Packers release Jaylon Smith


Romo was elite
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Sign him to the PS


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Shows it wasn't just us.
The guy is high character
But his game just fell off a cliff

That would be the wrong kind of speed. It's sad though. He is a cool guy and really wants to play but at this juncture he is a defensive liability. With his personality he could make it in the sports media.


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Now that I think on it, he has pretty good straight line speed.

Maybe return the 450k he paid for the #54 jerseys to cover kickoffs for the rest of this year?

Then again he would probably run right past the ball carrier then celebrate.

It's not easy being elite.

Just remember.....he didn't give himself that contract. That was someone else's agenda.


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It's nuts. A high 2nd on a LB with a severe leg injury with nerve damage and then spend a 1st on a LB with a neck condition.

One thing to spend a pick on a guy like Lee who was just unlucky/glass but another to draft a player with a condition that is permanent.

Yeah, from now on, if I were the Cowboys, I'd stay away from medical risks until the fifth round.


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Jaylon absolutely understand the business side of things and from that perspective he won big. He built a legacy for his family on hype that never materialized on the field and for that I can not blame or shame him. The fact is it's not his fault Stephen gave him an extension or even being drafted way too early. Hats off to the man for giving it everything he could.
He's a fraud LB in every way


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I wasn't hurt when he was cut from Dallas, but this one kind of hurts. Dallas watched him suck for a couple of years and paid him a lot of money to do it. Green Bay watches him for a couple of weeks and decides he isn't worth a minimum. What does that say about the leadership in Dallas?

For him, I also feel bad. He could have been great if not for that injury. Same time, he's made more than I likely will in my lifetime. Decent run for a guy that is more-or-less damaged goods.
It tells you they were never SERIOUS about winning. I KNEW things would be different when they were ALLOWED to bench him in training camp etc...then they were ALLOWED to CUT him....that is all you need to know about who was calling the shots.

There is ZERO chance the FOOTBALL people in this organization thought he could was ALL Jerry.

What I want to know is...what reports were the strength and conditioning coaches giving the front office? He could not push a bag in the skills competition at the Pro Bowl. He could not push a blocking sled in training camp this year. Which means...there is no way he could leg lifts etc...I suspect they told the truth...and Jerry had the final say. Which is why Jerry as the GM will always be flawed. He wants the final say...because in the event it goes well..HE gets the credit. No coach worth its salt can turn on the film of Jaylon Smith and sign off on extending him/starting him. Jaylon Smith story was not about FOOTBALL!!! And that is right in line with Jerry Jones...who is about entertainment, story, narrative etc...

So Jaylon being sent packing from Dallas...means Jerry is slowly relenting


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Shame. Never happy to see a guy bust, especially not a 2nd round pick.

I never liked the pick but wished he'd prove me wrong.

Hopefully he can find a career change that works for him. Wish him the best.