The30YardSlant;4234992 said:
Joe Paterno was possibly the most revered man in college athletics before last week. You really think the media would ruin him for laughs?
You never listen to sports radio apparently. I don't even care for the man yet I've heard the media the last two years say that Paterno should step down because of his age and I remember commentators saying things like "If he really cared for the university, he would step down" during that same period. Not because of anything bad but just because he's old and the in-thing these days is every team needs a new coach every few years.
The funny thing is I don't like Penn State at all. In fact, I do not like any team located in Pennsylvania in any sport. I have no emotion tied up whether Paterno stays or goes, I just despise the media because the media controls everyone these days by spewing opinions as facts and slanting quotes and comments out of context in order to herd the sheep together to do their bidding.
It's the reality tv generation where society desperately needs to see other people fail in order to feel better about themselves in some way. I believe that people should be proven guilty before convicted and I believe that if people are charged then at that time they should be suspended or fired from whatever it is they do. Punishing people simply at the direction of the media is a dangerous precedent and even worse is the the fact that some people will so blindly follow and vigorously do their bidding is just sad and pathetic.