Packers release Jaylon Smith


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He did the best he coukd with what he had. No shame in that. But arguing with people on this site that INSISTED he coukd play....just comedy. For the defenders...just admit you were wrong...and move on. We all bleed silver and we're family in that respect. But be man/woman enough to admit when you are wrong!

Good luck with that. They choose to run instead and pretend it never happened.

Typically you can tell by them using the words ‘move on!’


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I don't get the disdain for the guy. He was hurt. Its not his fault he can't play. He had an over-inflated sense of self worth, but that hardly makes him a bad guy.

He appeared to have a me first attitude and was more concerned about building his brand than winning football games. When you go to social media to solicit pro bowl votes directly after we got demolished by 4 touchdowns it's gonna rub fans the wrong way.


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This is inherently incorrect. He played at a high level in college and showed some brilliance at times in the NFL.

You think his loss against the sled is from "lack of instinct"?

The problem is the injury. He made some progress and his good instincts and athleticism allowed him to mask it. But it just became too much. The more he tried to hide the more it hurt his natural instincts.

When we got us a real became painfully obvious.
It was obvious even when Joe Thomas was playing.
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This is inherently incorrect. He played at a high level in college and showed some brilliance at times in the NFL.

You think his loss against the sled is from "lack of instinct"?

The problem is the injury. He made some progress and his good instincts and athleticism allowed him to mask it. But it just became too much. The more he tried to hide the more it hurt his natural instincts.

When we got us a real became painfully obvious.
The next time Jaylon fills a gap at the LOS it will be his first. That's not a sled issue. It's the ability to understand what is going on in front of you

Even when you take way the athleticism features between Micah and Jaylon, the differences are dramatic. One knows what he is doing and the other has no clue. I'll let you decide which is which


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He appeared to have a me first attitude and was more concerned about building his brand than winning football games. When you go to social media to solicit pro bowl votes directly after we got demolished by 4 touchdowns it's gonna rub fans the wrong way.
exactly. My all time favorite moment was him whining that he didn't make the pro bowl and how he was snubbed.

The 2 guys that where selected that year for middle linebacker where 2 future first ballot hall of famers....... (The delusion of his skillets and pimping of his brand got old real fast)

Silver Surfer

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The next time Jaylon fills a gap at the LOS it will be his first. That's not a sled issue. It's the ability to understand what is going on in front of you

Even when you take way the athleticism features between Micah and Jaylon, the differences are dramatic. One knows what he is doing and the other has no clue. I'll let you decide which is which

If that's the case, then the Cowboys staff failed in their evaluation of the player before they drafted him.


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I honestly feel like he still thinks he's the ND star athlete. With the things he says I feel like he'll have a hard to accepting his career is done. I'm glad he got some money for his family but he'll have issues mentally and physiologically from this


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What good would the front office bringing back Jaylon Smith do for the team? Even if for depth purposes, if he is still going to go out there on the field and make awful plays on the ball as a defender? And still be a liability when he is on the field.

Jack Burton

It's all in the reflexes.
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I figured he was going to be released after being a healthy scratch last week. He reminded me of one of those bad electronic football pieces that kind of spun in place on the board and didn't really do anything. Our defense has improved a lot since we cut him. Good luck to him with whatever he does, but I'm glad he's not on the team anymore.


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Jaylon absolutely understand the business side of things and from that perspective he won big. He built a legacy for his family on hype that never materialized on the field and for that I can not blame or shame him. The fact is it's not his fault Stephen gave him an extension or even being drafted way too early. Hats off to the man for giving it everything he could.


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I feel for the guy for one reason and one reason only... I know from experience that when you're a superstar at something and get use the accolades and all the perks that come with it you can take a major hit to your ego and self esteem when what you built your reputation on is suddenly gone. Please understand that I'm not saying I was a Superstar at football, but I had my moments in another field that lasted most of my life, so I can totally relate to falling down after great heights..


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Well that sucks. We all pulled for hii ok m but. He got drafted by The Dallas Cowboys where he got the best surgeons and medical care for his knee. Got to play for some years and had at least one really good year. Made 31 million dollars. If he is smart he will be ok. And has his other businesses.


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Bring him back on the vet minimum?!?!? He's already stolen enough money from this team. If Dallas is dumb enough to bring the Elite Cornerstone Slouch back let him play for what we are ALREADY paying him