Officiating sucks and/or is fixed quit picking on Brittany thread


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I actually mean it. Years ago I watched the nuggets and overdone get robbed against the spurs with blatant calls. It was bad for years but that series turned me off on the nba for about 5 years. Lebron brought me back. Everyone e made excuses the. Years later it gave out they made calls for gambling.
I feel the same way now. The calls were bad for about 10 years but got worse after jerry went to war with goodell. This season is the final straw. This team has 7 wins and would have at least 9 with fair calls. It won’t change until fans tune out. It might not happen but I’m tuning out. I wish my team well but I can’t stomachs unfair calls against the save team every game.

Waaaaaaaaa!!!!! The league is out to get us!!!!!



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Get in line. Any complaints we Cowboys fans have about the refs pale in comparison to the refs cheating the Saints vs Rams in the nfc championship non-call on flagrant interference. The refs single handedly screwed Drew Brees and the Saints in going to the Super Bowl. Yes there were bad calls today but we finish way behind Saints fans on blaming the refs. It’s all about perspective.

Remember the Defensive Pass Interference on Benny Barnes that decided that Super Bowl. Commissioner at the time Pete Rozelle acknowledged the call was wrong on the air, not in one of those secret letters that go out every week.

How's that for perspective?

I really don't want get on the corruption bandwagon , but i think the NFL really really really wanted Los Angeles in the Super Bowl that year to solidify its place in the LA market


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And we lost two games including today because the front office is in love with Zuerline. Our kicker personally lost both games (Bucs and Raiders)
Unreliable kicker or not, we win both games if the officials don’t royally screw us.


You Have an Axe to Grind
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I did it twice since joining this site. I did it twice since joining this site. 2019 and some of 18. I also did it in 2013 and 15

I remember a poster on another board who used to start farewell threads. Every time he got fed up with the team or posters on the board he would announce he was leaving. It was always the same emotional tearful post. You could almost picture him reaching for a box of Kleenex wiping his eyes as he was typing. He wanted to see if anyone on the board would try and talk him out of leaving but all he got was good riddance! Lol That would piss him off even more. He would lay low for about a week but you could tell he was lurking on the board because you could see his logins everyday. He wanted to see if any members on the board missed him. :laugh: He would reappear and try and blend back in but as soon as he started posting again we would dig up his farewell thread. We could bump old threads and began digging up all his farewell threads. We would circle them like buzzards. :laugh:


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I remember a poster on another board who used to start farewell threads. Every time he got fed up with the team or posters on the board he would announce he was leaving. It was always the same emotional tearful post. You could almost picture him reaching for a box of Kleenex wiping his eyes as he was typing. He wanted to see if anyone on the board would try and talk him out of leaving but all he got was good riddance! Lol That would piss him off even more. He would lay low for about a week but you could tell he was lurking on the board because you could see his logins everyday. He wanted to see if any members on the board missed him. :laugh: He would reappear and try and blend back in but as soon as he started posting again we would dig up his farewell thread. We could bump old threads and began digging up all his farewell threads. We would circle them like buzzards. :laugh:
Do it this time then. And I said I’ll follow the team on this site but won’t watch the game.


You Have an Axe to Grind
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Do it this time then. And I said I’ll follow the team on this site but won’t watch the game.

If you’re a true fan you’ll watch the game. The Cowboys have you down right now. If they start winning again you’ll cheer up.
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
This is the NFL today

PRIMETIME Thanksgiving day game….

The refs decided to throw 28 flags on Dallas

Outcome equals Raiders back in the AFC West race, philly and Washington back in the NFC East race. NFL gets what they want on tv ratings. Another in your face take it or leave it message from the NFl.


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14 penalties for 166 yards

7 1st Downs by penalty <<--this kept drives alive and LV took full advantage of those mistakes.
You can call a ticky-tack garbage call that wouldn’t be called the other way in a million years a “mistake” if it makes you feel better.

We got jobbed. Again.


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Nothing to do with the Cowboys actually making penalties eh?
That was weak.

This is the problem to the people who want to say don't blame the refs. Even they see it, even if its's hard to acknowledge

I'll say it again we should expect competency consistency and clarity from officials every game

Competency - look no further than that roughing the passer call you acknowledge as weak. It was worse than that it was was a bad call. There was no roughing the passer. even by today's overly protective NFL Rules.. Pure Incompetency.

Consistency - look to the play where Dak was sacked by an edge rusher who tackled Dak at his legs in the pocket. By Rule in today's overly protective NFL that is roughing the passer. but not today apparently. Pure Inconsistency

Clarity - Look at the fumble changed to incomplete on the field. Honestly I thought it was incomplete but was convinced otherwise. But I heard no explanation other than that the pass was incomplete. Pure Unclarity (if that's a word).

Is it so hard to make the game easier officiate more competently , more consistently and with greater clarity? Of course but only real economic pressure will achieve this. I fear.


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Does anyone else under wonder how in the hell Jerry puts up with his team continually being bent over by the The Goon and his NY henchman game after game....year after year.....he has to be seeing what we are seeing. If he went scorched earth and blasted the officiating, he would surely get slapped down hard by the NFL, but at least it would be "out there"....maybe the refs would start to think twice about some of the blatant S they are doing. These refs are human just like we are...if they weren't a Cowboys fan growing up, then they grew up HATING the Cowboys....when they see the way The Goon treats the Cowboys with over the top fines, and head scratching biased suspensions (Zeke) they realize that whatever they do in turn will actually be looked upon favorably with out any chance of repercussion....Jerry's almost 80...I'm not sure how he contains himself. Is he so feeble not to realize that there is a ZERO percent chance of the NFL letting him reach a Super Bowl....much less win one. That is one reason that I really don't get that hung up on getting Home Field Advantage, because we are gonna get bent over in the post season just like we do in the regular season....and its gonna happen on the road or at proved that.


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Yes they missed calls both ways.. but come on.. consulting the jumbotron to call a facemask? And by the way, if you're going to use the replay to call that penalty, why not call the guy for punching Goodwin on the way down? That call, the no PI against Gallup was a huge one.. Same with the no call intentional grounding. It should have been loss of down with the ball back 15 yards because that's how far back Mahomes had retreated when he released it. Then the guy running through Schultz? Sorry but those penalties DID affect the game.. Would the Cowboys have won if they had been called correctly? Who knows? But we DO know that they helped keep drives alive for the Chiefs which led to points and killed a first and goal at the one for the Cowboys with the no PI call. That's probably a 10 point swing on those two calls. Anybody remember the final score? If you can't admit that those impacted the game then you're just being intellectually dishonest.
I agree… why no DPI from their DBs… they mauled our guys… Sure, the Boys didn’t execute, but it’s harder when you’re playing against 12 players. The overturned call on the fumble really hurt, and penalty for roughing Carr when he was running.


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Can't they improve the "holding" rule? To me it appears like there's holding on the majority of plays yet only some get called. Penalties also take out the enjoyment of games like it did today.

Perhaps crews should all be encouraged to let teams play and only throw flags for blatant holding/face masks/hooking of necks etc

The thing about the holding rule is most people don't know that there are quite a few exceptions for things that look like holding but aren't per the rules. So a lot of times when people think they see holding, they're seeing an exemption. For example, when a defensive player uses a rip move and the OL's arm ends up around the defender's neck, that is an exemption from holding unless the defender tries to change directions and the OL holds on or takes the defender to the ground. But when people get emotional, the rulebook is the last place they go.