that has something to do with it.
Another thing about Ahsoka. What's with the chick wearing goggles on her head for no reason? And how is she able to put her holographic image anywhere she wants without some type of receiver (Okay, maybe the places she projects to have receivers in the walls or something, but don't they usually project from some device on a table or floor?) and how can she see everyone and everything as if she was actually standing there?
After watching episode one of She Wars: Ahsoka, I'm not at all impressed. Sabine "I'm a rebel" Wren is an annoying character, with a stupid looking cat/fox/muppet pet and what looks like a really bad wig.

The fight scenes so far are robotic and predictable, and the dialogue is terrible.

TBH, I'm going to have to force myself to watch episode two.
Seen episode two yet? :p

For what it's worth, Sabine is being played well. The actress has conveyed the character's loner Mandalorian spirit from Star Wars Rebels.

What the episodes have not translated better is the true underlining reason that is bothering her, which is a more detailed backstory of her relationship to Ezra Bridger, the young man seen in her hologram message. SWR provided a clear picture what that meant to not only her but Hera also.

Ironically, the lightsaber fight scenes have been as slightly stiff as what was seen in the first two seasons of Star Wars: The Clone Wars. Lightsaber choreography became much more fluid and detailed by the end of that series. That smoothness carried over into SWR. I,too, have been a bit disappointed in lightsaber play but hope if will improve over the course of the season.

Despite their size difference, Ahsoka Tano was almost as talented as her master, Anakin Skywalker, with a lightsaber. Bland lightsaber play, that more matches what was seen in the original 1977 and 1980s movies, should be avoided. :) It should definitely not be as stiff as the final standoff between Luke Skywalker and Kylo Ren in The Last Jedi. :mad:

And leave the Loth-Cat alone! They managed to copy the critter exactly from SWR. The creatures roam that same planet of Lothal, as seen in Ahsoka, like rabbits. They are cute and cuddly until they are pissed out, lol.
Another thing about Ahsoka. What's with the chick wearing goggles on her head for no reason? And how is she able to put her holographic image anywhere she wants without some type of receiver (Okay, maybe the places she projects to have receivers in the walls or something, but don't they usually project from some device on a table or floor?) and how can she see everyone and everything as if she was actually standing there?
See??? This is what you get for not following my cliff notes. :laugh:

Hera's googles are part of her character's ensemble:


It helped her visuals for being a crack fighter pilot (think of the old aviator fighter pilots from decades ago). Audiences will (or maybe not) get used to Mary Elizabeth Winstead pulling off the same look.

The holographic image is a Star Wars thing. A projector can be situated anywhere within an area and not always obvious or in plain view. Plus, there are two way cameras involved too. Interactive hologram conversations, like FaceTime-ing, has been shown in Star Wars since the original movies. Or at least in The Empire Strikes Back. For example: the remote convo between Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader, where Vader persuades Palpatine turning Luke Skywalker was possible..

Just wait until you get to see Chopper. Most Star Wars films and series (if not all) have their particular droid mainstay. He is it and man is he a hoot. :laugh:
See??? This is what you get for not following my cliff notes. :laugh:

Hera's googles are part of her character's emsemble:


It helped her visuals for being a crack fighter pilot (think of the old aviator fighter pilots from decades ago). Audiences will (or maybe not) get used to Mary Elizabeth Winstead pulling off the same look.

The holographic image is a Star Wars thing. A projector can be situated anywhere within an area and not always obvious or in plain view. Plus, there are two way cameras involved too. Interactive hologram conversations, like FaceTime-ing, has been shown in Star Wars since the original movies. Or at least in The Empire Strikes Back. For example: the remote convo between Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader, where Vader persuades Palpatine turning Luke Skywalker was possible..

Just wait until you get to see Chopper. Most Star Wars films and series (if not all) have their particular droid mainstay. He is it and man is he a hoot. :laugh:
She's not flying a crop duster, so the goggles just look like a bad fashion statement. It reminds me of Seth Green's character in Can't Hardly Wait.

She's not flying a crop duster, so the goggles just look like a bad fashion statement. It reminds me of Seth Green's character in Can't Hardly Wait.

