Pay Prescott!


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How about beating a team with a winning record...simple enough yes?
Vikes, Pats, Bills, Rams all on the way.
Expect to see some W's against those teams too...keep it up Dak! :cool:

You all will simply just move the goalpost


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The perfect solution is to sign Dakota to an average QB salary. The fans who adore him get to keep him for the next 5 years and the fans who think hes average to a little above average enjoy the fact that we didnt overpay and can get a better supporting cast with the saved money........but Rayne wants to get payed double the Salary that Brady is getting so we have an impasse.

He's got a 30 million dollar offer on the table that he's not signing. So, thats the floor. The issue is can we sign Cooper too b/c he's no good without him on the field.


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Dak played well last night, but I'm not paying him $40 million. We need to see consistency and that against good teams. Right now, he doesn't deserve Russell Wilson money. But we may not have a choice.


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One week he looks great, the previous week he forgets how to play QB. I give him credit for yesterday though.

Just keep showing me you can recognize the blitz and not throw 3 yards high and/or behind half the time and I'll be perfectly fine with whatever contract.


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Make or break is big exaggeration even though he had a good game.

it’s not really.

lose this game, go into the bye with a 4 game losing streak staring at the Lions, Vikings and Altria
It was a "decent" game. He had much more than one bad throw. He had a very stupid throw that you call "bad" and he still has trouble hitting receivers in stride consistently.
It's funny how when he piles up yards on a mediocre team some will point at that and say it's proof that he is a franchise caliber QB, but when he is shut down it's because of horrible play calling or it's JG or the defense is to blame or the o-line sucks now or a myriad of other reasons.
Yes, he mad some VERY good decisions in last nights game, he also made a couple of really good throws, but this is the NFL and if you want to win consistently against the top tier teams you have to be able to make those throws all the time and #4 still has not proven to me that he can.
The franchise is going to give him big money, no doubt about that, but when this team looses a very important game (and they will) it will be because #4 couldn't make a very important pass in a very important moment.

You seriously don’t watch a lot of other football.

No QB makes perfect throws “all the time”.

That’s why we collect data to compare these guys over the course of a season. Every QB has bad games and even MVP QBs make aren’t perfect every throw or even 20% of their throws.

By every piece of data you can find to compare QBs over the course or 7 games, Dak has been comparable with anyone in the league. By every piece of data you can find, Dak has been as good or better over the course of 3 years and 6 games than nearly any QB in history. Those are facts and not even debatable.


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Horrible decision. I will say it showed how he felt about Philly though. It was as if he took the risk because he knew hed come right back next time we got the ball. Lol, again it was a bad decision. I do like the disrespect he showed nonetheless.

The INT dropped put win probability from 99.8% to 99.6%

I'll take that throw to possibly put up 40 against our most hated rival who takes shots at Dak every chance they get in exchange for .2% win probability.


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So after one game after the last two atrocious ones, I'm one of those that respected his GB performance, we are back to him being the 35 - 40 million dollar man? We are so used to mediocrity on this team that the simplest above average performance makes some homers salivate and become irrational.


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I think they agreed on the money. It’s the length. JJ wants 7 years and Dak don’t.


What is this, a crossover episode?
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So after one game after the last two atrocious ones, I'm one of those that respected his GB performance, we are back to him being the 35 - 40 million dollar man? We are so used to mediocrity on this team that the simplest above average performance makes some homers salivate and become irrational.
He's not a $35 million man. Almost no quarterbacks are.

The problem is, this league is "pay him or don't" and I'm not sure I want to go back into the unknown quarterback situation.


What is this, a crossover episode?
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I think they agreed on the money. It’s the length. JJ wants 7 years and Dak don’t.
I'm going to bet it's the opposite. I bet Dak's camp wants more guaranteed money.

At this point, though, there's no reason to pay him. If he's bad for 10 more games the Cowboys have a bargaining chip.


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I'm going to bet it's the opposite. I bet Dak's camp wants more guaranteed money.

At this point, though, there's no reason to pay him. If he's bad for 10 more games the Cowboys have a bargaining chip.
Dak said he didn’t expect wilson money because he hasn’t won a SB yet. Dont mean he don’t want all the guaranteed money he can get. Lol.


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Dak said he didn’t expect wilson money because he hasn’t won a SB yet. Dont mean he don’t want all the guaranteed money he can get. Lol.

This isn't the week for Jerry to make the case that he isn't worth Russell Wilson money.


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He made some great decisions and a great audible for a TD. The decision to throw to Austin in the end zone against double coverage wasn't smart, but the defense got it right back.
Yeah, that was a "heat check" @Runwildboys...he was definitely going for the kill shot right there. Bad decision, but as you said, the defense got it back.