Our QB is broken


Cowboys 24/7/365
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One wonders how Jerry became so rich if his decisions concerning the football organization were applied to his businesses beforehand.
This is an excellent observation. Many people are good at something but extremely few individuals are good at everything.

Jones experienced decades of trial-and-error as a general manager. There is zero reason he has not acknowledged to himself he is not a good GM.

The smart business move would be for him to remove himself from football operations decision-making. The best business owners take similar action, namely, installing someone more qualified into an organization to improve in an area that could operate better.

A new pair of eyes can take a different look at the roster and coaching for short and long-term improvements. Those improvements can be both small or large changes in operational philosophy. It would also demonstrate to everyone within the organization that someone else was in charge of oversight, which could translate into a different, more focused perspective for players and coaches.

However, Jones will continue down an atypical road of achieving success in business. He will keep himself within the circle of decision-making, thus polluting eventual annual results. That stubbornness is illogical, especially for someone extremely successful in other business ventures.


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This is hilarious. Responding to needing education.
Why is it funny...it's too late to educate many, because their mind is made up. Must have gone over your head. Sorry, I'll try to dumb it down. :muttley:


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Of course our minds are living in the past.. a bit over a week ago.

How can you criticize people for being pissed after that shamozzle?

Im sure it will settle down in a while.. people are just venting.. its ok to vent isn't it?
Yes it is, but their is no need for insults on wishing Jerry would die soon....or is it?


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- I think Dak regrets trying to be everyone's friend...instead of being a demanding Battlefield Commander. Especially in light of the family of Parsons and Lamb are saying.

- Dak told Garrett, "I'm not worried about the culture...we've got that down." Oops. Again, slap in the face to know what people really think and he was wrong the ENTIRE SEASON.

- Speaking of what people really think, Stephen A reported that when he was the Errol Flynn (in Dallas), multiple players on offense/defense were vocally unsure about him in the postseason. (To be fair, he also reported that they expressed confidence in the defense). Basically, it's the worst keep secret on the team that Dak is a choker. How do you lead that team again?

- Playoff Demons: Dak's playoff demons are in his head like Romo's fumbled snap. He tried to make it sound like it's a technical issue, "Early on I wasn't getting enough spin on the ball...". Bruh, if you're worried about your mechanics and performance you can't lead the team ...especially in the playoffs.

- The pick 6: I don't believe in energy, crystal balls or karma...BUT...I called that 2nd INT. I saw Dak sleepwalking and almost throwing INTs on plays before where he truly didn't see the defense...he was still in shock at how things were playing out. He knew he wasn't throwing the ball well - see the curve ball he threw to CD - and his mechanics were failing him at the moment he feared all year. He was panicked, thinking about post game and NOT in the moment...and so he never saw the defender. Most importantly, most times Dak will try to catch the interceptor. He didn't even try...he just stood and watched. BROKEN.

I believe Dak is a guy who feeds off of the team and their belief. They don't believe in him. Jerry doesn't really believe in him. And right now, I don't think he believes in himself.
Did Dr Phil write this?


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He choked in the playoffs three years in a row. When is that growth going to actually happen? At what point should people say enough is enough?
He didn't choke last year.

He lit up the Bucs on the road, then ran into the best defense in football.


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For whatever reason, this guy gets the yips when he plays a top team or a good playoff team. It’s really a shame and not sure he ever shakes this. There are anomalies like last year at Tampa and the Seahawks in ‘19. He definitely looks nervous and starts out terrible in these games.
It’s very odd isn’t it? You can play Philly likes it’s another day in the park every time but fold in other games. Pressure is real.


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Dak took Jones to the woodshed in a way that Romo never did. It certainly, solidified Jones reputation of being a weak negotiator. No trade clause for instance...
FYI….Hurts has one, too. Same for Wilson I believe. I suspect most franchise QBs have that, but don’t really know and not inclined to ho research it.


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It’s very odd isn’t it? You can play Philly likes it’s another day in the park every time but fold in other games. Pressure is real.
It seems Dak is like the early Cowboys. They were “couldn’t win the big one” and “next year’s champs”. The frustration and pressure built every year with each season ending loss. Lilly threw his helmet seems like 75 yards after the loss to the Colts. It finally broke with the win over the Dolphins.

It’s similar to Michelson. Record number of 2nd place finishes in Majors, seemingly never to be the winner. Then, he finds a way to win the Masters and he goes on to win 2 more, 2 PGA and a highly unlikely British Open.


Safety third
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Dak has always been "broken".

