Penn State Head Coach Joe Paterno FIRED *SuperMerge*


Preacher From The Black Lagoon
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Yakuza Rich;4235002 said:
Not in State College, PA and surrounding areas. Guy was protected like no other.


I know the are well. I lived there for a long time. I know if there was something wrong they would have reported it. A lot of people in the media didn't like him as a coach because he was a bland interview. He NEVER gave the media anything to write about.

Joe what about this weeks opponent?

"Well, they are very good team."

"We have to play well or we will get beat."

"They have an excellent coaching staff."

nothing ever more than that.

I have a friend in the media up there. I talked to him last night. This is common knowledge. So if there was something wrong, believe me, they would have written about it.


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Hoofbite;4235014 said:
If anyone thinks this is as bad as the story is going to get, you better get prepared.

I think it's possible this story gets A LOT worse both in number of victims and the extent to which his actions were brought to the attention of the university.

I agree.. and the first thing that will be on everyone's mind will continue to be the last thing that should be on everyone's mind as more people come forward to tell their grusome story about the evil of Jerry Sandusky..

Why didn't Joe Paterno stop all of this with his mighty sword?


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MC KAos;4235007 said:
anyone know when sandusky will have a trial or what situation is at the moment?

It will likely be months because the 20 children he molested/raped are probably just the beginning. I heard a caller on the radio today make a comment that is very true .. a sick pervert like this didn't just start doing this 15 years ago. That sadly means that 20 number will likely get a lot higher.



Preacher From The Black Lagoon
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Hoofbite;4235011 said:
Because it obviously wasn't enough and he knew it wasn't enough and has admitted as much.

Of course it wasn't. Who the hell said it was? But that doesn't make him the guy who raped these kids. That was Sandusky. Seems like people want to see Joe go down more than the piece of crap who did it.


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MC KAos;4235017 said:
matt millen said the same thing, and i agree with both of you, this is going to get BAD!

This is the type of thing that could cripple that program for a while.

I heard a reporter ask how the reps from the university could go into a parent's home and say with a straight face that they have their kids best intentions in mind when people on campus failed young children to such a horrific extent.


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RoyTheHammer;4235018 said:
You have no idea what you're talking about if you don't think that all of this is weighing on Joe. All of us would have done what he did (i hope), immediately alert our superiors if it happened at our place of business and alert the local police force.

Yet one of the people who lied about the whole thing and clearly tried to cover it up is still employed by the university.. as is the eye witness who actually saw everything and did nothing to stop it or to alert the police.

I don't give a damn how much it is weighing on him 10 years after the fact. I'm sure he feels bad for what happened now. All his sorrow and regret won't help ease the pain of those Sandusky hurt, though.

If someone I know personally tells me that someone is raping kids, I'm going to the police. "Chain of command" be damned. That's one of those things you just don't screw around with.

As for the witness, he should and likely will be fired as well.


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RoyTheHammer;4235018 said:
Yet one of the people who lied about the whole thing and clearly tried to cover it up is still employed by the university.. as is the eye witness who actually saw everything and did nothing to stop it or to alert the police.

That's because the media is more focused on the popular target, not the ones who deserve the focus of media driven hatred. That was my point from the beginning. "Go after the name, who cares about the rest" is the media's philosophy.



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Hoofbite;4235014 said:
If anyone thinks this is as bad as the story is going to get, you better get prepared.

I think it's possible this story gets A LOT worse both in number of victims and the extent to which his actions were brought to the attention of the university.

let me say first, i'm not joking and not comparing the 2 situations, but based on how long this guy has been with the charity, this could resemble the tiger woods thing where every day it seems like someone else steps foward


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Reality;4235028 said:
That's because the media is more focused on the popular target, not the ones who deserve the focus of media driven hatred. That was my point from the beginning. "Go after the name, who cares about the rest" is the media's philosophy.


If you think Paterno will be the last casuality here, you are looking for something to get riled up about. There will be much more that comes of this, and several other positions vacated.


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The30YardSlant;4235026 said:
I don't give a damn how much it is weighing on him 10 years after the fact. I'm sure he feels bad for what happened now. All his sorrow and regret won't help ease the pain of those Sandusky hurt, though.

If someone I know personally tells me that someone is raping kids, I'm going to the police. "Chain of command" be damned. That's one of those things you just don't screw around with.

As for the witness, he should and likely will be fired as well.

I don't know how many more ways i can say this to get you to understand, but Joe went to straight to his superior in the workplace and the head of the local police force with the information he received. Didn't hesitate.

The problem here is some think campus police forces are just rent a cop or something, instead of legitimate departments. They had jurisdiction for a matter that occured on campus though and it should have been handled when the information was told to the head of the campus police Schultz.


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Cajuncowboy;4235024 said:
Of course it wasn't. Who the hell said it was? But that doesn't make him the guy who raped these kids. That was Sandusky. Seems like people want to see Joe go down more than the piece of crap who did it.

Nobody is calling Joe the rapist.

People know Sandusky is going to get his.

Being a pedophile is completely horrific and he'll get his.


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Reality;4235023 said:
It will likely be months because the 20 children he molested/raped are probably just the beginning. I heard a caller on the radio today make a comment that is very true .. a sick pervert like this didn't just start doing this 15 years ago. That sadly means that 20 number will likely get a lot higher.


man, reading that makes me so sad, but its so true! its sickening what people are capable of


Preacher From The Black Lagoon
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The30YardSlant;4235015 said:
There is no middle man when someone you know comes to you and says "I saw a man raping a ten year old boy in the same building we are currently standing in".