Agreed but characters are given characteristics like clothing in hopes it will instill distinctiveness. Star Wars has been criticized for more 'normal' looking attire. Some people are still talking about Jedi walking around in bath robes. :)
Agreed but characters are given characteristics like clothing in hopes it will instill distinctiveness. Star Wars has been criticized for more 'normal' looking attire. Some people are still talking about Jedi walking around in bath robes. :)
I could maybe see it, if she was just some ace pilot or something, but she's a general.
I'm on Season Two of two streaming exclusive series that I very much enjoyed the first season:

Winning Time - MAX - If you haven't seen it yet, the story of the Showtime Lakers in the 80's. Dr. Buss is very similar to a Jerry Jones origin. If they ever make a football version, should definitely do the 90's Cowboys. This show does a great job covering multiple seasons and still keeping you captivated. The casting is EXCELLENT. It's not easy to find people that convince you they are Kareem and Magic. But all the coaches, GMs, executives... just a great job making this show. The guy who plays Jerry West is great! Red Auerbach played by the guy from Commish kills it. They are now including Larry Bird's origin in the series which is awesome. Can't have Magic without Bird or vice versa. In some ways, season two is even better than season one. Next episode, Pat Riley takes over! You never know with Hollywood dramatic liberties and historical accuracy, but they do a good job covering what kicked Paul Westhead out of L.A.

After Party - Apple - First season was hilarious! I mentioned this before, but it's the guy who did 21 Jump Street, so if you found that funny, you'll enjoy it. I believe he is back for the second season, but not sure. It's a murder mystery, but done as a comedy. Second season is not as good as the first season. Longer, and not as funny. But still watchable and entertaining. Same format as first season, where each witness tells the story from their point of view which is always a popular movie format -- one in film noir, one in social media TikTok format, one in 90's Basic Instinct type format, and so on... The bride's Asian family has a lot of recognizable actors from some classic films. The show is about to wrap. One last witness story I believe. I still can't figure out who the murderer is, but for those who watch, I'm guessing it's the wanna-be detective nerdy guy. He seems the least likely.
I finally watched the first two episodes of "Ahsoka", overall I liked it, a couple niggles tho. There were a couple times the editing seemed weird, they definitely speed up the tape to make it look faster, made it look weird. I don't know how I feel about the General, I kind of like her but she is not a General of any type of military force, way too cheerful and upbeat and seems out of place. I kinda like the character but cannot take her seriously as being a General, she comes across as being a mom on a 60's sitcom. Her character just doesn't have that presence of a high ranking leader.

When she's trying to get the manager at the industrial site to talk, she sounds like she's about to say "If you don't tell us the truth young man, there will be no dessert for you tonight."
I finally watched the first two episodes of "Ahsoka", overall I liked it, a couple niggles tho. There were a couple times the editing seemed weird, they definitely speed up the tape to make it look faster, made it look weird. I don't know how I feel about the General, I kind of like her but she is not a General of any type of military force, way too cheerful and upbeat and seems out of place. I kinda like the character but cannot take her seriously as being a General, she comes across as being a mom on a 60's sitcom. Her character just doesn't have that presence of a high ranking leader.

When she's trying to get the manager at the industrial site to talk, she sounds like she's about to say "If you don't tell us the truth young man, there will be no dessert for you tonight."
it will be weird if any hard changes were made to Hera Syndulla. The character achieved her rank through both her exploits as a Rebel cell commander and combat skills.

I do not know, It has been decades since the original Return of the Jedi came out. I still do not consider Han Solo or Lando Calrissian as Generals. Smugglers? Yes. Scoundrels? Yes. Fighters? Yes. Military strategists? No.

General 'IT'S A TRAP!' Ackbar? Yes. General Grievous? Certainly. Could I envision Luthen Rael, Stellan Skarsgard's Andor character, as a General one day? Yes. Obi-Wan Kenobi? Yep. Anakin Skywalker? Ditto. The last two feel that way for me only after watching the characters as Generals through seven Star Wars: The Clone Wars seasons.

I watched Hera's entire story shown in Star Wars Rebels. Saw how the show portrayed her as a leader and how she planned missions to disrupt the Empire. My previous experience carried over to how I see Mary Elizabeth Winstead playing Hera in Aksoka and is influenced by it. I can see how others do not see her as a General. She is no Patton in no way, shape or form. I see her as one though. As a General, that is. Not as George C. Scott. :p
it will be weird if any hard changes were made to Hera Syndulla. The character achieved her rank through both her exploits as a Rebel cell commander and combat skills.

