PC gone too far?

jimmy40;3314927 said:
:laugh2: Loss Prevention.

I am still waiting how you know about the lp practices of any company at all. He clearly has a working knowledge of one store. Do you bring anything to the table?
ShiningStar;3314916 said:
we dont know that. not all information can come out because hes a juvenile, and we dont know what it was all about, Wal mart jumped on it because they cant lose customers and money is more important to a business than anything else.

So it can be applied that a little bit more might be in place to make up for the apperance that wal mart loves its customers, or whoever happens to shop at one the most.

Seriously? That's the stance you are taking? You're only seeing what you choose to see here. And why do you keep arguing his age as if it is an excuse for his comments? The kid is 16, not stupid. He knew fully well what he was doing.
FuzzyLumpkins;3314934 said:
I am still waiting how you know about the lp practices of any company at all. He clearly has a working knowledge of one store. Do you bring anything to the table?

What are you guys arguing about? That store policy is to not try to apprehend shop-lifters if you're not LP?
rkell87;3314917 said:
your right i have 'no clue' to what you mean by the difference in employee and LPemployee, sorry:rolleyes: . what i do have a clue about is that once the theif is out of the store you cant touch him and you can get sued which other posters have verified. this is what i thought we were talking about?
The laws are a little more nuanced than this.
bbgun;3314780 said:
Yes, racism exists. It just didn't exist in Walmart that day, only in your fevered imagination.

Pal, you simply don't know what was in that kid's mind when he did what he did... you can only judge him by his words... his words targeted a specific race, which is racist...

As I said before, he could have chosen to target "fat chicks", or "ugly people", or any of another, non-racial demographics for his "prank", but he didn't... he chose black people, a specific race of people...

That choice made his actions racist... I have no idea if he's a casual racist or a full-blown white supremacist, but he has some level of racism in him...

And because he chose to indulge that racist streak in such a public way, he now faces the legal consequences as provided by the laws of New Jersey...

I just don't see anything outrageous about that...
jimmy40;3314923 said:
verified by who? Other people that have no clue?
well lets see there is me, who you disagreed with in the first place then i explain it then you respond with nothing that was on the topic then three other posters who seem to have some knowledge of what I'm saying and agrees that I'm right.

i have at least given a real world instance and story to back up my claims while you have just disagreed with me and everyone else on the subject, so i would put you in the 'other people that have no clue' category.
lol at this thread.

BTW, statute info:


Actually most stores instruct their employees to not pursue people outside of their stores.
They do this because they can't touch you without your consent, in the store or out of it. After you've completed a transaction, what you've purchased is your property and is instantly protected by your property rights. They have no cause to stop you to check receipts, frisk you, or whatever. This means you can walk right past the receipt checkers, even if the store didn't remove the thefty alarm protection deal. You'll be hassled by ignorant workers, but sometimes that can be fun and educational for the people witnessing it.

Being held up in store/not allowed to leave: They are liable for false imprisonment.
Tackled/grabbed: Liable for assault.

However, where you're wrong is that they do gain valid cause to stop you and hold you for the police if they witness you being a thief.
jimmy40;3314928 said:
find out what you're talking about before you act like you know something.

Well hes got knowledge of Best Buy. I just talked to this guy on my guild vent who works at Target that says your full of ****.

Again you have anything to add or you going to continue with this sad routine.
Bob Sacamano;3314793 said:
:laugh2::laugh1:laughable. How so? They didn't sanction it. WalMart can't even catch every shop-lifter, how are they supposed to spot a 16 year old kid on a mission to mis-use the PA system and prevent it from happening? Holding WalMart responsible and thus damaging them for this, then idk, it's just dumb.

Guess you didn't read the quotes from the black patrons who DID leave the store after that "prank"... those were paying customers who didn't buy anything that day... and some of them will refuse to return until they can be convinced that WalMart WASN'T behind that announcement...

In addition, as has been noted elsewhere in this thread, WalMart has had some racial issues in the past, so any incident with overtones of racism is damaging to them...
JonJon;3314935 said:
Seriously? That's the stance you are taking? You're only seeing what you choose to see here. And why do you keep arguing his age as if it is an excuse for his comments? The kid is 16, not stupid. He knew fully well what he was doing.

because in our country, it was than it wasnt, decided that anyone under 16 knew what murder was so you had to stop executing young adults or older children whatever you want to classify them.

Sorry but in todays society we coddle them to the age of 18 and in some states and in some its still an on going debate, i do believe florida is debating it, i know they were debating it about 2 cases.

But by law a child is a child til 18, and legally wasnt allowed to be pursed for criminal acts, and if they are for a while that record was sealed. Now its all up in the air and since MONEY plays the big part, well based on how much you bring in depends on the kind of justice you want to see.

