Owens blames Romo and Garrett for release - 5/23/09

Hostile;2785853 said:
You still don't get it huh?

Well, I can't be blamed for that. I gave it one hell of an effort.

What someone thinks will happen in the future isn't relevant. I didn't bring up the future Scud. You did.

I am trying to feel better thank you. I hate anti-biotics, but the Doctor says I have to have them.
Might I suggest you stop feeding the troll?

It's obvious to me what's going on here.
First it was the secret plays between Romo and Witten, now it's the secret personnel decisions made by the OC and QB? :lmao:

I just thought, too -- did anyone consider the fact that Brad Johnson may have been the snitch to Ed Werder and might be the QB Owens is talking about??

Hrmrmmrrmrmrmmmmmm........*camera pans out, showing my inquisitive look as I rest my chin upon my hand*
Primetime42;2785856 said:
Might I suggest you stop feeding the troll?

It's obvious to me what's going on here.
You sure can suggest that to me.

It is obvious to me too, but sometimes I just can't help myself when they leave the door wide open.
RedRaiderCowboysFan;2785849 said:
No hos, you did not shred anything. If you think by talking alot that you are getting your point across then you are mistaken. It is sad that you have to go to such extremes to try and trash someone who thinks differently then you do. You really cant make an argument that what somebody thinks will happen in the future is wrong, because well you dont know how it will turn out either. So if you want to keep thinking your the big man on the block on this site, go for it because your making yourself look silly by thinking you know whats going to happen in the future, and if romo does crash and burn, who are you going to blame for it? Trying to make a witty comeback doesn't make what your trying to say any more right, but I am sure you will think of something, but keep trying to make yourself feel better by telling yourself your right about your bff romo. I know you will be here, and so will I.

Legitimate question that I asked but you may have missed. What reputable football personnel person that you know of backs your opinion that Romo sucks and the starting QB position in Dallas needs upgrading?

I mean I understand and respect that you are entitled to your opinion. Just like if someone wants to maintain that Demarcus Ware sucks...they are entitled to their opinion but they will have a hard time substantiating their opinion and they will probably get a lot of grief for it.

So just one source that substantiates your opinion that Romo sucks. I would be curious if this is just a fan talking or if you have something to back up your opinion.

Lets get out of the name calling and insults. Maybe you have been guilty maybe I have been guilty in the past (not to each other specifically), but lets try to keep this to facts and see where it goes.
Here's Terrell Owens response to hearing that the news about his Tweet broke on the NFL Network...

@Deltroy oh well! jus my opinion! the media gives theirs, i cn give mine! jus answering ?s & responding 2 my fans

Where's Yakuza Rich, lol.
dcfanatic;2785875 said:
Here's Terrell Owens response to hearing that the news about his Tweet broke on the NFL Network...

@Deltroy oh well! jus my opinion! the media gives theirs, i cn give mine! jus answering ?s & responding 2 my fans

Where's Yakuza Rich, lol.
Owens has initiated damage control. Soon, Drew Rosenhaus will pull out the old "Next question" routine and all will be back to normal. Or as normal as it gets in Owensworld.
Owens and possibly Carter are the only ones to excite such a huge thread long after they're gone. I guess popularity is good whether good or bad. "Believe me,I know"
Judas;2785886 said:
Owens and possibly Carter are the only ones to excite such a huge thread long after they're gone. I guess popularity is good whether good or bad. "Believe me,I know"
It's far more a Tony Romo thread.

Theory out the window.
DallasEast;2785884 said:
Owens has initiated damage control. Soon, Drew Rosenhaus will pull out the old "Next question" routine and all will be back to normal. Or as normal as it gets in Owensworld.

We all know that 'Oh well'.

And we know his 'obviously' too, lol.

Anyone seen Yakuza Rich, lol.
Hostile;2785889 said:
It's far more a Tony Romo thread.

Theory out the window.

I got back home today and saw where this thread went from the last I checked it at around 11 this morning and I was a little annoyed I missed it.
Hostile;2785889 said:
It's far more a Tony Romo thread.

Theory out the window.
Theory not out the window. And you of all people, have been on this board since Moses threw a fit at Pharaoh's office.

You know that we've had 1 million Carter threads, and those threads have pushed 50 and 60 pages several times, and he was not very good. Believe me, before it's all said and done, we'll have 50 more of these huge threads. You and I both know that.
Judas;2785910 said:
Theory not out the window. And you of all people, have been on this board since Moses threw a fit at Pharaoh's office.

You know that we've had 1 million Carter threads, and those threads have pushed 50 and 60 pages several times, and he was not very good. Believe me, before it's all said and done, we'll have 50 more of these huge threads. You and I both know that.
I do know it, but the majority of the arguments/debates/discussions in this thread are Romo. Not Owens. Even Owens' throng have said he shouldn't have said what he did.

Far and away this is a Romo thread. And I was here before Moses went to the Pharaoh.
Hostile;2785916 said:
I do know it, but the majority of the arguments/debates/discussions in this thread are Romo. Not Owens. Even Owens' throng have said he shouldn't have said what he did.

Far and away this is a Romo thread. And I was here before Moses went to the Pharaoh.
Or was before Noah had his 3 sons? (still can't seem to figure out how Moses had so many kids if he had 3 sons and the only one's left on the earth)

Romo will get a lot of threads only because their are a few that don't believe in him.
Whenever most of the board agrees with something and a few don't it seems to build a lot of interest.
I can't fathom a 50 page thread with Quincy Carter as the primary topic.


Granted, I was not a member of this forum during Carter/Hutch years, but what could you possibly talk about?

Both were stopgap players of very limited ability.
ScipioCowboy;2785934 said:
I can't fathom a 50 page thread with Quincy Carter as the primary topic.


Granted, I was not a member of this forum during Carter/Hutch years, but what could you possibly talk about?

Both were stopgap player of very limited ability.
You've missed some very nasty CZ days my friend. It was war back then.
ScipioCowboy;2785934 said:
I can't fathom a 50 page thread with Quincy Carter as the primary topic.


Granted, I was not a member of this forum during Carter/Hutch years, but what could you possibly talk about?

Both were stopgap player of very limited ability.
Guitar singing, fumbles and loads of marjuana.

But I'm just guessing. I wasn't around then, either.
Judas;2785936 said:
You've missed some very nasty CZ days my friend. It was war back then.

you got that right...... Got pretty ugly at times.
There is only one side to the story. There is nothing to see here. There is no way that anyone had anything to do with Terrell Owens being cut. Jerry Jones used the napkin on the table trick and that is the end of the story. Just because Jerry, only months before, signed him to a 3 year deal means nothing. I REPEAT, NOTHING. Just to summarize. Only Jerry made the decision. Garrett, Romo, teammates and Wade had nothing to do with it.

The thread was dead 2 hours. How funny is it that a TO fan who is complaining about the life given the TO threads is the one who revived it from the dead?

Yeah, the "haters" drive this stuff.

Gotta keep it from falling off the first page. Kudos.
Arch Stanton;2785192 said:
The final word IS with Jerry. It WAS up to him. TO's gone. Get over it!

CORRECTION: Final word IS with Jerry's son.

For your info I've been over it. I'm more concerned about the Garrett's play-calling.

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