I do not know, It has been decades since the original Return of the Jedi came out. I still do not consider Han Solo or Lando Calrissian as Generals. Smugglers? Yes. Scoundrels? Yes. Fighters? Yes. Military strategists? No.

General 'IT'S A TRAP!' Ackbar? Yes. General Grievous? Certainly. Could I envision Luthen Rael, Stellan Skarsgard's Andor character, as a General one day? Yes. Obi-Wan Kenobi? Yep. Anakin Skywalker? Ditto. The last two feel that way for me only after watching the characters as Generals through seven Star Wars: The Clone Wars seasons.

I watched Hera's entire story shown in Star Wars Rebels. Saw how the show portrayed her as a leader and how she planned missions to disrupt the Empire. My previous experience carried over to how I see Mary Elizabeth Winstead playing Hera in Aksoka and is influenced by it. I can see how others do not see her as a General. She is no Patton in no way, shape or form. I see her as one though. As a General, that is. Not as George C. Scott. :p
I've only seen Han and Lando as generals of a ragtag group of rebels, so their wardrobe and personas fit the story, IMO. If they'd become part of this era, I'd expect them to dress accordingly.
I'm on Season Two of two streaming exclusive series that I very much enjoyed the first season:

Winning Time - MAX - If you haven't seen it yet, the story of the Showtime Lakers in the 80's. Dr. Buss is very similar to a Jerry Jones origin. If they ever make a football version, should definitely do the 90's Cowboys. This show does a great job covering multiple seasons and still keeping you captivated. The casting is EXCELLENT. It's not easy to find people that convince you they are Kareem and Magic. But all the coaches, GMs, executives... just a great job making this show. The guy who plays Jerry West is great! Red Auerbach played by the guy from Commish kills it. They are now including Larry Bird's origin in the series which is awesome. Can't have Magic without Bird or vice versa. In some ways, season two is even better than season one. Next episode, Pat Riley takes over! You never know with Hollywood dramatic liberties and historical accuracy, but they do a good job covering what kicked Paul Westhead out of L.A.
I've been watching it and am up to date on the show. I agree with everything you said. It's a fantastic show.
I've only seen Han and Lando as generals of a ragtag group of rebels, so their wardrobe and personas fit the story, IMO. If they'd become part of this era, I'd expect them to dress accordingly.
Ahsoka takes place more than a decade after what audiences first saw in Star Wars: A New Hope, or about 13 or so ABY. Solo and Calrissian's attire in it and Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back and Star Wars: Return of the Jedi, are established within that timeframe. Solo: A Star Wars Story should also be included from a few years earlier than those, since both men wore slightly different outfits then. Hera's attire, as seen originally in Star Wars Rebels, precedes Solo and Clarissian's more widely known outfits.

That is enough nitpicking from me! The series will endure no matter what Hera wears. :) Unless Disney does something it might later regret... :mad:
Ahsoka takes place more than a decade after what audiences first saw in Star Wars: A New Hope, or about 13 or so ABY. Solo and Calrissian's attire in it and Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back and Star Wars: Return of the Jedi, are established within that timeframe. Solo: A Star Wars Story should also be included from a few years earlier than those, since both men wore slightly different outfits then. Hera's attire, as seen originally in Star Wars Rebels, precedes Solo and Clarissian's more widely known outfits.

That is enough nitpicking from me! The series will endure no matter what Hera wears. :) Unless Disney does something it might later regret... :mad:
She did have the perfect opportunity to prove her wardrobe was functional and not just a fashion statement.

When she hopped into the ship to give chase, she could have lowered the goggles, that woulda been cool, but nope. They stayed propped on her head just like a prop. Note* I don't have any problems with her wardrobe, it looks cool, but was disappointed she didn't lower the goggles when given the opportunity.
She did have the perfect opportunity to prove her wardrobe was functional and not just a fashion statement.

When she hopped into the ship to give chase, she could have lowered the goggles, that woulda been cool, but nope. They stayed propped on her head just like a prop. Note* I don't have any problems with her wardrobe, it looks cool, but was disappointed she didn't lower the goggles when given the opportunity.
I do not recall her dropping her goggles down during Star Wars Rebels also. Maybe once or twice when she was working to fix her ship or something..? Cannot remember.
Foundation has multiple, very engaging, thoughtful storylines all running simultaneously. And the CGI is on-point. I think Isaac Asimov would be proud.

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