PC gone too far?

rkell87;3314840 said:
bull****, of course he could have chosen any group but which group would cause the most commotion? it does not make him a racist

Anybody who singles out a race for insulting purposes is a racist...

And in Wal-Mart, at any given time you're likely to find far more fat chicks, or ugly people, than black people... so if it's the "most commotion" you want, they should be your targets... :D
silverbear;3314999 said:
What exactly was "naive" about the argument I made?? Be specific...

You and bobby both seem to be determined to ignore the substance of my argument, in favor of responses that really say nothing... all this suggests is that you don't have a substantive response...

Then again, I've come to expect that from you...

That's all we really can do when you turn the definition of racism upside down on it's head. And accuse most everyone of being racist.
theogt;3314988 said:
Your best bet is just to let them go and call the police. Even if you're not afraid of legal ramifications, from a safety standpoint, it's usually the best idea.
yeah i really dont care about preventing a punk kid from shoplifting, my whole thing earlier was that its dumb that someone doing something illegal can sue someone stopping him from doing and win, and now someone telling me im wrong about it
Bob Sacamano;3314851 said:
It could also suggest that he just doesn't like them.

I see, and not liking all black people isn't racist...

And just stop inferring that I'm OK with racists.

Gotta call it like I see it...
rkell87;3314853 said:
unless the crime is misusing a PA system which he wasnt allowed to use the aregument is that he really did nothing ILLEGAL

Then why was he ARRESTED??
silverbear;3315004 said:
I see, and not liking all black people isn't racist...

There were other options too. You see, I was trying to present all sorts of angles that the kid could have been using, but like your Vigilante Squad self, you chose only to focus on the most heinous one. Jimeny Jumping To Conclusions Cricket, man.

silvebear said:
Gotta call it like I see it...

FuzzyLumpkins;3314864 said:
And lets just say you would never get a sniff of being on that jury.

Of course I wouldn't... I'd be honest during questioning, and tell them exactly what I think of what he did...

So you really think there is no other motivation that the kid could have had other than to hate on black people?

I think that his words suggest his true motivation... and I KNOW that none of you defending him can prove that he's not a racist...

Oh and I kicked a dog today.

So, you're a thief, and abuse animals...

Way to claim the moral high ground... :D
rkell87;3315003 said:
yeah i really dont care about preventing a punk kid from shoplifting, my whole thing earlier was that its dumb that someone doing something illegal can sue someone stopping him from doing and win, and now someone telling me im wrong about it
I don't think it's stupid. Generally, you don't have the right to physically contact another person, even if it's to prevent them from stealing.
silverbear;3315009 said:
I think that his words suggest his true motivation... and I KNOW that none of you defending him can prove that he's not a racist...

Unfortunately the definition of racism just does not agree with you. You should try the discrimination tact. You might get a wee bit further with it, Jimeny.
silverbear;3314829 said:
Chuckle... yeah, the state of New Jersey is completely out of line for charging this kid...

Only if they charge him with anything other than misuse of private property, which would be perfectly reasonable considering the facts at hand.

Get back to me when he's convicted of a felony, instead of pleading guilty to a misdemeanor after a plea bargain, and getting a slap on the wrist... the worst thing that's going to ultimately happen to him is being publicly humiliated, and IMO that's completely appropriate...

No, being publicly branded a "racist" by race hustlers and reckless white liberals would probably be worse.

silverbear;3314873 said:
I see, only those who lynch Freedom Riders are racists...

Yeah, that's what i said. :rolleyes:

It was a minor incident, but the only ones trying to turn it into a "federal case" are you and bobby...

Really? We're part of the left-wing state media that relentlessly pursued this molehill of a story? News to me.

you might want to wait and see what he's officially charged with before you go off the deep end... for that matter, you might want to wait and see what he's actually CONVICTED of, since the state sometimes overcharges with the full intention of plea bargaining down...

I already said he should be charged for impersonating an employee and scorned by his community. What more do you want? Blood?

silverbear;3314880 said:
Racial insensitivity is the foundation of "stark racism"...

Really? Could have sworn it was hatred. Keep lowering those goal posts.

silverbear;3314905 said:
Yes, they are... and I'm personally guilty of that level of racism, because I laughed at Richard Pryor...

And now we're laughing at you.

But that is a fairly low-level, non-malignant form of racism that I think is present in most people... the kid in question upped the ante considerably from that...

Right. Must have been all those N-bombs he dropped on those poor, unwitting, shellshocked shoppers.

