***Official Streaming Netflix, Amazon, Hulu and other streaming sites thread***

The way to do the disney, paramount and a few others is to do them monthly.

You subscribe for a month or two as long as there is content you like. Say if you are a star trek person you keep until a current season is done.

Then you get rid of it and rent a different one you might be interested in....say peacock for some movies. Watch it for about a month unless there is a season you want to finish and drop it.

Then move on to another like Disney. Binge any shows or movies.

Start the process over again.

It gives each service a month or two, or you can wait longer, to get some new material to watch.

The only two I pay for on a consistent basis is Youtube Premium as I watch a ton and no commercials are nice.
The other is Netflix. And frankly I have thought about doing that for a month or so at a time but since I only pay with a netflix card, it is not so bad. Put so much on the card and it lasts a few months.
Other than Star Trek, they don’t offer much that interests me. Certainly not enough to keep paying monthly.
Comedy Central.
National Geographic.
A lot of old shows from those two that I dig.

But overall, yeah, I can see how they don’t have the impressive franchise collection of a Disney or MAX.

I just went to cancel my free trial and they told me they would give me 2 more months free if I stuck with them.
For some reason, it also broadcast free all last year on my Samsung Smart 4K, so Paramount has been good to me. :cool:
Comedy Central.
National Geographic.
A lot of old shows from those two that I dig.

But overall, yeah, I can see how they don’t have the impressive franchise collection of a Disney or MAX.

I just went to cancel my free trial and they told me they would give me 2 more months free if I stuck with them.
For some reason, it also broadcast free all last year on my Samsung Smart 4K, so Paramount has been good to me. :cool:
Isn't Paramount free with Prime?
Other than Star Trek, they don’t offer much that interests me. Certainly not enough to keep paying monthly.
Regarding exclusive shows, ST is the only thing that interests me most, though I did enjoy Halo. I keep it for live CBS to watch games, whether football or college BB (specifically IU and March Madness).

I think P+ also has/had the new TMNT Mutant Mayhem, which I watched and thought was a fun, well-done movie. But also disappointing at the same time.
I started watching "Bodies" on Netflix. It's too early to tell if this show is good or not. I have to wait to see how it ends. I am just 4 episodes into it. I am growing weary of Netflix in some ways though. I miss the old Hollywood where a story was just a story.
I started to slowly watch the live-action One Piece this past Sunday (taking my time as I am dealing with a concussion, so limiting screen time). Three episodes in, and I am enjoying it.
I watched the Crown Season 6 Part 1 last night. I've watched the entire series so far and it is really well done. I don't know that it is completely accurate or not, I suspect a lot of it is conjecture, but I have enjoyed every episode so far.

I was never a big Princess Diana fan and I also think Prince Charles is a low IQ dullard and this show confirms my initial thoughts on them. But again, I don't know how much of this show is truth and how much is rumor.

I was a great admirer of the Queen. She led a remarkable life and was a stable as a rock the entire time she served as queen. We probably will never know the facts about what goes on in the palace, but it is fun to guess.

I highly recommend this show. The acting is excellent throughout and the storyline is interesting. I give it a 9 of 10.
Swamp Thing TV series is free on Tubi right now.

Franky I do not know why they canceled this series after one Season.
It was actually pretty good and unlike the movies it took a serious tone to it instead of comedic.

I have wanted them to make another Movie with Swamp Thing that was more serious and where the Rubber suit looked somewhat real instead of goofy like the first one. Second movie suit was better but still fake looking.

Would enjoy a new movie or if they would start this series back up. It was actually one of the better DC series.
Swamp Thing TV series is free on Tubi right now.

Franky I do not know why they canceled this series after one Season.
It was actually pretty good and unlike the movies it took a serious tone to it instead of comedic.

I have wanted them to make another Movie with Swamp Thing that was more serious and where the Rubber suit looked somewhat real instead of goofy like the first one. Second movie suit was better but still fake looking.

