Penn State Head Coach Joe Paterno FIRED *SuperMerge*


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These protesting students are like sheep.

They're protesting because it's something to do and that they'll get on TV.


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fan62;4235042 said:
Can't believe some of you are thinking the coach is squeaky clean.
In the mid to late 70's some relatives both at Ohio State and Penn State offered to take me to football games, while I was in their states for different computer schools. I asked both how they could manage that since the games were sold out. Both relatives said they had connections to buy tickets that were allotted to the players. It didn't matter since I was raising a family and couldn't afford them anyway.

But don't try to tell me that either one of those schools was completely legit.


WTH does that have to do with this?


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trickblue;4235048 said:
I've been saying this all along... if everything is uncovered, this will be the ugliest story in the history of college football...

I wouldn't be surprised if Sandusky offs himself, although I think right now he thinks he can still beat this thing...

Nothing is good about this... he appears to be a disgusting perv and he has cost a lot of people their careers...

I'd honestly would be more suprised if he makes it to sentencing


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Cajuncowboy;4235040 said:
First of all, it didn't happen that way. McQueary saw it in the showers. He called Paterno the next day at his house. He went and then talked to paterno. That is when Paterno told the authorities. If you are going to blame him, at least, at bare minimum, get the story right.

Honestly, so many people have such strong opinions with such incomplete information its astounding to me how quick people are to condemn others for turning their back when they had a chance to help others.

I guarentee there isn't one person on this forum or anywhere in the world who had a chance one time to help another person and chose to walk down the other side of the road.


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Cajuncowboy;4235049 said:
I'm sure he will. I will say this, the guy that should get his arse handed to him is McQueary. Why he didn't run into the shower when he saw what was happening and beat the living **** out of Sandusky is beyond me. He wasn't the DC anymore at the time so I don't think he would have been concerned with situation. Even so, it shouldn't have mattered.

If there is someone who should be nailed, moreso than Paterno for sure, it's McQueary.

A old guy with irrefutable reputation "follows chain of command" and he's fine.

A random graduate student does the same and he's some sort of slime ball?


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Reality;4235023 said:
It will likely be months because the 20 children he molested/raped are probably just the beginning. I heard a caller on the radio today make a comment that is very true .. a sick pervert like this didn't just start doing this 15 years ago. That sadly means that 20 number will likely get a lot higher.


People like him have a sickness They will do it until someone stops them, and I gurantee you there are dozens of other victims. It's why I find it so disturbing that predators frequently get relatively short prison terms and get out to do it again one day.


Not Old School...Old Testament...
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Reality;4235028 said:
That's because the media is more focused on the popular target, not the ones who deserve the focus of media driven hatred. That was my point from the beginning. "Go after the name, who cares about the rest" is the media's philosophy.


I agree... JoePa is collateral Damage being moved to the forefront...

The real villain here is Sandusky. The fact that JoePa likely knew and is the face of PSU thrusts him to the forefront...


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Hoofbite;4235050 said:
You do realize that Campus Policemen are still employed by the university.

If you're going to use the "chain of command" angle, you have to acknowledge the fact that the chain of command for the Campus Police likely leads to the same place as Joe's chain of command.

Right. Schultz. Who lied to Paterno. How was Paterno to know he was being lied to?


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Yakuza Rich;4234814 said:
I actually think the best thing PSU could've done was probably cancel the season.

But...they could be sued for that as well. I think it would say that 'we don't accept this and Joe Paterno and the football team is not bigger than the University.'

I think there's some safety issues as well for the Saturday game. Lots of people on both sides, ticked off.

Firing Joe Pa. was finally that major step in the right direction. While firing the AD and such was a step in the right direction, Joe Pa sent more of a message.

They didn't fire the AD he is on administrative leave.


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trickblue;4235048 said:
I've been saying this all along... if everything is uncovered, this will be the ugliest story in the history of college football...

I wouldn't be surprised if Sandusky offs himself, although I think right now he thinks he can still beat this thing...

Nothing is good about this... he appears to be a disgusting perv and he has cost a lot of people their careers...

I certainly hope he doesnt kill himself, I don't want him getting off that easy. I want him to go to prison and get beaten to death. Those guys HATE people who mess with kids.


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Hoofbite;4235050 said:
You do realize that Campus Policemen are still employed by the university.

If you're going to use the "chain of command" angle, you have to acknowledge the fact that the chain of command for the Campus Police likely leads to the same place as Joe's chain of command.

