PC gone too far?

People keep bringing up comedians. Comedians are socially recognized jokers who do their shtick on a stage, whether you think they are funny or not. They are not a good comparison to some regular Joe off the street who wants to be funny and use race or gender or religion or whatever in the process. He might think he/she is funny and maybe a handful of his friends do but you can't expect anyone else who doesn't know him from Adam and especially to someone who is the butt of the joke to think its funny and be ok with it.
Bob Sacamano;3314649 said:
He didn't put down blacks either. So there goes your racism angle.

Again, that's an idiotic argument-- calling for all black people to leave is suggesting they're not good enough to be shopping in there with the rest of the people...

Of course it was intended as an insult to black people...

Man, I'm seeing you in a whole new light, hoss...
rkell87;3314846 said:
i most certainly am not
the hell you're not. You couldn't be more wrong. Where the freaking hell did you get that ******** idea from?
silverbear;3314849 said:
Again, that's an idiotic argument-- calling for all black people to leave is suggesting they're not good enough to be shopping in there with the rest of the people...

Of course it was intended as an insult to black people...

Man, I'm seeing you in a whole new light, hoss...

It could also suggest that he just doesn't like them. Maybe he got jumped by a few? Maybe he has black friends and it's OK to joke about this kind of stuff? No one really knows, yet you are for sure he feels superior. Again, racists have attacked our imagination.

What really gets me is that you actually expect a 16 year old to actually think through things thoroughly before acting.

And just stop inferring that I'm OK with racists.
ScipioCowboy;3314841 said:
The kid has shown himself to be no more racist than Trey Parker, Matt Stone, Carlos Mencia, Dave Chappelle, and a myriad other entertainers who engage in racial humor. Of course, there are many who would deem them racists.

The only difference between this kid and those entertainers is his venue, which, admittedly, was not his to use in such a manner.
This probably true. Unfortunately for him, that difference marks the line between legality and illegality.
silverbear;3314843 said:
Or maybe he found the defenders of this punk kid to be outrageous, and expressed that view...

Sorry, I happen to agree with him; I'm literally shocked at the people in here who think the state of New Jersey is out of line for charging this punk with a crime... what he did IS a crime, and Jersey would be remiss if they ignored it...

Yeah, you could say I was surprised to find a thread dedicated to defending this poor, misunderstood young American... whatever happened to being accountable for your actions??
unless the crime is misusing a PA system which he wasnt allowed to use the aregument is that he really did nothing ILLEGAL, what he did was wrong yes, insensitive yes, stupid yes, but let the parents handle it not the court system
ethiostar;3314848 said:
People keep bringing up comedians. Comedians are socially recognized jokers who do their shtick on a stage, whether you think they are funny or not. They are not a good comparison to some regular Joe off the street who wants to be funny and use race or gender or religion or whatever in the process. He might think he/she is funny and maybe a handful of his friends do but you can't expect anyone else who doesn't know him from Adam and especially to someone who is the butt of the joke to think its funny and be ok with it.

So, in essence, there should be different societal standards for comedians and "regular joes"?
People keep bringing up comedians. Comedians are socially recognized jokers who do their shtick on a stage, whether you think they are funny or not. They are not a good comparison to some regular Joe off the street who wants to be funny and use race or gender or religion or whatever in the process. He might think he/she is funny and maybe a handful of his friends do but you can't expect anyone else who doesn't know him from Adam and especially to someone who is the butt of the joke to think its funny and be ok with it.

Then why did Kramer get into so much trouble?

Again, the kid shouldnt have said what he said and hes a chode etc. But a joke is a joke and should be taken as that. Anyone who gets riled up over jokes needs something to fill the emptiness in their lives.
jimmy40;3314850 said:
the hell you're not. You couldn't be more wrong. Where the freaking hell did you get that ******** idea from?

how bout the fact that i worked at best buy and we were told in training you cant touch a theif once they get out of the store because of legal ramifacations and the fact that a new employee caught a theif as he was stealing and chased him into the parking lot and detained him and the store did get sued and the guy lost his job because of it...thats where this ******** FACT comes from.
ShiningStar;3314666 said:
He's 16 come on we're not talking the KKK here.

Yeah, the KKK doesn't have any 16 year old members...

And of course, the KKK are the only racists around...

He's a 16 year old kid who clearly has some problems with black people, and that makes him a racist... he thinks it's funny to order all black people to leave a store, that makes him a racist...

He might not be a neo-**** skinhead racist (or he might be), but he's certainly a racist... anybody who thinks victimizing a race is funny is a racist...

One hopes that the scrutiny he's now receiving will cause him to reevaluate those standards, but in the meantime, he should be punished for what he did...