YEs, if Wal Mart wants to show customers its out there protecting the black people they have people with knowledge to do it and companies and politicians and people of power do it every day. If Walmart was in a poor neighborhood and brought in 6 bucks and it was a smack at asians, does it garner attention?
silverbear;3314938 said:
Pal, you simply don't know what was in that kid's mind when he did what he did... you can only judge him by his words... his words targeted a specific race, which is racist...

As I said before, he could have chosen to target "fat chicks", or "ugly people", or any of another, non-racial demographics for his "prank", but he didn't... he chose black people, a specific race of people...

That choice made his actions racist... I have no idea if he's a casual racist or a full-blown white supremacist, but he has some level of racism in him...

And because he chose to indulge that racist streak in such a public way, he now faces the legal consequences as provided by the laws of New Jersey...

I just don't see anything outrageous about that...

One day you will realize that your myopic naive worldview is not the only one.
bbgun;3314798 said:
And read teenagers' minds. That must have been one helluva school.

Permit me to note that in your defense of the kid, you seem to be doing the exact same thing... you seem to be quite certain that he doesn't have a racist bone in his body, in spite of his actions, in spite of the fact you've never even met him...
FuzzyLumpkins;3314934 said:
I am still waiting how you know about the lp practices of any company at all. He clearly has a working knowledge of one store. Do you bring anything to the table?
I was a LP manager for Sears for several years. I'm a manager for Lowes now.
FuzzyLumpkins;3314800 said:
Do you seriously think the kid was saying that white people are better than black people?

I think he was saying he doesn't like black people... I think he was quite clear about that...
theogt;3314937 said:
The laws are a little more nuanced than this.
im sure they are but for us dum dum highschool age employees they say 'see theif in store, stop him', 'see theif out of store, call cops' they make it real simple and since a guy didnt follow this simple advice i know the store got sued, cause the guy tripped while running and hurt himself which he would have not done had he not been being chased, yes the store settled.
ethiostar;3314919 said:
I guess you can have some agency make up some arbitrary demarcation about what is and what isn't allowed but thats not what i'm talking about. And in all honesty, i'm not interested in going that road. But comedians usually rely on their audience to gauge what is acceptable and what is not.

ScipioCowboy;3314931 said:
Your intent may not to be harm; however, you're holding two different types of people to two different social standards. That, by definition, is discrimination.

Furthermore, who determines the position of that "fine line between funny and offensive"? Just how many years does a person have to be comedian before he's shown he can walk that fine line? What about amateurs on open mic night?

I hold different types of people to different social standards all the time. A police man has a specific social standard, so does a teacher, a waiter, a lawyer, a nurse, etc....

I'm ok with a cop pulling over my niece to write her a ticket but i'm not ok with an average Joe doing it. I expect a waiter to take my order but i don't expect that from someone i run into in the streets. So, i don't get your point. Based on your definition, we all discriminate all the time.

As for your second point, i've already addressed it in my earlier post, see the bolded part above.
Bob Sacamano;3314804 said:
Just show me where he disparaged black people or acted like he was racially superior...

"Get out of the store, black people"...

The definition of racism offered in this thread, even if it came from a dictionary, is fundamentally wrong; racism doesn't necessary constitute a belief that your own race is superior to others (though it often includes that belief), racism is simply disliking or hating people of other races, simply because of their race...

Singling out a race of people and ordering them off the property is a racist act...

rkell87;3314949 said:
im sure they are but for us dum dum highschool age employees they say 'see theif in store, stop him', 'see theif out of store, call cops' they make it real simple and since a guy didnt follow this simple advice i know the store got sued, cause the guy tripped while running and hurt himself which he would have not done had he not been being chased, yes the store settled.
See hairic's post.
ethiostar;3314950 said:
I hold different types of people to different social standards all the time. A police man has a specific social standard, so does a teacher, a waiter, a lawyer, a nurse, etc....

I'm ok with a cop pulling over my niece to write her a ticket but i'm not ok with an average Joe doing it. I expect a waiter to take my order but i don't expect that from someone i run into in the streets. So, i don't get your point. Based on your definition, we all discriminate all the time.

As for your second point, i've already addressed it in my earlier post, see the bolded part above.

Certainly you are correct.

But I think thte question here should be as it pertains to the law. It is completely sensible to think what the kid did as wrong.

However the law should afford equal protection to every individual.
silverbear;3314942 said:
Guess you didn't read the quotes from the black patrons who DID leave the store after that "prank"... those were paying customers who didn't buy anything that day... and some of them will refuse to return until they can be convinced that WalMart WASN'T behind that announcement...

In addition, as has been noted elsewhere in this thread, WalMart has had some racial issues in the past, so any incident with overtones of racism is damaging to them...
My point is that to hold WalMart responsible after the fact is stupid. They had every right to be upset that day. But any day after and boycotting would be stupid because it was clearly beyond their control.

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