Im just saying he went to his superior and the head of the local police force that had first jurisdiction over it.

I agree he should have taken it further up, but that was his only mistake. Trusting others to do their jobs and take the proper measures.


Preacher From The Black Lagoon
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Hoofbite;4235056 said:
A old guy with irrefutable reputation "follows chain of command" and he's fine.

A random graduate student does the same and he's some sort of slime ball?

Yeah, because he could have PHYSICALLY stopped the rape. Plus, he shoudln't have waited until the next day. If as you say the cops should have been notified right away (And they should have), he failed to do what he was supposed to do. And he was in his mid 20s at the time.

You like to say "If it was your kid..." Well, if my kids were getting raped and an adult saw it and did nothing to intervene to stop it, I would be just as mad at him.


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trickblue;4235058 said:
I agree... JoePa is collateral Damage being moved to the forefront...

The real villain here is Sandusky. The fact that JoePa likely knew and is the face of PSU thrusts him to the forefront...

Knew of one incident.. and reported it to the appropriate people who assured him they would take care of it.

He messed up.. but isn't nearly the villain he's being portrayed to be right now.


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RoyTheHammer;4235045 said:
The fact that he is the first casualty when there are clearly men who enabled Sandusky's actions much more who are still employed by the university just proves reality's point.

Paterno's is the most relevant because it's the middle of football season. They couldnt afford to have him out on the sideline on national TV coaching a football game.


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trickblue;4234918 said:
McQueary deserves criticism... without a doubt...

BUT... look at it from his point of view. He had NO authority at PSU. He was a young man that was putting himself in the position to tarnish one of the most respected coaches in history. He was putting himself in the position to tarnish one of the most respected assistant coaches in history.

It was a no win for him...

Should he have called 911? Yes, but he was disturbed enough to make the initial report...

I'm not excusing him, but I AM trying to see things from a young man's point of view...

Larry, Moe and Curley should be released into the streets for the masses... stupid, stupid selfish ****s...

I am disappointed in Paterno, but as I have said in other posts, I think he went Pontius Pilate on Sandusky and was disgusted with him...

McQueary is guilty of reporting this and not carrying through...

None of these guys are going unscathed...

Just more collateral damage for Sandusky... well done...

McQueary was also in position to end the rape, and he didn't do that. He walked away. He still has a job. The AD still has his job. They both should have been fired tonight too.

Yakuza Rich

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trickblue;4235048 said:
I've been saying this all along... if everything is uncovered, this will be the ugliest story in the history of college football...

I wouldn't be surprised if Sandusky offs himself, although I think right now he thinks he can still beat this thing...

Nothing is good about this... he appears to be a disgusting perv and he has cost a lot of people their careers...

Sandusky used the 2nd Mile to find boys, used Penn State to entice the boys, and then used his house and Penn State facilities to prey on boys.

2nd Mile was established...I believe in 1977.

The 8th victim was around 1995.

Almost 20 years unaccounted for.

Almost 20 have been reported to have come forward. I'm think the real number is more like 50 over the years. Odds are, about 25 will come forward.

This will be the ugliest story in the history of sports.



Preacher From The Black Lagoon
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The30YardSlant;4235065 said:
I certainly hope he doesnt kill himself, I don't want him getting off that easy. I want him to go to prison and get beaten to death. Those guys HATE people who mess with kids.

On this you and I are in total 100% agreement.


Preacher From The Black Lagoon
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RoyTheHammer;4235072 said:
Knew of one incident.. and reported it to the appropriate people who assured him they would take care of it.

He messed up.. but isn't nearly the villain he's being portrayed to be right now.

No, he's not. And the sad part is the ones that are saying he is, don't really believe it themselves. They just like being clanging symbols to make noise or feel they need a cause to trumpet. No one in their right mind would believe it.


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Cajuncowboy;4235053 said:

WTH does that have to do with this?

Paterno was the coach back then, and players were making $$ from Ticket sales.

Texas got sanctioned a couple of years before this and lost scholarships, so those of you who think Paterno ran a perfect (squeaky clean) program can forget it. I know better.
Some are protecting Paterno like he is a Saint. He had cheating at his precious school too!


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Cajuncowboy;4235080 said:
On this you and I are in total 100% agreement.

He is out on bail (which was only 100,000 how sick is that), I see no way he doesn't off himself before this goes to trial.