Don't get me wrong, I don't think he should go to jail or anything like that, but he should face some punishment...

I find myself hoping that Wal-mart slaps a civil suit on him and his parents... let's just say he wouldn't want me on that jury...
FuzzyLumpkins;3314859 said:
Actually most stores instruct their employees to not pursue people outside of their stores.

Yeah, but they do that so that no store employee gets hurt. They don't want to pay out worker's comp.
ScipioCowboy;3314854 said:
So, in essence, there should be different societal standards for comedians and "regular joes"?

The reality is that there is. If i don't like the act of a certain comedian, i don't have to listen to him. A jack *** getting on a PA system in a public space unannounced, i don't have much choice with.

You actually said the same thing earlier, i noticed it after I posted mine.

The difference is that people know that it is their job to make people laugh and while we can't be too sure about their true intentions, as comedians we give them some leeway to do their job.

ScipioCowboy;3314841 said:
The kid has shown himself to be no more racist than Trey Parker, Matt Stone, Carlos Mencia, Dave Chappelle, and a myriad other entertainers who engage in racial humor. Of course, there are many who would deem them racists.

The only difference between this kid and those entertainers is his venue, which, admittedly, was not his to use in such a manner.
silverbear;3314861 said:
Yeah, the KKK doesn't have any 16 year old members...

And of course, the KKK are the only racists around...

He's a 16 year old kid who clearly has some problems with black people, and that makes him a racist... he thinks it's funny to order all black people to leave a store, that makes him a racist...

He might not be a neo-**** skinhead racist (or he might be), but he's certainly a racist... anybody who thinks victimizing a race is funny is a racist...

One hopes that the scrutiny he's now receiving will cause him to reevaluate those standards, but in the meantime, he should be punished for what he did...

Don't get me wrong, I don't think he should go to jail or anything like that, but he should face some punishment...

I find myself hoping that Wal-mart slaps a civil suit on him and his parents... let's just say he wouldn't want me on that jury...

And lets just say you would never get a sniff of being on that jury.

So you really think there is no other motivation that the kid could have had other than to hate on black people?

Oh and I kicked a dog today.
rkell87;3314858 said:
how bout the fact that i worked at best buy and we were told in training you cant touch a theif once they get out of the store because of legal ramifacations and the fact that a new employee caught a theif as he was stealing and chased him into the parking lot and detained him and the store did get sued and the guy lost his job because of it...thats where this ******** FACT comes from.
Big difference between an employee and a LP employee.
theogt;3314668 said:
No one is claiming he's racist.

I certainly think he is... to me the only question is how serious a racist he is...

There's all kinds of levels of racism, y'know... he might not have a swastika tattooed on his biceps, but anybody who thinks what he did is funny is a racist...
silverbear;3314861 said:
Yeah, the KKK doesn't have any 16 year old members...

And of course, the KKK are the only racists around...

He's a 16 year old kid who clearly has some problems with black people, and that makes him a racist... he thinks it's funny to order all black people to leave a store, that makes him a racist...

He might not be a neo-**** skinhead racist (or he might be), but he's certainly a racist... anybody who thinks victimizing a race is funny is a racist...

One hopes that the scrutiny he's now receiving will cause him to reevaluate those standards, but in the meantime, he should be punished for what he did...

Don't get me wrong, I don't think he should go to jail or anything like that, but he should face some punishment...

I find myself hoping that Wal-mart slaps a civil suit on him and his parents... let's just say he wouldn't want me on that jury...

you just keep proving how off the deep end your views can get.

yes saying something that COULD have helped one particular set of people clearly PROVES he is a racist.

Of course he wouldnt want you on the jury you would be like others screaming racism when its just a sad prank.

again, 16, made a bad choice, some people were offended, but guess what they were offended when someone said good morning to them. if you talk to someone you are going to offend someone its clear as that now a days.
silverbear;3314866 said:
I certainly think he is... to me the only question is how serious a racist he is...

There's all kinds of levels of racism, y'know... he might not have a swastika tattooed on his biceps, but anybody who thinks what he did is funny is a racist...

if we scream everyone is a racist, are we all on level ground?
ethiostar;3314863 said:
The reality is that there is. If i don't like the act of a certain comedian, i don't have to listen to him. A jack *** getting on a PA system in a public space unannounced, i don't have much choice with.

You actually said the same thing earlier, i noticed it after I posted mine.

The difference is that people know that it is their job to make people laugh and while we can't be too sure about their true intentions, as comedians we give them some leeway to do their job.

This just makes no sense. Your comment reminds me of a scene in Goodfellas. "Being a made guy is like a license to steal. It's a license to do anything."

Being a comedian does not give you a license to be racist.