PC gone too far?

bbgun;3314542 said:
Theo knows a pint-sized Klansman when he sees one. You'd think this kid burned a cross on someone's lawn or something. :rolleyes:

Are you seriously trying to suggest the kid's NOT a racist??

You usually show better sense than that...
ethiostar;3314784 said:
I know i need the HDMI cable. What is that for?

On the back of your video card you should have a port that looks like:


Thats a DVI connection. If I sound like I am talking down to you I apologize. I don't know how technically savvy you are.

You run the cable into your TV and your TV acts like a monitor. You probably have to change your resolution in the display setting in your control panel accordingly.

After that you just crank up hulu send it to fullscreen and bust out the :popcorn:

I keep intending to watch Shutter Island but I am having too much fun in this thread.
theogt;3314775 said:
Or maybe I'm trained to actually read the law and apply it to facts.

And read teenagers' minds. That must have been one helluva school.
silverbear;3314795 said:
Are you seriously trying to suggest the kid's NOT a racist??

You usually show better sense than that...

Do you seriously think the kid was saying that white people are better than black people?
theogt;3314775 said:
Or maybe I'm trained to actually read the law and apply it to facts.
fact: a kid used a walmart PA system to tell a specific group of people to leave the store.

opinion: what the kid did was inherently an act of racism.
Bob Sacamano;3314576 said:
Only saying that black people need to leave is not racist. You don't even know why he thinks they should leave.

Oh, sweet Jesus... do tell, Bobby, why do you think he singled out black people, if he's not a bigot??

That argument is beyond asinine... he might have seen it as a prank, but it was a bigoted prank...
silverbear;3314803 said:
Oh, sweet Jesus... do tell, Bobby, why do you think he singled out black people, if he's not a bigot??

That argument is beyond asinine... he might have seen it as a prank, but it was a bigoted prank...

Just show me where he disparaged black people or acted like he was racially superior...
Bob Sacamano;3314589 said:
Or I am just simply pointing out that it may be just a prank. He may think racist jokes are funny but has no particular dislike for or feel no superiority over other races. That is possible, theo.

Anybody who thinks that racist jokes are funny is a racist...

It worries me that you don't understand that...
silverbear;3314795 said:
Are you seriously trying to suggest the kid's NOT a racist??

You usually show better sense than that...

Um yes, and apparently (but unconvincingly) Theo agrees with me. Can we please stop trying to turn this kid into Lester Maddox? Jeez.
silverbear;3314806 said:
Anybody who thinks that racist jokes are funny is a racist...

It worries me that you don't understand that...

Seriously, people need to apply racism to actual racism.

Saying something to get a few laughs and actually believing what you say and applying it in every day life are 2, very different things.
bbgun;3314798 said:
And read teenagers' minds. That must have been one helluva school.
Oh, he was just kidding, right? It was just a prank, right? And I'm the one claiming to read his mind?
Bob Sacamano;3314617 said:
Well it is discrimination because he singled out a group of people and told them to leave.

Yes, I believe it was a prank.

I'm guessing that by now, he doesn't think it was so freakin' funny...

What I find sad is folks like you who are going to all this time and trouble defending his ignorance...
silverbear;3314803 said:
Oh, sweet Jesus... do tell, Bobby, why do you think he singled out black people, if he's not a bigot??

That argument is beyond asinine... he might have seen it as a prank, but it was a bigoted prank...

I am quite serious when I say it was probably because he thought it was funny.

And for fun:


Main Entry: big·ot
Pronunciation: \ˈbi-gət\
Function: noun
Etymology: French, hypocrite, bigot
Date: 1660
: a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices; especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance

So I would say its a pretty big stretch to say hes a bigot.
bbgun;3314807 said:
Um yes, and apparently (but unconvincingly) Theo agrees with me. Can we please stop trying to turn this kid into Lester Maddox? Jeez.
To clarify, I don't make any claim one way or the other because I can't read his mind. He could racist, I don't know. But I am not claim that he is racist.
silverbear;3314806 said:
Anybody who thinks that racist jokes are funny is a racist...

It worries me that you don't understand that...

I've been laughing at redneck jokes for years, not to mention Chris Rock's routines, so ...
silverbear;3314812 said:
I'm guessing that by now, he doesn't think it was so freakin' funny...

What I find sad is folks like you who are going to all this time and trouble defending his ignorance...

Defend? More like I don't think he should be raked over the coals for this. I also hate when people want to paint every, little thing as being racist.
FuzzyLumpkins;3314813 said:
one who ... treats the members of a group (as a racial or ethnic group) with ... intolerance
Pretty sure demanding that black people leave fits this definition.
silverbear;3314806 said:
Anybody who thinks that racist jokes are funny is a racist...

It worries me that you don't understand that...

Os if I joke around with my friend who is Cheyenne and call him all kinds of things that are racial 'slurs' then we are both racists if we laugh?
silverbear;3314806 said:
Anybody who thinks that racist jokes are funny is a racist...

It worries me that you don't understand that...

What he did wasnt funny

But racist jokes can absolutely be funny, come on!

David Chappelle
: Somebody broke into my house once, this is a good time to call the police, but mm mm, nope. The house was too nice. It wasnt a real nice house, but they'd never believe i lived in it. They'd be like 'He's still here!
[whacks the microphone on the stand]
David Chappelle: Oh my god. Open and shut case, Johnson. I saw this once when I was a rookie. Apparently this *guy broke in and put up pictures of his family everywhere.'

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