I had some rats chew through the drywall into my bathroom one year while I was away for about a month. Judging by the debris they left behind, they had quite a party while I was out.
I talked to some folks about my visitors and they said they were probably Norwegian Tree rats. I thought "Norwegian Tree rats? How do they know they're Norwegian? Do they have names like Lars and Sven? Do they wear brightly colored clothes with fancy embroidery, sashes and funny hats? Are they good skiers?"
Anyways, I went down to my local home improvement store and bought a couple of rat traps to "mitigate the problem". As I'm checking out, I notice the cashier is kinda' cute. So right in the middle of me trying to be as suave and debonaire as possible and engage in some witty banter, it dawns on me: I'm buying rat traps. She's probably thinking.... "This guy's a pig! His place is so nasty its infested with rats! And who knows what else?"
So here I am, thinking I'm Joe Cool and she's thinking I'm Joe Dirt.
Needless to say, in an instant, my self-confidence did a Hindenburg and I mumbled something incoherent, snatched my bag'o traps and scurried out.