And FWIW, I'm not particularly proud to admit that I possess even that level of racism... perhaps that's why I'm so very revolted by what that punk kid did...

People in racist houses ...

silverbear;3314938 said:
Pal, you simply don't know what was in that kid's mind when he did what he did... you can only judge him by his words... his words targeted a specific race, which is racist...

Sending a group of people, in fact any group of people, on a wild goose chase is "racist"? I think you just redefined the term, and not for the better. Far worse than this goes on in college admissions departments every damn day, yet the MSM can't be bothered. Lord knows what you'll be like when something really racist goes down.

As I said before, he could have chosen to target "fat chicks", or "ugly people", or any of another, non-racial demographics for his "prank", but he didn't... he chose black people, a specific race of people...

Same question I posed to Theo: had he pulled the same trick on women, would you label him a misogynist? Just trying to gauge how fanatical you really are.

That choice made his actions racist... I have no idea if he's a casual racist or a full-blown white supremacist, but he has some level of racism in him...

I see you're in the soul-reading business like Theo. Seeing as how you're soooo insightful, you'd be much more useful to me if you could pick tomorrow's NCAA winners.

And because he chose to indulge that racist streak in such a public way, he now faces the legal consequences as provided by the laws of New Jersey...

Sorry, not a big fan of viewpoint discrimination, which is exactly what this is. Unless the kid put people in danger, as in yelling "fire!," then the state needs to butt the hell out.

silverbear;3314945 said:
Permit me to note that in your defense of the kid, you seem to be doing the exact same thing... you seem to be quite certain that he doesn't have a racist bone in his body, in spite of his actions, in spite of the fact you've never even met him...

Well, if they dig into his past or his online activities and uncover more of the same, then I'll gladly retract. Until then, I'll classify this as a spontaneous act of youthful mischief.

silverbear;3314951 said:
"Get out of the store, black people"...

The definition of racism offered in this thread, even if it came from a dictionary, is fundamentally wrong; racism doesn't necessary constitute a belief that your own race is superior to others (though it often includes that belief), racism is simply disliking or hating people of other races, simply because of their race...

Singling out a race of people and ordering them off the property is a racist act...


True, assuming he were an employee with the gall to do exactly that. Instead, he's just a kid who tried to inconvenience black shoppers. If that's "racism," MLK is rolling over in his grave.

P.S. How is it that R2A's innocuous thread about "South Park" gets deleted yet this one rolls on and on?
theogt;3315010 said:
I don't think it's stupid. Generally, you don't have the right to physically contact another person, even if it's to prevent them from stealing.
and i think thats stupid, when you do something illegal your rights in the matter go out the window, not saying you can kill somebody for stealing but if you can detain the person within reason till the authorities get there so that the proper actions can be taken that should be allowed
bbgun;3315013 said:
I see you're in the soul-reading business like Theo.
Quit the hypocrisy. You're the one that claims to know what the kid was thinking. You and SB both do.
rkell87;3315014 said:
and i think thats stupid, when you do something illegal your rights in the matter go out the window, not saying you can kill somebody for stealing but if you can detain the person within reason till the authorities get there so that the proper actions can be taken that should be allowed
Enforcing the law is rightfully the domain of the state, not the people.
theogt;3315016 said:
Enforcing the law is rightfully the domain of the state, not the people.

You can make citizens' arrests. No more different than an employee apprehending a shop-lifter. It's just not advisable if you're not trained for that sort of task.

This thread is ON FIRE!

I want to know what has happened but don't feel like reading 10 pages at 40 per.
theogt;3315015 said:
Quit the hypocrisy. You're the one that claims to know what the kid was thinking. You and SB both do.

If I don't think his actual words or actions were racist, why on Earth would I think his motivations were?
Hoofbite;3315019 said:

This thread is ON FIRE!

I want to know what has happened but don't feel like reading 10 pages at 40 per.

I'm off to the land of nod. I fully expect it to be locked when I wake up around noon.
Hoofbite;3315019 said:

This thread is ON FIRE!

I want to know what has happened but don't feel like reading 10 pages at 40 per.

We have determined that Bob hates black people.
Bob Sacamano;3315018 said:
You can make citizens' arrests. No more different than an employee apprehending a shop-lifter. It's just not advisable if you're not trained for that sort of task.
You should read into those laws before you try it. Chances are, you'll get screwed.
Hoofbite;3315019 said:

This thread is ON FIRE!

I want to know what has happened but don't feel like reading 10 pages at 40 per.

It very much resembles a certain little sub-section of this wonderful set of forums that has since been shut down...



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