PC gone too far?

silverbear;3314951 said:
"Get out of the store, black people"...

The definition of racism offered in this thread, even if it came from a dictionary, is fundamentally wrong; racism doesn't necessary constitute a belief that your own race is superior to others (though it often includes that belief), racism is simply disliking or hating people of other races, simply because of their race...

Singling out a race of people and ordering them off the property is a racist act...


Silverbear: 1

Dictionary: 0

bbgun;3314807 said:
Um yes, and apparently (but unconvincingly) Theo agrees with me. Can we please stop trying to turn this kid into Lester Maddox? Jeez.

Again, it seems that in your world, you can only be considered a racist if you actively involve yourself in racist acts...

I find myself wondering if you really believe that simplistic take...

I don't know if this kid is Lester Maddox Jr. or not-- he might be, he might not be-- but for sure, he has racial issues...

Again, why did he pick black people as the victims of his "prank"?? Why not fat people, or ugly people, or dumb people??
silverbear;3314951 said:
"Get out of the store, black people"...

The definition of racism offered in this thread, even if it came from a dictionary, is fundamentally wrong; racism doesn't necessary constitute a belief that your own race is superior to others (though it often includes that belief), racism is simply disliking or hating people of other races, simply because of their race...

Singling out a race of people and ordering them off the property is a racist act...


Right, because they believe that that race is beneath them and doesn't deserve their respect.

We don't know what this kid's mindset was, and he didn't say anything beyond telling black people to get out of the store. Which was an idle threat as idle threats can be.
Bob Sacamano;3314955 said:
And those same people said that they knew WalMart wasn't responsible for it because store management immediately set about with damage control immediately thereafter, that very same day. That their reason for the boycott was until WalMart did something about it. Basically they were just outraged ignoramuses calling for blood.

That and Walmart is getting a TON of publicity for free.
Bob Sacamano;3314810 said:
Seriously, people need to apply racism to actual racism.

Saying something to get a few laughs and actually believing what you say and applying it in every day life are 2, very different things.

I see, so your argument is the kid didn't mean what he said, that he actually LIKES black people...

I'd sure like to see some evidence to back THAT opinion...
silverbear;3314957 said:
Again, it seems that in your world, you can only be considered a racist if you actively involve yourself in racist acts...

I find myself wondering if you really believe that simplistic take...

I don't know if this kid is Lester Maddox Jr. or not-- he might be, he might not be-- but for sure, he has racial issues...

Again, why did he pick black people as the victims of his "prank"?? Why not fat people, or ugly people, or dumb people??

I don't see why people would ever argue with you on this. Its very obvious he did it because he hates black people.
FuzzyLumpkins;3314813 said:
I am quite serious when I say it was probably because he thought it was funny.

And somebody who thinks that demeaning another race is funny is a racist...

And for fun:


Main Entry: big·ot
Pronunciation: \ˈbi-gət\
Function: noun
Etymology: French, hypocrite, bigot
Date: 1660
: a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices; especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance

So I would say its a pretty big stretch to say hes a bigot.

Really?? I'd say that ordering all black people out of the store strongly suggests an intolerance toward black people...
silverbear;3314960 said:
I see, so your argument is the kid didn't mean what he said, that he actually LIKES black people...

I'd sure like to see some evidence to back THAT opinion...

My argument is that just because you pull a prank or tell a joke directed at another race, doesn't mean you are a racist. It's your everyday mindset of feeling superior that determines such.
jimmy40;3314946 said:
I was a LP manager for Sears for several years. I'm a manager for Lowes now.
awesome you mind telling me where im wrong based on your inside working knowledge of loss prevention?
silverbear;3314964 said:
And somebody who thinks that demeaning another race is funny is a racist...

Really?? I'd say that ordering all black people out of the store strongly suggests an intolerance toward black people...

its hatred AND intolerance. im not going to even bother defining intolerance as youve already made up your mind. its much more fun to make fun of you.
silverbear;3314964 said:
And somebody who thinks that demeaning another race is funny is a racist...

Really?? I'd say that ordering all black people out of the store strongly suggests an intolerance toward black people...
or that he picked the group of people that it would upset the most to be the target of his joke and it had nothing to do with race, just what was going to garner the most attention
bbgun;3314815 said:
I've been laughing at redneck jokes for years, not to mention Chris Rock's routines, so ...

So like most people, including myself, you have a small streak of racism in you... but my sense of you is that you ride herd on that streak, as I do...

I'm sometimes ashamed of myself for laughing at some of the jokes I do, but I find them funny...

Perhaps you should understand where I'm coming from here-- my paternal grandfather was an avowed and unabashed racist... though he loved me and my brother, and we loved him, I was always ashamed when he'd show that in public...

I'm pretty sure ol' Red had a sheet hanging in his closet... my Dad raised me differently, and I'm glad he did, but it may be that I'm more sensitized to white racism than some folks are...

And from my perspective, that kid may have thought he was being "funny", but he was just being hateful... I see nothing funny at all in what he did, and believe he should be punished by the law for it...
rkell87;3314966 said:
awesome you mind telling me where im wrong based on your inside working knowledge of loss prevention?
you said if you get outside the store they can't do anything. You were wrong.
Bob Sacamano;3314816 said:
Defend? More like I don't think he should be raked over the coals for this. I also hate when people want to paint every, little thing as being racist.

This was not a little thing...
jimmy40;3314972 said:
you said if you get outside the store they can't do anything. You were wrong.

Well many stores are instructing employees so no he isn't. Can is relative.
theogt;3314622 said:
Ironic statement given that the only people sturring up the tempest are the anti-PC types. He was charged with a very minor offense.

Somehow I doubt it was the anti-PC crowd that decided this crap is news.
I was once charged with a minor offense - you never heard about until now. One can only wonder why that is...

Not that I care one way or the other about this kid, but if you don't see the obvious opportunistic move of putting this crap on the news, I'd say you're not being fully objective. It's not news, it's a minor incident being blown up to agitate racial perceptions.

The cess-pool of the Elizabeth, NJ county court house is full of much worse instances that you'll never hear of. This is cream puff.
FuzzyLumpkins;3314818 said:
Os if I joke around with my friend who is Cheyenne and call him all kinds of things that are racial 'slurs' then we are both racists if we laugh?

Yeah... but again, I think a certain level of racism is found in virtually everybody... in most decent folk (and I think you'd probably qualify as "decent"), there's just a smidge of it... and because you and your friend understand that you're not deeply racist, such joking around isn't offensive...

And again, what the kid in question did goes FAR beyond that... would you repeat those same slurs in a room full of Cheyennes that you didn't personally know?? Somehow, I doubt it...

And for the record, I swap insults with friends of other races, but they're never racially-based insults... I just wouldn't do that...

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