I would speculate that 2016 was the worst thing that could have happened to him. Developmental wise at least. Financially it was the best thing that could have happened. lol

Dak was under no pressure to win in 2016. Third stringer who was never expected to see the field. Fate put him on the field behind the best o-line and running game in 20 years. Defenses had nothing on him to study and played us like Romo was slinging it all over the field. Dak handed the ball off and hit Beasley in the middle all season. Every single thing fell exactly right for him and he drove the bus to a very nice regular season.

Then came the playoffs. For the first time he faced real pressure as a pro QB. He proceeded to suck for the first half, even though Zeke and the o-line were killing it. He blew a couple great opportunities, the team fell significantly behind, GB softened up a bit with the big lead. Then, with the reduced pressure of being way behind with low expectations of a comeback he started to get the ball to the playmakers who did their thing and the legend of Dak was rooted.

2017 Defenses took away the middle and Dak struggled to adjust.

2018 Season started terribly. The term "separation" became the word of the year here at the zone. Receivers were getting roasted here and they were chirping back. (sound familiar?) Made the playoffs only to lose in the same way they lost in 2016. A little different this time in that the Rams made it priority to stop the RG and force Dak to beat them. Dak did nothing in the first half. Even though the defense was giving up rushing yards they did manage to keep the score close, but it was three and out after three and out putting them right back on the field. Dak finally started to make something happen, in the fourth qtr. Once again though, way to little and way to late.

2019 Dak completely choked in the biggest game of the year. The win and your in against Philly.

I'm sure you remember the 2021, 2022 and 2023 win or go home chokes.

Sure. The defense played it's roll in some of those losses, for sure. That does not absolve Dak at all from his roll in disappearing for looong stretches in the biggest games of those seasons.

Dak has been way overrated and the chickens are coming home to roost. I honestly can't believe how much some of you have been fooled. He's pretty much the same QB he's always been.

I'll root my heart out for him, but I'm not foolish enough to bet on him.


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Dust off the 2016 playbook and pay the dude 30 million per year and you could feel good about your chances. Pay him 60 million per year and expect him to lead you to the promised land with his brain and his arm and you will be sad.


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- I think Dak regrets trying to be everyone's friend...instead of being a demanding Battlefield Commander. Especially in light of the family of Parsons and Lamb are saying.

- Dak told Garrett, "I'm not worried about the culture...we've got that down." Oops. Again, slap in the face to know what people really think and he was wrong the ENTIRE SEASON.

- Speaking of what people really think, Stephen A reported that when he was the Errol Flynn (in Dallas), multiple players on offense/defense were vocally unsure about him in the postseason. (To be fair, he also reported that they expressed confidence in the defense). Basically, it's the worst keep secret on the team that Dak is a choker. How do you lead that team again?

- Playoff Demons: Dak's playoff demons are in his head like Romo's fumbled snap. He tried to make it sound like it's a technical issue, "Early on I wasn't getting enough spin on the ball...". Bruh, if you're worried about your mechanics and performance you can't lead the team ...especially in the playoffs.

- The pick 6: I don't believe in energy, crystal balls or karma...BUT...I called that 2nd INT. I saw Dak sleepwalking and almost throwing INTs on plays before where he truly didn't see the defense...he was still in shock at how things were playing out. He knew he wasn't throwing the ball well - see the curve ball he threw to CD - and his mechanics were failing him at the moment he feared all year. He was panicked, thinking about post game and NOT in the moment...and so he never saw the defender. Most importantly, most times Dak will try to catch the interceptor. He didn't even try...he just stood and watched. BROKEN.

I believe Dak is a guy who feeds off of the team and their belief. They don't believe in him. Jerry doesn't really believe in him. And right now, I don't think he believes in himself.
The second you cited Steven A. Smith you lost credibility. His entire career is built on creating controversy and soap opera level melodrama, and he doesn't let accuracy in reporting get in the way.

Seems like you're a chip off the old tabloid block.

You cite "what people really think", but who are these "Multiple players" from the offense and defense that were vocal about questioning Dak before the playoffs? Did that come from Steven A. Smith as well?

We all know Dak didn't play well, and I'm not suggesting otherwise. He didn't. The team as a whole didn't either. But all the fabricated soap opera and psychology doesn't mean anything.
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Not necessarily. If Mahomes comes here...is the franchise still broken? How about Lamar? If this was 2001, I would agree with you...but we're not that bad.
Mahomes plays for a team that hasn't allowed 30 points in any game this year.. So yes, if mahomes comes here the defense is still unreliable.


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I'm pretty sure the bottom feeding teams on the Cowboys schedule were the reason for the great offense we had during the regular season.
Look at games against the Eagles, Rams, Detroit and Miami, all of whom were in the playoffs. The offense was strong and Dak played well.