Oh those classy Eagles fans.....

HeavyHitta31 said:
What AJM was stupid more than it was offensive IMO, its just something that didnt need to be said. I believe there was a little sarcasm and, while Im not defendinf it, dont think its anything worthy of banishment or anything like that. I generally enjoy him as far as Eagle fans go and I doubt he is a thug like so many Eagle fans. To post over 2000 times as an Eagle on a Cowboy's board without getting banned tells me these things. I dont think he "wishing" or "threatening" death on anyone, it was more of a metaphor for the angfer Eagle fans would feal after their 4th straight conference title loss.

I agree. AJM's statement was silly and immature, but far from a bannable offense, IMO.

He's actually not too bad as far as Eagle's fans go.

He can actually string together multi-syllabic words, and even put together a complete sentence. This is highly advanced for an Eagle's fan. Usually you get grunts and screeches. :D
Bizwah said:
I agree. AJM's statement was silly and immature, but far from a bannable offense, IMO.

He's actually not too bad as far as Eagle's fans go.

He can actually string together multi-syllabic words, and even put together a complete sentence. This is highly advanced for an Eagle's fan. Usually you get grunts and screeches. :D
Once again, I did not say I would ban him. I said if it happens I won't consider it a loss. His initial post in this thread was beyond ignorant.
Hostile said:
Once again, I did not say I would ban him. I said if it happens I won't consider it a loss. His initial post in this thread was beyond ignorant.
You can't blame him, Hos. Being an EAGLE FAN is beyond ignorant as well! :D
Hostile said:
I believe we are the most tolerant message board of other team's fans that there is. Until someone proves that they are a troll we give them every opportunity to be a part of this forum and community. We have even had fans of other teams join here that had offensive usernames. I have changed their usernames and invited them to stay and post here. No way in hell a Cowboys fan would get that same courtesy on another team's message board.

That said, AJM's comment was asinine and there is no excuse for it. He ought to apologize for it. His call though.

Personally I think he stuck his foot in his mouth. If he were to end up banned from here I would consider it no loss after a comment like that.

Well said Hostile, this site is extremely lenient to other fans. Post on another team's forum as an open Cowboy fan and you will get hazed to no end. The members of this forum are more tolerant toward other teams' fans than fans of any other message board.

Amen Hos
Phoenix-Talon said:
Mr. Hostile:

I agree. This MB is one of the more lenient MBs toward opponent team fans. That's why I'd ask that everyone give him the benefit of the doubt. AJM is a "Senior Member," of the Cowboys zone; with up to now, a high standing posting record. I believe AJM has already apologized by saying that his words came out wrong. I've followed AJMs posts for some time -- in the majority of his posts he gives both pros and cons with fairs assessments about football related issues.

His comments were not directed toward a Cowboys fan, nor this board. Heck, he didn't even support the bad treatment of the "Vikings fan." If you can't overlook one bad post from a senior member in good standing; what chance do any of the rest of us have to successfully contribute to some good honest football chatter.

Let it go!


You need to let it go. If AJM is a member of this forum, then he needs to learn to take his beatings like a man. I regularly get criticized by members of this forum and I'm a COWBOY fan. His Eagles' fan status has nothing to do with him being criticized here. He put his foot in his mouth and the fans called him on it just like how they call me on it when I say something that rubs people the wrong way. You don't need to be a nanny and pacify his treatment. He is getting ripped on one thread. Big deal, that happens all the time to our own members let alone an Eagles fan.

Hostile never said he would ban him; not even close. He said that he wouldn't feel at a loss if he were to be banned but that's not the same thing as saying he would be banned. I wouldn't feel at a losss if he were to be banned either but in no way would I ban him. If anything, Hostile's statement was a metaphor of how democratic this forum can be at times. When the moderator implies he doesn't care for a member but still doesn't ban him, that shows you how classy this site is. Moderators at other forums are dictators who kick out people they personally dislike; there is no democratic process like there is here.

Get a grip dude
Come back down to earth and quit acting like his civil rights have been violated. Jeez
I went to The Eagles Cowboys game that ended Owens season. I went with a friend of FB Barnes. We were in the upper row When a 260 pound Blackman sits down 3 seats from us. Takes off his jacket to reveal a Cowboys jersey. I am routing for #36 and I don't give a F##k I am routing for my son I don't give a F##K. Well it turned out to be darian's father. We didn't know he was going to show up. Needless to say no one was pushing on him. I even took off my jacket to reveal a Roy Williams jersey.
If someone tells me that if I wear a particular shirt that I will be harmed you are not warning me you are threatening me.

You threaten me and I am supposed to back down? I dont think so.

I also dont think anyone would fault me for doing what is my right as a human being.

