PC gone too far?

ShiningStar;3314867 said:
you just keep proving how off the deep end your views can get.

Hey, if having common sense is "off the deep end", I'm guilty as charged...

yes saying something that COULD have helped one particular set of people clearly PROVES he is a racist.

People who say racist things tend to be racists... again, that's just good ol' common sense...

Of course he wouldnt want you on the jury you would be like others screaming racism when its just a sad prank.

Do pay attention, the jury I referred to would be a civil suit brought by WalMart for financial damages... and inasmuch as I know that black people left that property after that announcment, then I will have prejudged that he is guilty of having damaged them financially...

As for the criminal case, I have repeatedly said that what he did doesn't deserve jail time, that would be excessive... I'd think an appropriate punishment would be a year or so of supervised probation (supervised so that he has to undergo the indignity of submitting to random drug tests, which might not be a bad idea), and community service (preferably something that would force him to interact with assorted minorities and thus confront his problems)...

again, 16, made a bad choice, some people were offended

And for that, he should face the consequences of his actions...

Gee, what an OUTRAGEOUS notion...

but guess what they were offended when someone said good morning to them. if you talk to someone you are going to offend someone its clear as that now a days.

So, you're saying he should face no punishment at all for what he did??

would you guys just wait an hour or so before you tempt the mods?? Or at least until SB catches up? jeez
bbgun;3315021 said:
If I don't think his actual words or actions were racist, why on Earth would I think his motivations were?
zOMG are you claiming to know what he was thinking!??!?!?!??!?!?!

He may very well have thought it was racist and was intending to be racist. I have no idea. But you think you know because you're the mind reader.

Wait, is it mind reader or soul reader? I can't ever remember what flowery language you use.
Bob Sacamano;3315028 said:
would you guys just wait an hour or so before you tempt the mods?? Or at least until SB catches up? jeez

ScipioCowboy;3314984 said:
This is comparing apples to oranges. Teachers and policemen have certain legal and job requirements they must fulfill--requirements that are enumerated in great detail and established over lengthy processes. They certainly aren't determined by something so subject as "audience reaction."

Expecting cops and teachers to fulfill the roles for which they're paid is substantially different from what you're doing: You're establishing different limits on free speech for different types of people.

We should punish this kid for being a jack*** over a PA, not for what he said over the PA.

Did I say anything different in this thread?

Our exchange started when you asked me about 'societal standards' in the post below.

ScipioCowboy;3314854 said:
So, in essence, there should be different societal standards for comedians and "regular joes"?

Societal standard doesn't necessarily connotes legality. We have societal standards concerning beauty, as in societal standards of beauty. It doesn't mean that there are laws against being ugly. All my responses to you were based on the premise that we were talking about the same thing. I'm not talking about law, apparently you are.

Sorry we wasted our time.
rkell87;3315014 said:
and i think thats stupid, when you do something illegal your rights in the matter go out the window, not saying you can kill somebody for stealing but if you can detain the person within reason till the authorities get there so that the proper actions can be taken that should be allowed

I disagree entirely. The problem arises when physically detaining an innocent customer escalates quickly. You can not forcefully detain anyone suspected of stealing, allowing it would just be opening a bag of worms.
silverbear;3315006 said:
Then why was he ARRESTED??
you can be arrested for nothing detained for 36 hours and not charged with anything, like i said what he was charged with is flimsy in my eyes
ShiningStar;3314869 said:
if we scream everyone is a racist, are we all on level ground?

Nope... there's nothing wrong with acknowledging that very, very few people do not have at least some small degree of racism in them, because it's the truth...

But GOOD people recognize that small degree, and stand watch against it... BAD people indulge it... REALLY bad people indulge it to the point of practicing violence against people of other races...

Really, I don't know what's so difficult for y'all to grasp here... if you laugh at a funny joke that demeans another race, you have some racism in you... if you tell a funny joke that demeans another race, you have some racism in you...

But racism, while not a good thing, is not in and of itself a bad thing... ACTING on your racism is the bad thing... if you keep your racist impulses to yourself and try to treat people of other races decently, then you're still a good person...

It might even be argued that racism is a fundamental trait shared by all people... the challenge then is to try to rise above it...
I see a common theme in this thread where people (or a person, whatever) cannot separate fiction from reality. Comedy and television from everyday life.

Pretty weak attempt at defending the kid by saying "pop culture does it".

There is a huge difference.
FuzzyLumpkins;3314878 said:
weren't you the one that was just saying that he did it because he hated black people?

No, I said he did it because he's a racist... he might or might not hate black people, but he certainly thinks it's OK to make them the butt of his "joke"...

do you know what a hate crime entails?

Uhhhhh, when did I suggest he'd committed a hate crime...

To me, a hate crime is when one commits a VIOLENT, racist or homophobic act... but that's just my definition of the term...

What that kid did falls far short of a hate crime in my book... but it was a racist act...
silverbear;3315035 said:
Nope... there's nothing wrong with acknowledging that very, very few people do not have at least some small degree of racism in them, because it's the truth...

But GOOD people recognize that small degree, and stand watch against it... BAD people indulge it... REALLY bad people indulge it to the point of practicing violence against people of other races...

Really, I don't know what's so difficult for y'all to grasp here... if you laugh at a funny joke that demeans another race, you have some racism in you... if you tell a funny joke that demeans another race, you have some racism in you...

But racism, while not a good thing, is not in and of itself a bad thing... ACTING on your racism is the bad thing... if you keep your racist impulses to yourself and try to treat people of other races decently, then you're still a good person...

It might even be argued that racism is a fundamental trait shared by all people... the challenge then is to try to rise above it...

replace the word racism with sin and you have the basis for judeochristian ethics. i wholeheartedly disagree.
Before first entering this thread I thought I was entering a thread about Bob's PC being on the verge of collapse and he was asking if he should just buy a new one or try to revive the one he has.

Little did I know this thread would be a jumping and bumping racist riot.
silverbear;3315039 said:
No, I said he did it because he's a racist... he might or might not hate black people, but he certainly thinks it's OK to make them the butt of his "joke"...

Uhhhhh, when did I suggest he'd committed a hate crime...

To me, a hate crime is when one commits a VIOLENT, racist or homophobic act... but that's just my definition of the term...

What that kid did falls far short of a hate crime in my book... but it was a racist act...

so what he did wasnt racist?
ScipioCowboy;3314879 said:
A sixteen-year-old jack*** on a PA system should be punished for being a sixteen-year-old jack*** on a PA system.

Sounds right to me... but some in here apparently don't think he should be punished at all...
gmoney112;3315033 said:
I disagree entirely. The problem arises when physically detaining an innocent customer escalates quickly. You can not forcefully detain anyone suspected of stealing, allowing it would just be opening a bag of worms.
i see you are going with the innocent until route which is good but if proven guilty then it if the guy was detained within reason (which would be determined later like the theif being proven guilty) then it should be allowed because criminals should be punished.
FuzzyLumpkins;3314884 said:
Yup youre right. Bob hates black people. You have it all figured out, bravo.

You don't see anything wrong with Bob making a freaking joke about ethio being confronted by a bunch of teenaged skinheads??
rkell87;3315045 said:
i see you are going with the innocent until route which is good but if proven guilty then it if the guy was detained within reason (which would be determined later like the theif being proven guilty) then it should be allowed because criminals should be punished.

Most shoplifting arrests are made after they catch the person doing it on camera. I worked at a retail store and I was cool with the LP, so I'd sit in sometimes and watch him work the cameras on a shop-lifter, and then go out and make the detention. Basically all shoplifting stops have a bunch of surveillance of it done beforehand.

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