Seems that Tweet wasn't the first 'Moneyshot'
How irrelevant is Terrell Owens now that he's in Buffalo?
So irrelevant that the Tweet I dug up from the May 19th wasn't even the first time that the biggest star on 'North America's Team' took some angst out on the QB he once cried for.
Seems Terrell Owens agrees with folks like Mike Florio that Tony Romo should not be playing golf in his free time,
read here and
@terrellowens81 - hey T.O. read the story about Romo at It basically says Romo cares more about his golf than football. -- 2:39 PM May 15th from web
@Franchise23 - DOESN'T SURPRISE ME! -- 2:46 PM May 15th from web in reply to Franchise23
Want more? I know you do...
That response was written back to the fan (franchise23) at 2:46pm. And guess who Terrell says he was chilling with at his apartment at 2:29pm, 17 minutes earlier, on that same afternoon,
read here.
@terrellowens81 - IF U DONT MIND ME ASK'N BIG GUY-Y R U GOING 2 BIG 'D'? LORD KNOWS ITS NOT 2 STAY! THATS 2 DAMN BAD BTW!! WILL MISS U SO MUCH7:28 AM May 15th from web in reply to terrellowens81
@bosterr4 - jus passin thru! got my t choice here @ my crib now, MB jus stopped thru! he lives on the same floorm jus around the corner! -- 2:29 PM May 15th in reply to bosterr4
Now let's just set up a complete hypothetical scene here.
T.O. and Tashard Choice are chillin. MBIII just left after stopping by to give his boy a quick shout out.
T.O. is checking his Tweets on his phone and he sees this 'golf thing' from 'Franchise23 and he decides to Tweet back in all caps, which is SHOUTING if you didn't know, the response of 'Doesn't Surpise me!'.
Now I got my boys, and when we are chilling and doing whatever I know how that scene goes down. So do you.
You can't tell me that Tashard Choice didn't hear some crack about Romo at that moment from Terrell Owens.
Right? Am I right here? Yeah, I know I am.
We all know how that scene goes down and we all know who was best buds on this team last season. Tashard Choice followed Terrell Owens around like a puppy last season...
And Tashard Choice wasn't all that complimentary of Tony Romo a short while ago either,
read here.
The second-year running back from Georgia Tech suggested Thursday the jury is still out on whether quarterback Tony Romo and tight end Jason Witten orchestrated the release of Terrell Owens. Asked if he thought Romo and Witten might have played a role in Owens' departure last month, Choice said in a phone interview, "You never know. We don't really know the whole situation behind it. But it shocked everybody. When (Owens) called me, I was shocked. The players wanted him to stay."
Now in that blog entry I had a message for Tashard Choice.
Well now I got another one for him.
You are either with Romo or you aint with Romo. And who knows. Maybe Tashard told T.O. to chill on the Romo bashing in the hypothetical situation I described above.
I sure hope he did because for Tashard the shoe which was once on the foot of Terrell Owens (picture him crying at podium 'That's my Quarterback) is now on his for at least this 2009 season.
We have been talking for months now about how this team has to find some chemistry. They have to be able to look at each other in the locker room and have that 'much respect do' look at their fellow teammates.
All that stuff we have been talking about starts and ends with the Quarterback. I don't care if you don't like it or if you hate Romo. He's the QB so therefore he's the captain of the ship here people. There isn't any other position on the team more important than the QB and if you didn't know it already now you do.
Whether or not his teammates like him as a person is irrelevant. They do have to have his back though. They do have to respect him though. And they sure as hell can't be sitting around with Terrell Owens taking shots at him about playing golf on his time off. Not that I am saying that ever actually happened, lol. I'm just sayin.
And yes I am still going.
Seems this wasn't the first time Mr. Irrelevant took a shot at Garrett and Romo on Twitter either,
read here and
@terrellowens81 - hey what happened with the whole cowboys dropping you? i mean like why? - 2:09 AM Apr 29th from web in reply to terrellowens81
@gavinnewsom3 - the OC and romo got me outta there but i'm where i belong & wanted! all good, still got love frm the boys on the team! - 4:26 AM Apr 29th from web in reply to gavinnewsom3
I guess when he said this on April 29th, a few days after the draft when no one cared about him anymore because he's now in Buffalo, he waited and waited and waited but he never got the pub he was looking for, lol. So he just had to say it again on May 19th.
Matter of fact it seems that he's been trying to get busted on Twitter about his feelings on Romo for a while now if you think about it.
But no one cares about him anymore, lmao.
Now you might be saying no one but you DCFanatic. And you are right, kind of.
Ya see the reason I went to his Twitter in the first place (and for the first time ever) was because someone told me he was using it to try and pick up women so I went for a quick laugh or two late the other night. Little did I know I was gonna be wrapped up in all this.
Twitter ain't no joke people, lol.
Besides, there isn't any other news to blog about anyway.
And let's not forget to remember the vets we lost on this Memorial Day.