Its the typical mob mentality and I really expect nothing less from that cesspool of a city.

They still idolize Iverson after all.
mr.jameswoods said:

You need to let it go. If AJM is a member of this forum, then he needs to learn to take his beatings like a man. I regularly get criticized by members of this forum and I'm a COWBOY fan. His Eagles' fan status has nothing to do with him being criticized here. He put his foot in his mouth and the fans called him on it just like how they call me on it when I say something that rubs people the wrong way. You don't need to be a nanny and pacify his treatment. He is getting ripped on one thread. Big deal, that happens all the time to our own members let alone an Eagles fan.

Hostile never said he would ban him; not even close. He said that he wouldn't feel at a loss if he were to be banned but that's not the same thing as saying he would be banned. I wouldn't feel at a losss if he were to be banned either but in no way would I ban him. If anything, Hostile's statement was a metaphor of how democratic this forum can be at times. When the moderator implies he doesn't care for a member but still doesn't ban him, that shows you how classy this site is. Moderators at other forums are dictators who kick out people they personally dislike; there is no democratic process like there is here.

Get a grip dude
Come back down to earth and quit acting like his civil rights have been violated. Jeez

Oh and another thing is that Hos saying that is just like saying that he has an inclination to banning him.

Dear lord people put the smack down.
cajuncowboy said:
For the record, Philly has a long record of doing these kinds of things. Even former mayor and now, (sadly enough to say) Governor Rendell, admitted he paid a guy to throw an ice ball at the cowboys from the stands one year. There is very little class in Philly. I know, becasue I lived there for a while.
I apologize for not responding to your comments sooner, I was focused on some other posts. But your comments deserve a reply. Your "For the record" opening attention getter was unimpressive because regardless of what you think or how much you dislike the Eagles, we do not repeat do not have the lock on "fans who disgrace the team," during home games or on the road! Let's not get too sanctimonious about this. May I refreshen your memory that it wasn't too long ago in Dallas Stadium where two Dallas Cowboy fans; wearing Dallas Cowboy shirts, were booed by the home crowd! The Cowboy fans didn't boo because they were jealous the husband and wife team had won, but because they were wearing the traditional garb of Muslims.

But it happens! It's difficult to stop misbehavior in a crowd of over 67,000 fans, all hyped over the fervor of wanting their team to win; or watching them get defeated. It a little thing called "human behavior."

Having said that ...don't throw too many stones in the glass house you're building, or the picture you're painting! We all have our skeletons in the lockerrooms!
I'm the one who started this "Ban AJM" thing. I still belive he should be banned..As I stated before...For a week. I'm not a Mod here, or even a "big time" poster....but...

What the article said is not a "One time" incident. heck the Eagles fans threaten and start fights in Washington (just down the road) all of the time. Ask a few people at Extreme skins. They think its thier God given right to physically abuse people who come to their stadium wearing other teams colors.

I've been to many games at many different stadiums...Baseball and Football. Razzing and dogging are all part of the scene, heck, being a Cowboys fan in New England I get it in my own living room.

Philly fans belive they can use there supieor numbers in there stadium to "Physically Beat" people...Because they were other teams colors...The city/police and the NFL have been letting them get away with it for too long.

AJM just proved their mindset..."Hey, you were warned", don't come to our stadium wearing another teams jersey. Like its the mother of a players fault to go to Philly and root for her son. Yeah, she got beat up, but it was her fault. They (and AJM, you are part of they) think this is fine and normal.

His statements did offend me, I'd like to see him banned for a week so he can talk about his upcoming game with his fellow fans who also believe its their god given right to physically beat on other fans.

Then let him come back next Monday, to take his just abuse for losing again in the NFC champ. Game...If I was a Mod here, thats what I would do.
Take cover
From the Star-Tribune 1/18/2005
Quarterback Daunte Culpepper's wife, Kim, apparently was the target of vociferous and profane heckling Sunday at Lincoln Financial Field. Eventually, Eagles security official intervened to protect her.

Monday, the quarterback was visibly angry about the situation and said: "They are lucky I wasn't up there."

"Fans everywhere have to realize that the fight should be on the field," he added. "Nobody should have to go through the stuff my wife did from the fans Sunday. ... Yelling at players is one thing. When you start throwing beer, spitting on people ... that's how people get hurt.

"Lord knows, if I had been up there, somebody really would have gotten hurt."
A Packer fan's take... edited to be shorter...

ANATOMY of a CITY, a true experience and a letter to all.

