Packers release Jaylon Smith


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I feel bad for him. I hope he can fall back on another career outside of football....clearly, he isn't physically able to perform anymore.
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Multiple teams are HURTING at LB this year more than any I can recall. Either due to injury or just poor play. He'll likely get another shot somewhere...

I’m sure he’ll be signed somewhere. I just think Philly fans should know better.
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Good dude but no longer a viable linebacker. I'm sure he will be fine and eventually find his way into media


Devil's Advocate
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I feel bad for him. I hope he can fall back on another career outside of football....clearly, he isn't physically able to perform anymore.

He signed two contracts with 23M in guaranteed money. He's pretty smart and well spoken, he most likley never needs to work another day if he doesn't want to.


Maple Leaf
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Now that Cox is hurt maybe you could bring him back . I think it was more of a money decision that they let him go anyway. I wouldn't mind bringing him back for depth purposes.

You can't let him back in the building.

He can't physically play. Plus his instincts are poor. MM has a culture in the locker room he has to protect. The Cowboys releasing Smith was saying to everyone you can't be on this squad unless you are effective to a minimal standard. The message was that Smith couldn't meet the minimal standard.

What would your message be to the team if you bring back Smith? You are now lowering your standard? HOw do you get to the SuperBowl when you are prepared to lower your standards.

Smith is done, and he needs to be some other team's problem. The LB core led by Parson is infinitely better. It's a bummer we lost Cox, but if you want to replace Cox pick some someone who had real potential.

Adding Smith is just adding another burden who doesn't really have a chance at competing for a starting position. No thanks.

The Cowboys have more importnat things to do and accomplish.

BTW, did you see Baldy's breakdowns of Parsons? LVE is making his way out the door. If Cox hadn't gotten injured I wonder if he would have been on the trading block, and moved.

We have to redo the LB unit. This is a focus of next year's draft. We got rid of Smith. LVE is next. As Jaylon said the tape doesn't lie, and oddly enough our drafting of Parsons had made everyone realize how bad our LB core was.

We have walked away from two of the three who were taking up key spots. Smith and Lee. One more to go, and our new direction with this unit will transition.


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I feel bad for him. I hope he can fall back on another career outside of football....clearly, he isn't physically able to perform anymore.

Poor 20 something year old millionaire. It's gonna be tough. Lol I kid, and it sucks he can't play the game he loves, but he's still going to have an amazing life. Jerry took excellent care of him.


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Career’s over. Dude just can’t move enough to be a professional athlete. Wish him well.
It's really not his movement. It's his timidity. He is terrified to take on and explode through contact. You can't be afraid of contact and play football.


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I don't know whether his leg injury made him timid, but this has to be a future lesson for the Cowboys.
Don't take injured players high in the draft, and when a player has a major injury, despite what the doctors tell you, they're not infallible.
Jaylon Smith was never the same after his injury. It was painful to see him sliding across the field, unable to change directions.
I don't see the need to ridicule him. He just wasn't the same. Fortunately, he'll leave better than most of us with millions in his bank account.
Still, I can mourn for potential unfulfilled.
Be well, Mr. Smith. Be well.


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He did the best he coukd with what he had. No shame in that. But arguing with people on this site that INSISTED he coukd play....just comedy. For the defenders...just admit you were wrong...and move on. We all bleed silver and we're family in that respect. But be man/woman enough to admit when you are wrong!