First of all, it didn't happen that way. McQueary saw it in the showers. He called Paterno the next day at his house. He went and then talked to paterno. That is when Paterno told the authorities. If you are going to blame him, at least, at bare minimum, get the story right.


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Can't believe some of you are thinking the coach is squeaky clean.
In the mid to late 70's some relatives both at Ohio State and Penn State offered to take me to football games, while I was in their states for different computer schools. I asked both how they could manage that since the games were sold out. Both relatives said they had connections to buy tickets that were allotted to the players. It didn't matter since I was raising a family and couldn't afford them anyway.

But don't try to tell me that either one of those schools was completely legit.


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Reality;4235016 said:
You never listen to sports radio apparently. I don't even care for the man yet I've heard the media the last two years say that Paterno should step down because of his age and I remember commentators saying things like "If he really cared for the university, he would step down" during that same period. Not because of anything bad but just because he's old and the in-thing these days is every team needs a new coach every few years.

The funny thing is I don't like Penn State at all. In fact, I do not like any team located in Pennsylvania in any sport. I have no emotion tied up whether Paterno stays or goes, I just despise the media because the media controls everyone these days by spewing opinions as facts and slanting quotes and comments out of context in order to herd the sheep together to do their bidding.

It's the reality tv generation where society desperately needs to see other people fail in order to feel better about themselves in some way. I believe that people should be proven guilty before convicted and I believe that if people are charged then at that time they should be suspended or fired from whatever it is they do. Punishing people simply at the direction of the media is a dangerous precedent and even worse is the the fact that some people will so blindly follow and vigorously do their bidding is just sad and pathetic.


I see your point Reality, but without being directly involved in the investigation itself, how are you supposed to form an opinion about this other than the facts that have come out so far?:

- Paterno told his superiors about the incident
- Paterno did not follow up about the incident

It's mentioned in this thread just how much power Paterno had at this university. You can't tell me that he could not wave a finger and have the police a) simply log the complaint and keep it hush-hush or b) remove all individuals involved from the university and bring all facts to the table for a full investigation.

And for those of you comparing this to Ohio State, Miami, Auburn, should be ashamed. This is life, not laptops, not cars, not blank checks.


Double Trouble
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Reality;4234845 said:
It's really sad when all day on sports radio and in the media you hear about "Oh Paterno should step down now" or "Paterno should be fired" yet hardly any discussion about the person who witnessed it who not only didn't report it to the police but didn't immediately step in to stop it. Nor was there any discussion about the AD, the president or the board or even worse, the guy who actually committed these horrible acts against those children. No, we get to hear about the 85 year old coach who wasn't involved, never saw anything himself and has been proven guilty by the media and their sheep.

I think the entire board that fired Paterno should be replaced. If you're going to blame everyone in power who could have acted, then they should go as well. They are the ones who hired or signed off on the hires of the people who were either involved or covered it up. If we are truly going to live in a guilty-by-association or guilty-until-proven-innocent society then by all means, let's go all in completely.

Fire everyone including the assistant coaches. Therein lies the rub. You know there are probably one or two assistant coaches that have really been running the team for the last few years that have long been considered possible successors to Paterno so of course they have to protect those guys. If it's a witch hunt the media and fans want, then fire everyone.

I heard about that plenty. Colin Cowherd was all over that, as were Mike & Mike. Cowherd couldn't imagine the asst would be allowed to coach this weekend either.


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The30YardSlant;4235033 said:
If you think Paterno will be the last casuality here, you are looking for something to get riled up about. There will be much more that comes of this, and several other positions vacated.

The fact that he is the first casualty when there are clearly men who enabled Sandusky's actions much more who are still employed by the university just proves reality's point.


Not Old School...Old Testament...
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Hoofbite;4235014 said:
If anyone thinks this is as bad as the story is going to get, you better get prepared.

I think it's possible this story gets A LOT worse both in number of victims and the extent to which his actions were brought to the attention of the university.

I've been saying this all along... if everything is uncovered, this will be the ugliest story in the history of college football...

I wouldn't be surprised if Sandusky offs himself, although I think right now he thinks he can still beat this thing...

Nothing is good about this... he appears to be a disgusting perv and he has cost a lot of people their careers...


Preacher From The Black Lagoon
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Hoofbite;4235036 said:
Nobody is calling Joe the rapist.

People know Sandusky is going to get his.

Being a pedophile is completely horrific and he'll get his.

I'm sure he will. I will say this, the guy that should get his arse handed to him is McQueary. Why he didn't run into the shower when he saw what was happening and beat the living **** out of Sandusky is beyond me. He wasn't the DC anymore at the time so I don't think he would have been concerned with situation. Even so, it shouldn't have mattered.

If there is someone who should be nailed, moreso than Paterno for sure, it's McQueary.


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RoyTheHammer;4235034 said:
I don't know how many more ways i can say this to get you to understand, but Joe went to straight to his superior in the workplace and the head of the local police force with the information he received. Didn't hesitate.

You do realize that Campus Policemen are still employed by the university.

If you're going to use the "chain of command" angle, you have to acknowledge the fact that the chain of command for the Campus Police likely leads to the same place as Joe's chain of command.