Would enjoy a new movie or if they would start this series back up. It was actually one of the better DC series.
I loved that series. They nailed the look of the Swamp Thing and they had a great cast too. IIRC, they cancelled the show while still filming the first season, promising series and never even had a chance. :mad:

My favorite DC series was "Pennyworth". The first two seasons were great, but then it got moved over to HBOMax and they screwed up the whole look and direction of the show and only lasted one more season. A series about Batman's butler's origin sounds like it would be a farce, but it was an awesome show, it was not what I expected at all. It was pretty dark, gritty and violent, some dark humor, kinda like a Nolan's "Dark Knight" meets Guy Ritchie version of Pennyworth. It takes place in an alternate reality version of 1960's England. The actor played it like a young Michael Caine version of Pennyworth, similar accent and mannerisms. This series was definitely not one children.
Just finished "Bodies" on Netflix. It's an 8 episode limited series, which means there will be no season 2. Its is a sci-fi story. I liked it overall, but there are holes in this story you could drive a truck through. If this doesn't bother you too much, you will enjoy it too.

I have so many questions which is usually the case with stories involving time travel. Maybe I missed a few things but it is unlikely I will watch this series again any time soon to find out.

First question, Why can't inorganic matter travel through time? This was the same premise in "Terminator", but it made no sense then either. I am not an expert in Quantum Mechanics, but it seems to me if the theory is based on sub-atomic particles being in two points in times simultaneously, then why can't all matter travel through time? I didn't hear this explained. Maybe I missed it. Even so, Not many items of clothing made from organic materials like cotton and wool, but the human body contains many inorganic compounds, like stomach acids and minerals that are essential to the survival of the body.

And, why those specific dates? And why were the time travelers all transported back in time to the same spot in an alley? Wouldn't they have just gone back in time in the same spot where they entered the time machine? Even "The Time Machine" got that right.

The show ignores the Butterfly Effect. Yet throughout the entire show the premise is that nothing can be changed. The future has already happened so the characters who play a part in the story are destined to carry out their parts. It is a strange theory considering the entire story is about a man who goes back in time and alters the future. We have to assume that if Elias Mannix never goes back in time, he never marries Polly, she never has his kids and Elia Mannix is never born. This is the Time Paradox. How could he go back in time to marry and have kids so he could be born in the future if he never existed in the first place. I am assuming that this show proposes that there are an infinite number of timelines and all points in time are occurring simultaneously. You don't go back in time as much as you travel to a time, much like one travels to a location. But that theory has a lot of holes too.

As for the story, assuming we accept time travel, then why deal with stopping Elias Mannix the way they did? Why not kill him on the boat before he detonates the bomb? If changing time makes him disappear anyway, what's the difference? Or why not travel back and stop the scientist from creating "the Throat"? There are millions of ways to stop Mannix yet the story chose one the riskiest alternative.

I have a lot more questions but there is not point in beating a dead horse. It is an interesting premise for a story.
Friend kept telling me to watch a show. It was on apple tv so I never really made much of a mission to watch it.

However just for something different I started watching it.

For All Mankind.

This is NOT a spoiler as it is the official description for the show...

In an alternative version of 1969, the Soviet Union beats the United States to the Moon, and the space race continues on for decades with still grander challenges and goals.

It is kind of slow but it is interesting. Good writing and acting.
If you like period pieces you should like this show.

So if you get bored and need something a little different to watch. Give it a try. As I said it is a tad slow but it is good.

I am only a little over half way through first season so who knows if it gets better or worse however from what my friend told me years ago, it has not even hit the good part he really enjoyed.
Friend kept telling me to watch a show. It was on apple tv so I never really made much of a mission to watch it.

However just for something different I started watching it.

For All Mankind.

This is NOT a spoiler as it is the official description for the show...

In an alternative version of 1969, the Soviet Union beats the United States to the Moon, and the space race continues on for decades with still grander challenges and goals.

It is kind of slow but it is interesting. Good writing and acting.
If you like period pieces you should like this show.

So if you get bored and need something a little different to watch. Give it a try. As I said it is a tad slow but it is good.

I am only a little over half way through first season so who knows if it gets better or worse however from what my friend told me years ago, it has not even hit the good part he really enjoyed.
I have watched every episode. It is a great show. It is a drama but has strong soap opera aspects. Not many series can combine the two. This show does and does it extremely well.

The Stevens family is a trip, in every generation, lol. So many actors try to steal the show but the actress playing Margo Madison may be the one who does it consistently.
The Barry Sanders documentary on Prime called Bye Bye Barry. It was outstanding and I learned a lot about his mindset which helped me understand the way he thinks, shortened career, etc. He was not wired to crave the spotlight for sure.
I've heard from several people this was a great watch. I need to remember to get it on my queue.
I just re-upped with Amazon Prime for the Cowboys game. Will definitely check out the Barry Sanders documentary and Invincible Season 2. Reacher Season 2 also. Good time to get Amazon back if don't have it.

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