As I emerged from the subway and placed my foot on the top step of the subway station exit, I heard the Anatomy of Philadelphia being defined, a**hole. A word that would used by EAGLE FANS no less than once every 20 seconds for the next 3 hours or every time they recognized a green jacket that spelled out PACKERS. The closer I came to the stadium, it was apparent that the four letter F word was the adjective of choice, but as I arrived at the entry gate this four letter F word also became verb. When I looked into their eyes of these Eagle fans, I felt sad for them, as they represent the Anatomy of the City of Philadelphia and I thought to myself “How bad can these EAGLE fans be?”

While walking to my seat, the continuation of the verbal abuse heightened and physical abuse started with intentional bumping and pushing as they saw the letters PACKER. I looked over and saw a female Packer fan wearing a Packer Hard Hat and watched as it was taken off her head thrown to the ground and smash into pieces of gold plastic, then picked up for souvenirs or weapons.

When I arrived at my seating area, I was approached by security and told that I should not push anyone, not defend myself, not to talk or make eye contact with any fans that were taunting me. He mentioned to yell at him if I was physically attacked as they have a jail and court operating in the stadium during the game for these kind of people. I thought to myself, “Welcome to the DMZ ZONE. If I point out an attacker and have IT taken to the stadium court then I can sit among ITS friends in harmony. What is wrong with this scenario says the SPIDER to the FLY.

After the Security Staff assurance, I though to myself, “How bad can these EAGLE FANS be.” I can take a little heckling, I can refrain from eye contact, I can keep my mouth shut, and I won’t even have a beer during the game, so let the game begin. It took less than 5 minutes for the vulgarity in this area to remove a female Eagle fan and her two young children. The first Packer touchdown produced a macho beer throwing event intended for my Packer jacket and the departure of a young couple dressed in Eagle gear, they never returned.

At half time I walked a few yards from my seat area and in every direction I turned was the vision of the angry faces of Philadelphia as they spit out the word a**hole. By now the four letter F word was now being used as an adverb followed in a noun form. It became quite apparent that the EAGLE FANS have reach a communication level where they can structure a complete sentence using only one word.

During the second half I was the recipient of all the loose change from the Subway as the EAGLE FANS felt that trying to hit a Packer fan in the face with a coin was their expression of the BIG HUNT. Then with only a few minutes remaining in the game an EAGLE Fan came and tried to take my seat by shoving his way into my row, obviously trying to set up an EAGLE Mob reaction. The TIME OF TRUTH was upon me. Such thoughts ran through my head: Do I physically react? Do I walk away? Do I want to live? Do I want to see the rest of the game? Do I want to be wrestled to the ground by an EAGLE MOB? Or do I just want to wake up, this must be a NIGHTMARE?

After pondering the options, I yelled for security to get me out of this Den of Despicables. I then departed my seat heading for a safe haven. Little did I realize, the environment would not improve and that the experience I was having at my seat was prevalent in the concourse area as well. With the Packers having a chance to win the game and my Packer Jacket visible to ALL, things would only get worse. One good tackle and I would be on the ground with the assurance the EAGLE MOB would never let me rise again. Fortunately, a men’s room sign appeared and I headed directly for the HCP toilet reversing my jacket and walking out with no visible signs of the Green Bay Packers.

When I emerged from toilet the Eagles scored to send the game into overtime. I high fived the EAGLE MOB as I headed for the exit and started feeling proud of myself and my survival skills. I walked past the iron exit gates and hailed a cab to Ralph’s Italian Restaurant on 9th Street where I finished the overtime and enjoyed a Veal Piccante with a glass of French merlot. I took a relaxed breath and thought to myself, “How bad can the Eagles fans be? I LIVED!”

It wasn’t until the next morning after departing the Latham Hotel, an excellent boutique hotel in downtown Philadelphia, that it all came together. The taxi radio was tuned to the local morning drive sports talk show as we headed to the airport for my flight out of town. On the radio was an Eagle fan explaining that his wife was a Packer fan and he now will have to cook for himself for the next month. The local radio talk show host told this fan that his wife was a JACKASS and he should tell her to get her FAT a** out of the HOUSE. It was then I realized that the vulgar violence that I had escaped the night before was not just isolated at the stadium, it is a culture, a culture that has shown me the ANATOMY of PHILADELPIA.

I thought to myself, “Would I ever return to Philadelphia? WOULD YOU?

“The time has come for all responsible franchises, corporations, public leaders and their fans to face this issue,

THE ANATOMY OF YOUR CITY.” Steve Erban, a Packer fan and part owner in Creative Charters, a company that has taken over 15,000 Packer, Badger, Gopher, Viking, and other Sports fans to all of the major sporting events.

Steve can be reached at 651-748-0080 or [email protected]

This letter is being sent to all NFL Franchises, Sports Illustrated, New York Times, Philadelphia and Green Bay News Papers, 60 minutes, ESPN, CBS, FOX, ABC, NBC sports and anyone else that will listen.
Everlastingxxx said:
Please, you guys need to chill out.

