PC gone too far?

MarionBarberThe4th;3314857 said:
Then why did Kramer get into so much trouble?

Again, the kid shouldnt have said what he said and hes a chode etc. But a joke is a joke and should be taken as that. Anyone who gets riled up over jokes needs something to fill the emptiness in their lives.

I believe Kramer got in trouble because when he said what he said, it wasn't part of his schtick. If i'm not mistaken he said it out of anger.
FuzzyLumpkins;3314859 said:
Actually most stores instruct their employees to not pursue people outside of their stores.
you know this how?
bbgun;3314672 said:
Because nobody aside from race hustlers or extremely uptight/sensitive types would dare come to that conclusion. You and the state of NJ have taken a minor incident and turned it into a federal case. He misused a PA system to send blacks on a wild goose chase; he didn't lynch a Freedom Rider.

I see, only those who lynch Freedom Riders are racists...

It was a minor incident, but the only ones trying to turn it into a "federal case" are you and bobby... you might want to wait and see what he's officially charged with before you go off the deep end... for that matter, you might want to wait and see what he's actually CONVICTED of, since the state sometimes overcharges with the full intention of plea bargaining down...

I'll bet when this is all over, he'll wind up pleading to a misdemeanor or two...
jimmy40;3314872 said:
you know this how?

because some people work in loss prevention and you're told out of store, out of bounds. plain and simple, touch them outside and no proof and hte store gets sued.
jimmy40;3314865 said:
Big difference between an employee and a LP employee.

he still wasnt wrong. and most retail companies do instruct their employees that. its called cost benefit analysis.
Bob Sacamano;3314675 said:
And you couldn't kick their *****? ;)

Do you think that's funny??

No wonder you don't have any problem with what that kid did... ethio tells you about being harassed by a group of teenaged skinheads, and you make a joke about it...

You're no better than that kid at the Wal-Mart...
Bob Sacamano;3314870 said:
This just makes no sense. Your comment reminds me of a scene in Goodfellas. "Being a made guy is like a license to steal. It's a license to do anything."

Being a comedian does not give you a license to be racist.

You ever heard of Archie Bunker?
silverbear;3314873 said:
I see, only those who lynch Freedom Riders are racists...

It was a minor incident, but the only ones trying to turn it into a "federal case" are you and bobby... you might want to wait and see what he's officially charged with before you go off the deep end... for that matter, you might want to wait and see what he's actually CONVICTED of, since the state sometimes overcharges with the full intention of plea bargaining down...

I'll bet when this is all over, he'll wind up pleading to a misdemeanor or two...

weren't you the one that was just saying that he did it because he hated black people?

do you know what a hate crime entails?
ethiostar;3314863 said:
The reality is that there is. If i don't like the act of a certain comedian, i don't have to listen to him. A jack *** getting on a PA system in a public space unannounced, i don't have much choice with.

You actually said the same thing earlier, i noticed it after I posted mine.

The difference is that people know that it is their job to make people laugh and while we can't be too sure about their true intentions, as comedians we give them some leeway to do their job.

That's not what I asked. My question was, "should there be different societal standards for comedians and 'regular joes'?"

If a person repeats a Chappelle joke at an office party and it offends someone who overhears, should that person be held to a different societal standard than Dave Chappelle? After all, that person isn't a comedian so he wouldn't receive the proposed "leeway" to which you're referring?

A sixteen-year-old jack*** on a PA system should be punished for being a sixteen-year-old jack*** on a PA system, not for making comments that are far less racially offensive than any one of the comedians I listed.
bbgun;3314680 said:
I think we've determined just who those people are. Have fun conflating racial insensitivity with stark racism.

Racial insensitivity is the foundation of "stark racism"...
rkell87;3314683 said:
telling black people to leave does not mean he doesnt tolerate black people.

Yeah, that's pretty much what it means...
FuzzyLumpkins;3314875 said:
he still wasnt wrong. and most retail companies do instruct their employees that. its called cost benefit analysis.
I guess most not being Walmart, Target, Kmart, Sears, Macys, JC Penney, Lowes.
silverbear;3314876 said:
Do you think that's funny??

No wonder you don't have any problem with what that kid did... ethio tells you about being harassed by a group of teenaged skinheads, and you make a joke about it...

You're no better than that kid at the Wal-Mart...

Yup youre right. Bob hates black people. You have it all figured out, bravo.
This entire argument and the fact that it is even being debated is absurd. If his statement was not racist, then any non-black person should be able to walk into a room full of black people, tell them to leave, and expect the black people to applaud him for saving their lives, right?

ShiningStar;3314874 said:
because some people work in loss prevention and you're told out of store, out of bounds. plain and simple, touch them outside and no proof and hte store gets sued.
yea, no proof.
FuzzyLumpkins;3314884 said:
Yup youre right. Bob hates black people. You have it all figured out, bravo.

Damn, took you guys this long enough to finally figure it out?

Ethio, tell them about all the nasty, racist PMs I've been sending you.
JonJon;3314885 said:
This entire argument and the fact that it is even being debated is absurd. If his statement was not racist, then any non-black person should be able to walk into a room full of black people, tell them to leave, and expect the black people to applaud him for saving their lives, right?


should they be offended if that person was warning them the KKK was coming for them?
ScipioCowboy;3314879 said:
That's not what I asked. My question was, "should there be different societal standards for comedians and 'regular joes'?"

A sixteen-year-old jack*** on a PA system should be punished for being a sixteen-year-old jack*** on a PA system, not for making comments that are far less racially offensive than any one of the comedians I listed.

Within reason, yes.