Old I love beer. A lot

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I guess my take is that nothing is so enjoyable that I am going to do it everyday of my life unless it was a dependency. I also like beer, but I don't seem to have the same resiliency as you. If I have more then 3-4 it would effect my function the next day, so I limit my self to the very rare binge. Otherwise, it is normally kept at 3-4 tops.
How many beers do you drink a day? (And I ask this more out of curiosity than anything else)

There are no cookie cutter answers to these things..everyone thinks you can Google what alcoholism is and it's quantified as X amount of drinks per day / week...that's BS...it might work as a general rule of thumb...but it most certainly doesn't apply to every single individual
Maybe you should if it would be an alternative for drinking.

It's actually quite an interesting subject. It is an alternative, but it isn't without it's own issues.

There used to be commercials that would show a guy smoking weed and his mother would say. Did you find a job yet, and he would say not yet. (because he was smoking weed) and then it said, weed will make you do nothing too. That is exactly what it does.

So, while it's less harmful to the body that alcohol. It can be harmful to your well being because you become so lethargic you don't do anything. Including work.

In the end, at least weed isn't addictive like alcohol to the point that the withdraws symptoms alone can kill you. Though, you can't let it rule your life either.

If necessary, it's better to ween off alcohol onto weed then use a busy life to help ween you off marijuana I suppose. It's a safer way to exit.
How many beers do you drink a day? (And I ask this more out of curiosity than anything else)

There are no cookie cutter answers to these things..everyone thinks you can Google what alcoholism is and it's quantified as X amount of drinks per day / week...that's BS...it might work as a general rule of thumb...but it most certainly doesn't apply to every single individual

14-20, depending on the brew (IPA, stout, lager, etc)
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It's actually quite an interesting subject. It is an alternative, but it isn't without it's own issues.

There used to be commercials that would show a guy smoking weed and his mother would say. Did you find a job yet, and he would say not yet. (because he was smoking weed) and then it said, weed will make you do nothing too. That is exactly what it does.

So, while it's less harmful to the body that alcohol. It can be harmful to your well being because you become so lethargic you don't do anything. Including work.

In the end, at least weed isn't addictive like alcohol to the point that the withdraws symptoms alone can kill you. Though, you can't let it rule your life either.

If necessary, it's better to ween off alcohol onto weed then use a busy life to help ween you off marijuana I suppose. It's a safer way to exit.

This is an outright ignorant post (as it pertains to Mary Jane). All or nothing posts do nothing but shed a perspective on the person dishing them out.

Yes, it can make its users lethargic, as it does for me, but that side-effect is not an end all, be all. Not even close.

If you want to go there, we can.

(And I like you so very much, Sam, for whatever that's worth. But I will debate this with all my might, as I can cite many folks in my circle who need/use herb for very legit reasons, while also are productive members of our society. Some of which are my heros that you could [I assume] never relate to).

Respectfully, of course.
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I guess my take is that nothing is so enjoyable that I am going to do it everyday of my life unless it was a dependency. I also like beer, but I don't seem to have the same resiliency as you. If I have more then 3-4 it would effect my function the next day, so I limit my self to the very rare binge. Otherwise, it is normally kept at 3-4 tops.

Thank you for your take, Eric, I tend to largely agree (tho my own tendencies dictate otherwise).
How many beers do you drink a day? (And I ask this more out of curiosity than anything else)

There are no cookie cutter answers to these things..everyone thinks you can Google what alcoholism is and it's quantified as X amount of drinks per day / week...that's BS...it might work as a general rule of thumb...but it most certainly doesn't apply to every single individual

Absolutely incredibly well put, very succinct, Glory. Don't know how I missed all these posts... I saw BigDog's and thought that's where I left off.

Must've been the booze <hardy har har> :D
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