Why anyone would take their family to such a filthy nasty game in Philly around wretched classless Philly fans?

Yet, in your previous post, you intimated you wished fans at Tex Stadium were more like them, and treated visiting fans in a like manner!!??

As a 40+-year season ticket holder, I'm glad you're in the minority.

Trust me when I say, that the LAST think I want my 13 year old nephew to recount to his schoolmates the next day about the Cowboy game he just attended, is how his 44 year old uncle harassed some 125 lb women, wearing a Randy Moss jersey, and made her sorry she DARED to show her face at “OUR HOUSE”.

Freakin’ moronic!
trickblue said:
The taxi radio was tuned to the local morning drive sports talk show as we headed to the airport for my flight out of town. On the radio was an Eagle fan explaining that his wife was a Packer fan and he now will have to cook for himself for the next month.
What a grim adaption of an Eagles game in Philly -- but I get your (or her point).

But who won the game? Did the Eagles fan have to cook because he lost a bet to his wife; or, did he have to cook for himself because his Packer's fan spouse was angry because the Eagles beat her team in overtime?
Phoenix-Talon said:
What a grim adaption of an Eagles game in Philly -- but I get your (or her point).

But who won the game? Did the Eagles fan have to cook because he lost a bet to his wife; or, did he have to cook for himself because his Packer's fan spouse was angry because the Eagles beat her team in overtime?

I think the gist was that she wouldn't be cooking for him since her Packers lost...

He didn't seem to mention a holding out on the whoopie aspect... but then again he is married and probably used to that by now... :D
mr.jameswoods said:

You need to let it go. You don't need to be a nanny and pacify his treatment. He is getting ripped on one thread. Big deal, that happens all the time to our own members let alone an Eagles fan. Get a grip dude Come back down to earth and quit acting like his civil rights have been violated. Jeez
Mr. James Woods,

First, let me say that I've enjoyed a number of your football-related posts on this MB. I appreciate the candidness; but as I interpret the essence of your request, you would like me to discontinue any attempt to support or refrain from being a "nanny," or my attempts at pacification, and one more ...my lack to "get a grip." Like AJM, I'm the type of Eagles fan that enjoys a good meaningful cross-chatter discussion about football. AJM and I are both unafraid to give our perspectives toward some controversial discussion, because we believe this site knows us both well enough to know we are aren't out to purposely insult anyone or steer away from football discussions.

So I feel comfortable saying that if I feel as though I can provide some reassurance to one of maybe 4 Eagles fan on this site, I find it difficult to understand what concern that could possible draw from you sir.

Mr. Hostile was right when he stated that this MB gives us a lot of tolerence, however, a misunderstanding or something that wasn't said as diplomatically as you may have want to hear it, or any other mistake may be easily ignored in most instances, but as an Eagles fan with the reputation that we seem to carry, could be fatal.

Trust me, I realize that AJM can stand up on his own two feet -- but as a member of this site, and a fellow Eagles fan, I wanted to give my "two-cents.

I think you'd do the same for a Cowboys fan -- wouldn't you?
Phoenix-Talon said:
I think you'd do the same for a Cowboys fan -- wouldn't you?

Naaahhh... us Cowboy fans are known for eating our young... :D
Jarv said:
I've been to many games at many different stadiums...Baseball and Football. Razzing and dogging are all part of the scene, heck, being a Cowboys fan in New England I get it in my own living room.

Philly fans belive they can use there supieor numbers in there stadium to "Physically Beat" people...Because they were other teams colors...The city/police and the NFL have been letting them get away with it for too long.

AJM just proved their mindset..."Hey, you were warned", don't come to our stadium wearing another teams jersey. Like its the mother of a players fault to go to Philly and root for her son. Yeah, she got beat up, but it was her fault. They (and AJM, you are part of they) think this is fine and normal.

His statements did offend me, I'd like to see him banned for a week so he can talk about his upcoming game with his fellow fans who also believe its their god given right to physically beat on other fans.

I'm not a Philly fan...I'm an Eagles fan living in Rhode Island...a fan living in New England just like yourself.

I don't believe it is their god given right to physically beat on other fans, I've said that in everyone of my posts, including my first one. I believe they shouldn't wear other team's jerseys if they know they are going to get harrassed. Its too bad that has to happen, but if you don't want to get harrassed, don't wear the jersey.

And to the guy who said that it was a threat not a warning...a threat is a warning, go get harrassed if you want.
um....just out of curiosity

AJM: Do you feel as if you are still defending your original statement that was blown out of proportion?

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