Overrated and Underrated Actors and Actresses

Best actors:

Daniel Day-Lewis

P Seymour Hoffman (rip)

Jessica Chastain

Jennifer Lawrence

Natalie Portman

Marion Cotillard



Del Toro



JK Simmons


Bradley Cooper







And so, so many others


Mads Mikkelsen



Bradley Cooper (yes, twice listed)

Matt Damon

— just off the top of my head
I can't even bring myself to give you a like here. I can't stand Brad Cooper. Lol
For me, underrated means good actor who does not get a lot of meaningful parts and overrated equals good actor who lands way too many substantial roles.

KeKe Palmer - I just ‘knew’ Akeelah and the Bee would blast off her career. Never has.
Daniel DAE Kim - Has the demeanor and charm of a leading man but what has he really done outside Hawaii Five-O and Lost?

Meryl Streep - Prolific actor with great skills but I do not see her as ‘iconic’.
Tom Cruise - Love Ethan Hunt but Cruise is not the It guy of Hollywood anymore.

Other mentionable short list
Underrated - Tatiana Maslany. Niche actor but a hell-of-a-one in my book.
Overrated - Idris Elba. Love his onscreen presence but not getting why it is THAT strong for some of the audience.
With Seymour Hoffman dead, the three best living actors for me are Day-Lewis (I know, biiiig stretch there) and Kevin Spacey and Mark Rylance.

The three most over-hyped -- Wahlberg and Travolta and Brad Pitt

Underrated (non-A-list) -- Tom Hardy and Christoph Waltz and Oscar Isaac

See, this thread is a damned wormhole. I can keep changing this. Gah. Triggered by thread.
Ah, damn. Forgot Hardy. Lawless is awesome!
I love him. Same with Busey
Absolutely... I never really paid much attention to him as an actor until Sideways. That movie and his character still crack me up
That scene towards the end when he returns Thomas Hayden Church home and see him at the front door is one of the most poignant moments I have ever seen on film. It was all there, on his face, without a word spoken. That film had a great score, bought it and still listen to it.
I don't know about over or under, there are some that have great roles and then not so good. Too often the acting catches the heat for poor writing and directing.

And then you get actors that are so well known, they have a hard time portraying their character without it looking like their acting. Tom Cruise is one of those but in his last film, American Made, he made me forget he's Tom Cruise and became that character. Stallone is another but in Cop Land, he became that character to me and he did a good job.

I have my favorites that will cause me to check out a film because they're in it but that list has shrunk over time. They can all lay clunkers, not through their acting but the fact it's just not a good movie, back to the writing. And sometimes I get the feeling that I am watching an actor just earn a living and nothing wrong with that, it is their profession.

I will say that Daniel Day-Lewis is what DeNiro used to be when he wasn't doing so many films and could lose himself in a role, sometimes to the detriment of his real life like Raging Bull. Day-Lewis is not himself in any film I have seen him in. He is the consummate professional actor of the last 25 years.
Tom Cruise is one of those but in his last film, American Made, he made me forget he's Tom Cruise and became that character. Stallone is another but in Cop Land, he became that character to me and he did a good job.

I can't stand Tom Cruise as a human being, but I can admit he is a fantastic actor. I completely agree about American Made. That was a great movie and he was fantastic in it.
I can't stand Tom Cruise as a human being, but I can admit he is a fantastic actor. I completely agree about American Made. That was a great movie and he was fantastic in it.
I loved his sci-fi movie Oblivion...did a great job in it....well wriiten movie also...if you like sci-fi.
Yes! I agree with both Paul Giamatti and the movie Sideways!

....and wine! ;)
Especially wine. My wife and I saw that in the theater and I waited for it to come out, got it the day it did and we tried to keep up with them with 4 different wines but NO ******* Merlot! We were hammered before the movie was over. The restaurant scene is crazy, they must have had 8 bottles before heading back home for more.

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